okey lads how do we stop eurocentrism
Okey lads how do we stop eurocentrism
We discuss history without a biased view
Islam is a cancer and muslims are pedophile worshipping sub-humans
>Waaah why do the descendants of Europeans care about Europes History!!
>The image.
Nothing hypocritical about it, all other peoples have the same reaction to their land being taken away. You want to reconquer lost territory no?
Your question has no base to stand on.
>all other peoples have the same reaction to their land being taken away
Pretty much.
We stagnate and let the rest of the world catch up.
Euros have every right to be proud of their continent. They are unmatched in art, science, literature, history, philosophy,...
They literally civilised the world
Why not ask how we stop centerism across the globe? Europeans are not the only ones doing it.
>You want to reconquer lost territory no
>implying the majority of people that whine about Istanbul are greek
>Implying they dont see the reconquest as a European Christian one one and not a Byzantine-greek one
Have you seen the people who want to reclaim it? Do they look like the descendants of orthodox byzantines?
>cultural christianity
Go away, kid
We don't
No we don't, a few Europeans did that, not us.
a few cultures did that*
Lol u butthurt
>People believe in something
>I say they believe in it
>Hurr durr you're saying you believe in what they do
I said that's what they view it as. Not what i think or believe. Fuck off
>Nooo we can't be proud of our forefathers achievements!
>btw you should feel ashamed for slavery and colonialism
Where did he make the second point
>projecting this hard
I personally think it is justified given that the ME is a complete shit hole. I have no real problem with us invading them, conquering them, and only using them to prop up the wealth of the Western world.
Do cumskin seriously believes this? The first civilization literally came from the middle east
>x region is a shithole
>we should invade them
elaborate pls
Yeah, and the first humans came from Africa.
That's why we dig for fossils in Africa, tablets in Mesopotamia, and actual relevant political history in Europe.
Their society is a shithole, but they have resources we can use. How is this difficult to understand?
It would be better for them in the long run just like how Roman conquests ended up helping the people they conquered.
I don't get how modern people have forgotten this.
>for whatever reason, government is incapable of providing public services
>foreign powers take over
>foreign powers have an incentive to provide public services, so they can get more stuff out of their investment
>both sides benefit
It's as old as time.
Why are Europeans the only ones who complain about Eurocentrism? Everyone else doesn't care and they think their the best
We can't stop eurocentrism, after all most people on Veeky Forums have yuro ancestry and european history is probably the best recorded.
The real question is how do we stop stormfags from ruining every non-european non-us history thread. Literally every time someone mentions african/american/asian/abo history stormfags arrive and start posting shit like "WE", "yeah but yuro x was superior", "le irrelevant xdd". I want to learn more about those places, not compare them to europe to feel myself "superior".
It's possible to respect both.
There's also a difference between martial prowess and migration.
>we are Europeans
>we are happy when European conquer
>we are unhappy when non-Europeans conquer
I don't see the problem here.
Fuck off shitskin.
If white people are so evil go back living in your mud hut. European history IS superior. GET THE FUCK OVER IT
>abo history
That's not a real thing.
Where did I imply anything you said in your post? You just completely missed the pont
>abo history
Agreed, I love myself a bit of abo history. Stormfags please fuck off
eurocentrism does not mean predominately talking about european history, eurocentrism is a bias from the european perspective, for instance conflating the shogun and his daimyo with kings and lords
If you want to discuss non European history then go somewhere else. Veeky Forums is a /pol/ colony. Don't want to here about the uncomfortable truth that Europeans are superior? Leave.
/pol/ is a containment board. Veeky Forums is not /pol/, its written on the sticky. Leave
Know your place non white. You're speaking to a white man.
then we can't really talk only about eurocentrism because other cultures also operate primarily from their own perspective
its just human nature to first seek an easy equivalent and work out the details later
you dont and vote for shillary those thurd worlders only deserve war and destruction.
C'est toi Bilel?
>made up bullshit about Abos
ye ok.
/pol/ is an embarrassing badge to wear on Veeky Forums
so if you took say 30 people and had them live because you know, the great people of history succeeded by pulling their achievements out of their ass right? it's not like they had the assistance and luxury of a society built by other europeans, who apparently were fucking doing nothing.
i agree that some polacks can be too reactionary. once they feel that whites aren't under attack the discussion will be different. pre-1950s whites still held other civilizations in high regard even though they were quite racist.
It's inherently an eurocentric thought, we think we're better than everyone else so we should be bothered by it.
>I don't like therefore it isn't true
We live in an European world.
And I say this as a Sudaca.
It's really not superior though.
One and the same. All of Veeky Forums is varying levels of /pol/
Yes, even /mlp/
Don't try to troll the troll, dummy.
>t butthurt abo
>i read it on the internet! It must be true because it supports my political agenda!
which leads to """eurocentrism"""
If there were alien history available, and one alien kingdom has a long history recorded with advanced technology and different kinds of outburts in religion/economy etc, while the other is a planet full of walking sticks, which do you think we would discuss about here?
that's the difference between europe, & eastern asia vs the rest of the world
Walking sticks, because we'd be discussing xenoarchaeology instead of being slaughtered or enslaved by our alien overlords.
>he said, through a multitude of European inventions
>No way people that sleep on roads and huff petrol like there's no tomorrow would stoop that low!
We apply the same rigour to the study of history and archeology in the rest of the world that has been applied in Europe, and attempt to analyze these events in an impartial manner through the standard processes of historical discussion.
Naturally, this is something of an uphill battle, as people will want to examine and discuss events and places prominent in their collective minds, which means events already discussed and places close at hand.
Yea! Way more civilized to inject that shit into your veins, and sleeping on roads is ok when east Asians do it!
You stop thinking of European history as "your" history. You weren't there. Chances are, your parents weren't there. You have no personal stake in that history besides whatever you make up to make your feefees more palatable.
Just like politics, history isn't a sports match. You don't have a "team."
>Way more civilized to inject that shit into your veins
Well proportionally a lot more abos huff petrol than whitey injects heroin
>sleeping on roads is ok when east Asians do it
>implying I ever said this
Are all abos this stupid?
Not for you to say
I agree wiht you but i would say that in politics you sure can have a team
We are Europeans, so eurocentrism is justified, like arabocentrism is justified in MENA. Though arabocentrism among Europeans is pathetic, it comes from some socialists who have a superiority towards non-white people and treat them like children, so they go to their side, like someone would take the defense of a child.
Don't be jealous.
Whatever group you're from, I'm sure they also did some nice things.
No, I wasn't there but the group that did those achievements is the same group I'm part of. Me , but also all others around me, are descendands of them, which allows us to be proud of it.
Can you not be proud when your child did great in class? Can you not be proud when your father got a promotion or something?
It is our history, the history of our people.
Though I'm not European but North African
But the idea is the same, only of a different group
It's about culture, not people
Certain cultures gives ability for greatness, while others don't, which is why there are no great inventions from the andaman islands or SSA, their cultures are trash
Why do assblasted Chinks and Turks constantly complain about eurocentrism on this board?
Most of us are Europeans or descendants of Europeans (US, Canada, Australia etc). Of course we are fucking eurocentric.
>okey lads how do we stop eurocentrism
You cuck them. Fuck their wives an sheet mang
I mean unironically, because the best historians come out of Europe or land colonized by Europeans.
Africa is too poor
Asia is too proud and racist
And South America too crime riddled
That leaves Anerica and Europe as the two big historian producers who will by large give you a truthful rendition of history. Mostly. Bias and political goals can still come about of course.
And these historians, being largely the most truthful, will also on average be most interested in their culture and how it developed and neighboring states and what their grandparents saw and all that. Sure they may be interested in other things too, but largely Europeans will be concerned with European affairs. Americans will be largely concerned with American affairs. The same is true for everywhere else. Except they don't produce many top tier historians.
Why do retards believe that "Eurocentrism" is threating all other continents like trash and believing that only Europe was civilized ?
It's an objective fact that lots of great civilizations emerged in the middle east, in asia, in the Americas, less so in Africa, etc.
But it is also an objective fact that Europe made the most progress in every sector (military, human rights , political systems) overall. Greeks and Romans were the greatest civilizations of the Ancient world, then Europeans had a dry spell until the 1500s, and then they became dominant again.
Humans have progressed these last 300 years exponentially more than in all of the previous centuries combined, and this change was facilitated by Europe first and foremost.
Only Europeans would ever agree with criticism of Eurocentrism, this is unparalleled among other *centrisms.
Eurocentrism is therefore the least of our problems.
you are free to open up threads about whatever history you like, don't pretend a lot of people should care much though, it's also a matter of time, those who can't dedicate lots of time to history are going to spend the time they have studying their forefathers history first before moving to others I guess
There is nothing wrong with people being proud of their culture's achievements but the retarded /pol/ faggots on Veeky Forums ruin every thread that's not about european history.
>Greeks and Romans were the greatest civilizations of the Ancient world
I am sure you have proofs of that.
>measuring change via surds
Sorry, why do you think that image presents some sort of contradiction? I want my own people to succeed and my enemies to die. Where is the contradiction? I don't understand
I'm a cultural Christian. I don't practice but I appreciate Christianity as the religion of my grandparents, of my ancestors. Without Christianity I wouldn't exist.
Roman win by destroying every competitor.
Shitskin TKO'ed in round one
Those Europeans are my ancestors. I am descended from the cultures that achieved those things. Therefore I am proud, proud to have had such great ancestors, proud to be born of such heritage.
Go fuck yourself.
>implying you weren't some poor farmer's or chimney cleaner's descendant
>destroy Rome
>take credit for Roman achievements and knowledge
>destroy Constantinople
>take credit for Greek achievements and knowledge
Stormfaggots are historically illiterate. Before the Romans, Germanics were warring tribes that had no progress in any area and they didn't even have an independently-developed written language (even Africans had this; see Nsibidi). Romans were benevolent enough to give their culture, commerce, and infrastructure to the Germanics and what did they do in return? They destroyed it all, and then went to Rome and destroyed it.
Anything done by the Germanics is thanks to Greek and Roman knowledge, often times being brought to Germanics by Muslims since Germanics literally destroyed Greek and Roman documents.
>destabilize an entire a region by providing arms and fundings to Wahhabi radicals
>bitch when your country gets attacked by Wahhabi radicals
Westerners are whiny girls with no sense of responsibility. You deserve everything that's happening to you.
>talking about euros
>he spergs out about germanics
Was it autism?
>everything is whitey's fault, arabs are retards who can't control their actions
Most western european countries actually did this. They take creedit for a lot of knowledge of other cultures.
Maybe I am. But if so, then they obviously procreated successfully and ended up with an educated, middle-class progeny (my immediate ancestors of the last few generations)
>being this assblasted that the superior Germans defeated other cultures and took the spoils for themselves
Do you even into history?
What the fuck is wrong with you?