When did it all go wrong for the rust belt region?
When did it all go wrong for the rust belt region?
Invasion by white settlers and trappers.
Home sweet home
Automation, foreign competition, and deindustrialization.
Also, niggers.
More precisely, black people leaving the south in search of a better life and realizing that the north is only marginally less shit, and all the opportunities started drying up as soon as they got there.
Unions took too much and environmental regs. So cost of operations became too great and they moved business.
>More precisely, black people leaving the south in search of a better life and realizing that the north is only marginally less shit, and all the opportunities started drying up as soon as they got there.
Kill yourself /pol/.
Is there something in my post that was incorrect?
The industrial centers of the north experienced a substantial influx of southern blacks in the generations before the civil rights movement, and these communities frequently suffered total breakdown as a result of economic and social pressures in the generation after 1963.
Blame lead poisoning, the sexual revolution, and the war on drugs.
so that's where all the damn yankee's came from.
wanna change everthing to the way it was done where they came from too, wrong answer.
Kek. You can't even spell Reagan retard.
You'd probably agree with that user if he called them "African-Americans" instead of niggers, because it's an objective fact that deindustrialization has had a terrible effect on the black descendants of the great northern migration.
looks like their mistake was keeping the south in the Union.
Fuck you piece of shit. You're the ones responsible for bringing niggers to America. The south is like a whore that has contaminated and damaged the rest of America. All the thugs in our inner cities came from the south.
You say as your literacy rate is that of a third worlder
Are you insinuating that the blacks came north and took our jobs? Take your stupid opinions and share them with /pol/
So you're trying to say blacks came north and somehow ruined the economy?
Yeah, if it's like you describe it, you'd fit in real nicely down there.
And just who do you think makes the dosh in this country?
>The city of Buffalo has half the population as when my parents lived there
Is this what it was like during the later days of Rome after Pax Romana? People fleeing the cities and moving to the countryside/suburbs.
Not even close to what I meant. Try taking a few years of remedial English to learn some reading comprehension.
That's literally what happened though. Rural Blacks from the South came up north to work in urban industrial centers.
Jesus Christ man, this is literally "Rust Belt 101".
t. Michigander
I quoted the wrong post, I meant
Ouch you so smart.
So you disagree with
So blacks took all the jobs?
That explains why they have a lower unemployment rate.
Just tell me what you're asserting instead of being a condescending ass. I am so sorry and so retarded that I may have mixed up posts. Please enlighten me oh wise one.
If you're not interested in talking about the subject then why are you here?
More like job outsourcing and factory closures, moron.
Someone, maybe you, is saying that blacks migrated north and took all the jobs, thus hurting the economy of the rust belt. Or maybe they're saying they brought degenerate culture, and that's why the rust belt is fucked.
And I am talking about the posts I the thread. Maybe you should take some remedial English classes.
This, the pol/acks blaming black labor for the demise of the rust belt have zero economic understanding of the situation.
Except costs stayed stagnant during the outsourcing in the 80's-90's...
Not him but this is how I see blacks playing a role in the decline of the rust belt. Ecspecially after the war, World War 2, more Blacks would've migrated north. When the Civil rights era comes around that when everything goes to shit. All the stuff like the Detroit race riots would've destroyed social cohesion in the northern cities and that in turn lead to white flight away from cities like Chicago and Detroit. Then blacks after didn't take up the positions or jobs that white people had.
To all the pol/acks. The economy of the rust belt was decimated by automation, foreign competition, ousourcing and factory closures.
Not "niggers"
>MUH degeneracy
I didn't say anything about degeneracy. I only mentioned social cohesion in regards to black southerners chimping out and causing rifts in society.
>That explains why they have a lower unemployment rate.
10 people and 10 jobs. Unemployment close to 0%.
Or 20 people and 10 jobs. Unemployment at least 50%
Guess which situation is better for the worker.
Cities in the rust Belt got BTFO by blacks moving in. That is fact.
The fact you say chimp out pretty much outs you as a pol/ack. I'll say it again
To all the pol/acks. The economy of the rust belt was decimated by automation, foreign competition, ousourcing and factory closures.
Not "niggers" taking jobs. You realize how underemployed they were/are. On top of it, they compromised a small portion of the population. You can blame blacks, or the factories going overseas, automation, and FACTORY CLOSURES. They couldn't take jobs that didn't exist.
And yes more labor makes labor less valuable. Thank you Keyes. Again, this was more about automation, factory outsourcing/closures. Black people looking for work was not the death knell. If anything that helped the corporate side, by making labor cheaper and more available. Still they switched to automation and foreign labor. That is not black peoples fault. I'm sure they are sorry for existing and looking for work though.
>MUH degeneracy.
Hey you got some evidence with that fact
That's a rather arbitrary and bias way of thinking. If anything I just pulled it from Urban Dicionary.
>Used to describe the bad behavior of black people, especially when they behave like animals.
Looting stores, causing fires and chasing after people in mops is pretty animalistic.
Nobody blamed blacks for the economic demise of the rust belt, you illiterate shithead.
Please, just go back to wherever it is you came from.
Ok... I'm sorry I insulted you. I shouldn't be so cruel and assume you're a pol/tard
But chimp out... Only ever heard that used to describe black people. Oh wait your definition includes that. Shit, comparing black people to monkeys might be a little racist. For being on a history board you are pretty ignorant of race relations in the US. Black people don't like being generalized and called chimps is what I'm trying to tell you.
I'm sure you hate when they burn down their neighborhood in frustration. I can get that. But I bet you are also pissed at that QB on the 49ers won't stand for the anthem.
I'm sure anything they do to bring light to a criminal criminal justice system pisses you off. I'm not at all condoning destruction, but I bet no matter how they make a political point you're critical
But Pittsburgh and Cleveland have made great reformations, and are now some of the nicest cities in the nation.
Not him but he literally said foreign competition in the first sentence of his post. And he is correct about the migration from other states, while the jobs were drying up it didn't help that more people kept arriving
Wow ok
I'd blame cognitive dissonance. But you need a brain for that. Seriously how/why did you post that, when mountains of evidence against your stupid statement was only a mouse wheel up.
Holy shit that was amazing. Thanks for the laughs. I'm sorry you're too stupid to understand youre too stupid to participate in basic discourse.
You're being immature. You're calling people who offer a differing opinion names and titles which only you see as meaningful. At most I only lurk on /pol/.
Also using the term "chimpout" shouldn't have automatic associations with blacks. Calling someone a monkey isn't a racial slur that only blacks can be called. Irish were commonly called monkeys under British rule. Also chimping out refers to when a person or group of people do something that is illogical and is more kin to a chimpanzees behaviors then a human. An example of this is in early 20th New Orleans where multiple Italian men were lynched.
Although I do find it stupid that a man who makes millions off the system says that the system is racist and goes against people like him.
That's true, but black migration was not the cause. More labor, especially black labor, would be good for industries. They still moved toward automation and outsourcing.
A black guy looking for work is not the problem. Meanwhile on /pol/ they're bitching how they won't go get jobs.
>economic decline
You're an illiterate shitstain. Every single one of those posts is talking about social decline. Not economic decline. Every single one. This isn't up for debate. You're wrong.
>The world is Veeky Forums and Veeky Forums is the world
I swear to god people like you are fucking stupid. They take everything they see or even just think regarding Veeky Forums and now it's fact to them.
Sorry I hurt your feelings. I assume someone intelligent would know chimp is a racially charged term. That's undebatable and you even sent me the definition.
Way to just use the age card to ignore the issue at hand. Sorry my immaturity gets to you. Chimp out is used as derogatory term against blacks. You defending it makes me assume you're a moron. I guess that's immature
How do you feel about Colin kapernick btw?
I bet you think darkie is a calling sign used exclusively to rally forth the klansmen and have a lynch mob.
It all went wrong when steel went away, this much is obvious.
I live in Pittsburgh however, and universities put this city on its back and carried it out of the pit and into the 21st century.
The rest of PA is still somewhat depressed I'd say, but pittsburgh is doing great.
Uhhhh ok... You dense dumb mother fucker. You clearly didn't read all those posts
Best of all it's irrelevant. My point is black people did not ruin the rust belt. I focused on economics to give you pol/acks a break. But if you wanna switch to blacks ruined the rust belt cause of MUH degeneracy, that's fine. Only makes this easier and you all look the more foolish. And apparently you speak for all the storm fags.
Check those posts again. But it's funny you're so incredibly brain dead that you think it's game set match because you think all 10 posts were focused on black culture. Maybe you're right, the average pol/ack can't understand economics. Although one discussed supply and demand of labor. Apparently you read what you want to read. Let's assume it's all about black culture destroying the Midwest though.
If that's the case it only makes you look all the more ignorant, and I'm shocked that's the position you'd want to take.
Educate me on the rust belt since you are so smart and sure for yourself
I bet it's
>MUH degeneracy
We're on a message board discussing each other's ideas (mostly opinions pulled from ass)
I'm not sure why you think it's weird I'm addressing the posts.
You're going to have to eleaborate on your eloquent thoughtful post
Tell you what, if you live in a city with a decent black population, go downtown and call one a darkie. Tell us how it pans out. I bet you get free drugs.
You really don't understand what a slur is, do you?
Tell me what you think of him not standing for the anthem. Oh pretty please.
what happened with Detroit senpai?
>boy I sure do hate niggers
>what do you mean you want to succeed?
>god damn it you fugging audists keeping the niggers in our country!!!11 xddd
We need to make them taste poverty and economic despair before assimilating their children to the southern way of life friendo.
General Motors. It's a lot of the same, automation, but by far outsourcing production is the big one. When the biggest game in town leaves you end up with a gutted city. A history of incompetent local government didn't help.
holy fuck yankees btfo
Automation, outsourcing, Unions.
>so shaken and triggered by the word "nigger" all you can do is utter a misspelled "Reagan"
don't think i've ever witnessed this amount of anal devastation in my life.
When you moved your production to China.
No, because in this case they're not fleeing to the countryside, they're entering suburbs that allow them to both pretend black people don't exist, and to not pay city taxes while still using all the services that city taxes pay for. The collapse of the Western Roman Empire was people trying to get away from the Urban world. Here they still want to live essentially urban lives but avoid any responsibility that that entails.
/pol/ exists as a containment board for a reason, go back to your echo chamber
Utter shithole.
t. Columbus
Say it to my face nigger not online and see what happens
Fuck yourself outta here pol/ack
Buffalo is more Michigan than New York.
T. Actual New Yorker
Buffalo is more like smaller Cleveland.
>muh liberal finger-pointing!
>implying 'free trade' isn't responsible for the majority of job losses.
>proud of light industrial jobs that are literally comprised of machinery moved from the north, paid sub-Chinese wages, no benefits, no job security, just a matter of time until the jobs are moved to Mexico and China
Wouldn't gloat too much, bro.
>'free trade' isn't responsible for the majority of job losses
They're frankly both responsible. Unions made labor too expensive in the US and free trade allowed the megacorps to outsource to third world shitholes.
Literally put al their eggs in one basket, while never planning for the future, assuming Papa Ford would always pay for shit. Textbook example of how not to run a city.
Well, blacks aren't responsible for the jobs leaving. The blacks however are responsible for the horrid period of insane crime and urban blight that followed.
There are definitely problems with the ways unions are run, especially today, but they were (originally) an organic movement by the workers to improve their lives, mostly in simple ways like a minimum wage, set hours of work, Sundays off, pensions, and not being arbitrarily fired, etc.. It's pretty cold to blame them for wanting to better their situations.
"Too expensive" is relative. It was only 'too expensive' when globalized capital realized it could fund the building of factories in the 'developing' world and pay workers a pittance of western costs. This is again really more of a development from the corporate side.
Ever since the 1920s the unions are nothing but a front for the mob and corrupt politicians.
>citation required
Yes, those are the neo-con buzz words all right. Unions weren't any more corrupt than police forces, city councils, and the electoral process in general. You're not going to find a lot of New Jersey goombahs calling the shots to a factory's union rep in 1930s Minnesota.
I'm a traditional conservative. Neocons are all former leftists / trotskyists and they're the one pushing for free trade horseshit.
Kys Afro