Comment "we frame banging, cameron" or bad luck

comment "we frame banging, cameron" or bad luck

we frame banging, cameron

Better be safe

You guys know what I always wondered about? You know how in stanced cars the tire patch is smaller right? How much weight is actually reply to this or your car will never start again?

we frame banging, cameron

Maybe it's because I just smoked a joint but it took me a good 20 seconds to be sure it wasn't a fd and I daily a hardtop NA.

Veeky Forums is not your personal army.


I saw that car. He smashed his oil pan on a road reflector on the freeway. Didn't know he was such a punk though

Oh you little fuck
>bitch ass nigga who ain't even got a car to be proud of
Does he think that atrocity is something to be proud of?

>Drives a beat to shit miata with nigger bodykit and wheels
>Types like a butthurt nigger
we wuz built not bought jdm tyte an sheeit! yall haterz jelly yolo vape swag muh dick mafugga
Someone please kill this man.

Are the faggets at Auto shitposting actually Veeky Forumstists or do they just come by occasionally to steal our memes?

we frame banging, cameron

good thing I dont have a car :^)

Holy shit Xavier Wulf / hollowsquad sticker lmao

but i have a trucc

we frame bangin, cameron

I hate you.

Jokes on you, my car stopped starting yesterday

we frame banging, cameron

I lost the game

>The only one of these chains that I will actually reply to.


ahaha "drift car"

Someone is super fucking mad right now.

eat a dick

ka no sr u bitch

we frame banging, cameron

shows how well regarded that "motorsport" really is

Fuck you

we frame banging, cameron


you're an idiot

that turned out well for them id imagine

we frame banging, cameron

it's so fucking cringey when autists try to take their memes to other social media sites like twitter/IG/facebook

we frame banging, cameron

we frame banging, cameron

We frame banging, cameron

jokes on you, my car wouldn't start even if I wanted it to.

we frame banging, cameron

Staph my parts aren't in yet!!!


fuck you

how to they even tow that heap of shit?

You douche but we frame banging, cameron.



>Drift car

we frame banging, cameron

That's why the cops put it in quotes, they were laughing at him for thinking his busted miat is a drift car.

Auto shitposting lol
Awful page ran by salty fag kids from the Facebook o group

fuck you m8

fuck you

Jokes on you buddy I fly in my personal jetpack :^)

shit looks like we frame banging cameron

I liek u

>drive a 90s vw
fuck you

we frame banging, cameron

we frame banging, cameron


