World of Warcraft general - /wowg/
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8 posts too early.
dead game
Second post reminding you to report all anime posters, as avataring is against the rules
B-but user-kun...
Need this info for science
What addons let you see/transmit your location on your map to your friends or guildies (or people in general)?
leave ur fucking guild already
fuck off tranny
>Need to recruit one melee dps for raiding team
>Log in to check something before bed
>Meet guild less demon hunter on a bridge in stormwind
>Has head leg and ring leg
>He joins the guild
Sometimes things just work out
>add random btag from wowg
>get this a few days later
what did she mean by this?
There is really something deeply wrong with her...
there is something deeply wrong with every tranny
Lynris is not a tranny, she's a real girl she is just seriously mentally ill
threadly reminder that gruxx is the 『TUSK LORD』
>she is just seriously mentally ill
Upgrading obliterum forge so that you can reroll a legendary to another one entirely at random at the cost of 200 bloods and 4 obliterum when?
lul the kraut samefagging again
but she said girl??
I want to breed a blood elf.
bretty good idea actually, but blizzard doesn't like those
it'd be something they'd put in in like 7.3 because fuck you that's why.
Make a blood elf a mom elf.
>just trying to do some wqs on alt
>shitgear, not even 3 relic slots, no traits
>it's fucking 5am and a mythicgeared retard has nothing better to do than to keep camping me
daily reminder that pvp realms are a meme and you shouldn't roll on them unless you absolutely plan to do mindless ganking yourself - because otherwise you'll just be on the receiving end. there is no "fair" world pvp
You wanna fucking go kid?
I like Tauren females in the World of Warcraft
I want to breed a fem panda
Just read that screenshot... She is obsessed with people talking down to her and "bullying her." Most people aren't like that. Like she literally gets off on people treating her like shit.
And before you say "women hur dur," most women are not like that. Ones with crazy mental illness/daddy issues are.
Haha this thread makes me really nervous please stop it
>no witch doctor class
nice game
just keep grinding maw of souls senpai
Can you fuck off, you thirsty fucker? Every time a girl posts a vocaroo you reply with some creepy shit like that. Obviously, not a single one of them replies to you, but you keep doing it. Don't you fucking get it? They're don't want anything to do with you, you're below them. STOP fucking replying to them.
>Tauren females
>in the World of Warcraft
I'm sorry to tell you, but those Tauren females are not from the World of Warcraft
Tauren females from the World of Warcraft are fugly hunchbacks
>Tauren females from the World of Warcraft are fugly hunchbacks
i like their models though
also they only look "hunchback" cause blizzard gave them a vertical body and a horizontal neck
>tfw top guild of your server tries to reclute u
But fampai only one legendary out of eight for my main spec is even any good and I want to at least get one legendary for my tank gear at some point.
>tfw you get rejected because recruit isn't spelled with an "l"
>american education
maybe he is japanese you fucking racist
>fucking everything that isnt arcane mage
>tfw you get poached by a top 10k SA guild
I made it, guys!!
that's what, 5/7 heroic?
>ywn be in a top 1000 guild
>tfw actually mexican
>be herb / alchemist
>cost of herbs is way higher than the cost of flasks and potions
>no reason whatsoever to turn in 40 potions to be able to make flasks at a massive loss
Whoa is that the most POWERFUL shaman in the world?
>tfw can't record dank vocaroos because someone might hear
whose this qt?
Kandace you fucking memer knock it off
Not me t b h
haha git gud scrub noob
Man, this game is dead. I'm going back to Nostalr**s.
have you guys ever taken a step back and just thought to yourselves "wow i am fucking cancer. how did i become the enormous faggot that i am?"
why question something im proud of being? check mate looser
I've been shitposting since 2006, so "No".
where'd your (You) go?
Which server does she play? I don't even remember where she used to play, was it Wyrmrest Accord..?
Just got Legion, ended up using my boost on a shaman. But, what's the best way to level and grind quests? I was planning on going Resto, but should I just do the quest as Elem/Ench, and pick Resto up later on?
If I'm not going for Surrender to Madness, which one of the other talents should i choose? Legacy of the void or Mind Spike? does triggering void erruption 30 insanity earlier really matter? IS the dps from mind spike that arbitrary? I wouldn't mind not casting Mind flay, its not as cool as it was back in LK
Yes, level as one of the DPS specs and then switch to Resto.
you're going for surrender to madness
Being a DK feels bad. Should I KMS myself?
even if im just doing mythics?
>wasting the boost on a fucking shaman
>I was planning on going Resto
please.... gf....
Do tell me more.
mind spike is a DPS loss in most circumstances. i guess you might as well just go legacy of the void for mythics but it's a garbage talent too. surrender to madness is the only really viable talent from that tier
He's memeing, it's all good bruv.
Questing as resto can be a pain in the ass but it's not impossible, just slow.
He's being retarded, there's nothing wrong with Resto
resto was supposed to be a top-tier healer this xpac. turns out it's just a notch above disc without the extra damage. it's a garbage spec
resto is garbage, you fucked up
i want to fuck a panda