yeah, i'd buy that.
Yeah, i'd buy that
I wouldn't spend 5k on it but if you have the cash do it, it's beautiful.
Just don't lift it or do stupid shit to it. It deserves better.
Fuck yeah that thing is gorgeous
offer 1k
that's a throw away vehicle
If I get it, I'm going to baby it and keep it mint. I love the color and the interior. I just want a good, small, square truck because they don't make em like this anymore and I need a good vehicle to focus all of my autistic car affection on.
You sound like me. I love the colour too, and if I had the cash I'd get it. Have fun op!
That is the opposite of a throw away vehicle. It's a truck that's been very well taken care of.
this pls dont trash it with rice
>that's a throw away vehicle
wtf are you smoking? that thing is in incredible condition for its age
Offer 4k
Holy fuck that's clean.
Amazing find, defo worth it for the love that's been poured into it.
seriously, its a time capsule. if it was beat it would be half the price, then it would nickle and dime you to fucking death. 5k is the correct price, getting it in the 4's would be awesome.
Holy shit good find OP buy this ASAP
ehh, if i were gonna spend that much money on a small 80's pick up, i'd get a diesel mighty max or a diesel Isuzu faster
beggars can't be choosers.
This a great example to twenty somethings wanting to roll the fenders on their miata or something. Clean and stock fucking sells. On paper this is a 20 yr old obscure truck. But damn after 20 years does she not look pretty!
Buy it and put a big ass lift on it
HOLY SHIT!!! KY Senpai here
for what?
I guess you could body lift it. Really the body lift makes sense in most IFS trucks cause it's the most practical way to gain ground clearance. Body lift to fit the biggest tire you can to gain ground clearance. Otherwise your cranking torsion bars and ĺosing travel or just dropping the diff to try and even axles but spending more money.
>that thing is in incredible condition for its age
yeah, and peter dinklage is really tall for a midget. still not a good basketball prospect.
>old is bad guize
Fuck yeah, nigga. Mazda trucks are the underappreciated top tier of comfy. Just remember to stay on top of eventual rust by getting generous with undercoating. If you do simple preventative maintenance on this, you have a car for life.
what ground clearance is gained with a body lift?
You can clear bigger tires, your ground clearance increases by half of what your tire size increases.
so what, inch at most after spending a grand on tires and pulling your hair out doing a body lift?
truck got around fine for 31 years without that ricer shit.
>up to Lexington, 125
>feel sick and dirty, more dead than alive
No, I bought the extended cab for $4000 with low miles in the 90's