Seriously, how is this car faster than the first gen r35 gtr, e46 m3 csl, 997 turbo, c5 z06, lp 560 gallardo...

Seriously, how is this car faster than the first gen r35 gtr, e46 m3 csl, 997 turbo, c5 z06, lp 560 gallardo, ferrari f340?
I don't mean to bait with >fwd but a damn hatchback civic is faster than decade old supercars? I get that it's the most hardcore version and the ride is stiff as all hell but there's gotta be some more magic to this. Can anyone explain this?

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Technology son.

Yah but what exactly? In what objective ways? Certain suspension bits or what

>'pre production' model definitely not on moderns slicks :^)

And still slower than a golf clubsport s

>slower than a golf clubsport s
Maybe. But I can guarantee you the Honda will spend less time in the repair shop. Shitswagen is falling apart the moment it leaves the dealership.

>muh reliability

Whatever slowfag

When the ford Focus ST came out it was faster than a Ferrari 355.

Is it time to end the >lol fwd joke now?

Enjoy your sky high repair costs and crippling debt.

Whatever makes you feel better

R&D son.

the same reason the 120hp 205 GTI would rape any porsche, ferrari or lambo back in the days.


Slapping a big engine on "muh RWD" doesn't make a car good. Wish Americuck would finally get it...

explain the acr, z06, and zl1?

And the GT350, and the GT, and pretty much all of Factory Five's lineup...

torqe vectoring
kind of like all the bs prodive does

Americans do get it. Corvettes have always had fantastic chassis.

>faster than M3 CSL
No, your brand new honda shitbox is not faster than a bmw based on a 20 year old chassis.


Pretty simple. Fit a faster driver.

>barely beat an e46 on your favorite go kart bench racing track

>he enjoys riding the bus while his vw is always in the shop

All I get from this is that the e46 is better in literally every category but one, and the gap is small enough that you could blame it on hundreds of variables. How is this supposed to prove the honda is faster?

slower than an r33 gtr on modern rubber
no way in hell is it faster than an r35 gtr, or 997 turbo or an lp560

>bbbut these nurburgring times of random amateur drivers trying to dodge traffic!

the honda is not faster, that was my point

>Is it time to end the >lol fwd joke now?

No. Have you ever driven a focus st? They are very underwhelming. Don't forget about the torque vectoring.

Can fwd be fast? Sure. Is fwd on the same level as awd/rwd? No

>muh Ferd
>muh Honda
>muh stripped down limited veedub

Europoor go to bed. America is up now

love it but the golf clubsport is better

tfw no non-edgy civic

It's just a bit too high and narrow, especially when you see one from the rear IRL

The Type-R should have had the slightly wider track and fenders of the TCR car imho

>No. Have you ever driven a focus st? They are very underwhelming

So I guess the ferrari 355 must be even more underwhelming.

What if I told you there was more to driving than just lap times?

I'm sorry you bought a focus st user. I wish I could turn back time for you


says the person who hasn't hit a race track once in his life yet delusionally thinks he can match even within 5 seconds of his car's posted lap time

I mean I'm not that guy you were talking to, but within my first 6 runs on willow I was getting within milliseconds of pro drivers in my same car.

I grew up karting tho

are the factory 5's that good? I have a raging hard-on for the Daytona coupe

This. Current Si Civics already go to far, but bearable. Paying $40,000 to look like a clown is a bit too much.

Because it's equipped with God's drivetrain (FWD). While you autistic benchracers were talking shit, Honda beat your favorite cars to Burger King. EASILY.

>b-b-b-but Veeky Forums said rwd is for racers! That's why I got a miata!
wew lad

>can't even beat a 1990 BMW E36

>Wish Americuck would finally get it...
we did. We made a god-tier FWD chassis that held records at the nurburgring for a while. It's only a 260 HP 2.0L.

ACR is downforce and chassis set up that does not give a duck about comfort.

factory 5's are great. They even have their own one make racing series. Speaking of their Type 65 Coupe (their daytona replica kit), they JUST introduced and all new generation of them with an all new chassis. I get their E-newsletters for info on the 818.

Also 10-15k euroshekels more expensive.

But the nipp prefer the megane
And it's faster on the touge while looking better

u wot m8

The R33 GT-R stock would only make 330 horsepower if you set it to 1 bar of boost. You need more as well as a lot of the changes from the R34 to do much better than the ~8:00 it set at launch.