Redpill me on the Buick Regal...

Redpill me on the Buick Regal. I'm looking for a new DD under 25k and am seeing CPO 2015 Buick Regal GS (top trim) by me with under 5k miles in this price range. These were originally 35-40k cars when they first came out. They seem to have decent features and are slightly upscale cars. I am also seeing that Buick scores near the top in reliability. Any reason why these cars depreciated so fast? It seems like a great value to me, is there something I am not seeing?

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Shut up and buy a Civic faggot

This fucking rancid meme is so stale


> Any reason why these cars depreciated so fast?

Because no one wants them.

>calls meme rancid
>proceeds to use cancerous meme


They are not reliable, they are american garbage that only tasteless chinks buy.

It's the perfect fit for you, OP.

They depreciate so fast because
1.Not a lot of people bought them
2.They're a GM product
3. Traditionally Buick's, outside of the GNX, never really hold their value because of point 2

They're German though.

I like them, but they were priced shortly for their target audience who would rather have spent the money on something else like a Lexus or Infiniti

It's decent as far as I know. Dad used to have one, only problems arose from the Euro exclusive turbodiesel engine. I remember the seats to be a little uncomfortable though. I simply couldn't find a seat position where I wouldn't develop back pain and start shuffling around after an hour. Not an issue in my own car or my dad's current Volvo.

They're endlessly reliable, and decently fun to drive. The come in manual, and are rebadged Opel Insignia's.
>Any reason why they depreciate so fast?
No one wants them. Genuinely good car, but people are stuck on the 'buicks are for old people' meme.

They are third in reliability surveys.

Great car, just a smidge too small for me to put in the final running between a 2015 Avalon and 2015 Impala. By too small I mean the rear seat space, otherwise it's a pretty fun and dynamic car. Much more so than FWD bias would allow you to think possible, anyway.

Top marks for that interior iirc

Oh look, another retard who believes JD Power meme reports.

>320 hp
Do Americans feel like they're missing out?

Speaking for GM's 2.0 turbo direct injection engines of which I have a fair amount of personal experience they are about the most durable 4 bangers imaginable and spin up pretty fucking quick. I don't know much about Buick beyond that.

>agreed about JD surveys being pretty much worthless

That is fucking beautiful.

I prefer this over those new shit passat and volvo wagons a thousand times over.

Go back to whatever normalfag forum spawned you.

Is 25k a good buy for this car?

if it's the turbo, then yes.

Buick Regal Pre-owned Quality Stats:


Buick below industry avg for long-term quality:
These statistics are pulled with the "TRIR" pre-owned auctions and sales.

In other words, this isn't a semi-bullshit JD Power ranking that literally asks people "are you happy with your car" 2 months into ownership (of course old people who think they know everything say they made the best choice, two months after the fact).

>Jeep, Chevrolet above average
Botched chart confirmed.

you have to remember these stats are based on pre-owned quality (which is determined by the number of issues the car has been factually reported to have.

it's really quite surprising but there's a story behind everything

>MB being quite above industry average is surprising for Americans
the reality is in europe, MBs are standard cars where even taxis are mercs; they really do hold up their own

>three Toyota affiliates in the top three
Toyota basically invented QMS and lean

>BMW at the bottom of the barrel
makes perfect sense, trash preowned cars

>Mazda and Volvo that low
>Ford that high

Pretty accurate desu senpai