League of Legends General - /lolg/

fuck carries get chimes

old eyosongive.us

1st for thank god lyte was fired

post rare waifus

i love it when they pick camille

>tfw Udyr needs buffs
>tfw Riot hasn't buffed him

We old nemesis, we meet again

Reminder that the very idea of an "ADC" is dead. The new, appropriate term, is "Turret Poker" or "TP".

Now let's talk about the top tier TPs aka Jinx, Caitlyn, Ziggs, and Jhin


xth for yordles (female)

What is that white stuff between Camille's legs?

You know what the say about his right arm

don't worry, it was an elise gank

she's only about a month old no one knows how to play her really well yet, it's great. you know the only real threat is her numbers because you're able to dodge her attacks reasonably well.

Someone tell me what this "Camille" champion's deal is.

Like, are we looking at another A. Sol/Taliyah case here, or does she just seem really dull to me because I've been out of the loop?

Hell, let's make this a review.

Anyone out there who's played her and generally in the know; rate her lore, her characterization, her gameplay, whatever else. Is she a blunder or nah?


xth for breast metal waifu

Failure, has always been my greatest mentor.

Xth for waifus (female)

camille is literally just jarvan iv mixed with some attack on titan and big o elements.

do you like the above things? if the answer is yes you'd probably like camille.

Camille is a rehash of earlier rehashes

>mfw they pick camille against my illaoi

I played just one game with Camille since her release. Hard to judge a champion you don't see. Don't play more than 2 games a day so maybe that's why I don't see her too often.

>don't play more than 2 games a day

Wageslave spotted.

>spending your whole day playing one game

mouthbreather spotted.

Alright lads I'm stuck playing Irelia support and I want to build support-ey but still do shit.
I'm thinking the following in terms of 6 items:
Ruby SS
CDR boots
Then just whatever else I really need as final item.

Retard here: When is a good time to roam away from mid to help other lanes? I know I'm supposed to be doing stuff like that, but I never know when a good time to do it is.

>Irelia support

yes, there is this item called uninstall

Look fag sometimes you gotta play the hand you're dealt

Post gnat

xth for waifus (cows)

Hit me up with the hottest memes we got so far in 2017

when you solo killed the enemy

when his wave is pushed too much

>eye of the equinox
>merc treads
>tank item
>tank item
>irelia support
you dirty fucking memer

Galio's rework is probably going to land in
early Summer by the looks of it. Urgot's
might land in the Fall or Winter or even 2018

Either way, ill be waiting for that glorious day, for our Crab God to be reborn.

how serious its ziggs in bot i been in rock for a time then now i seen him in bot lame

jesus that dumb ass anime face ruins it all. Just give me a sexy amazon face with juicy lips and teasing eyes

Is eye even good?
I get no shield in this gay ass shield xd meta and no active item CDR
>Dirty memer
I have irelia in my summoner name but I asked for any normal support and the dude picked me irelia anyway.
Last time I played irelia support of my own desire was like season 5 normals.
I thought redemption was busted, but you reckon just locket eye and normal build?

I want Shyvana to sit on my face!

He is good, because the adc role is to take towers and he is better than anyone else at this
Also adc in 2k17 lol

Push wave

Roam bot

So easy

You can do it, man. If I can hopefully climb out of gold V, you can climb to Challenger.


>qtpie running away from the 0/3 maokai as 3/1 cait because he doesn't stand a chance

Cait is not a good TP

Im still saying, careful with your neck.

yeeeeah boi

>mfw they ban Camille

Daily reminder that Akali is op faggot cancer tier. Only trash players pick her.

Cait is an amazing TP.

i thought everyone died from breaking neck

What is TP

matters how it breaks
sometimes it is just a broken bone
other times it destroys a ton of nerves with it and then you die

acording to him tower poker

What are some fun tanks to play?



just building tanky on akali and shit on everyone like every other meme tier faggot does. No ap? No worries, you still crap out tons of damage!

whoever did this forgot that camille is looking like varus

Sion is top tier fun, mundo can be pretty fun as well if they don't buy grievous wounds.
>heim can be a pretty retarded tank to play top

She's very weak right now

+1 for sion, as a onetrick pony

he can be built a lot of ways

Hearing FOR THE CAUSE as you ult someone and kill them is never not fun

Holy shit that denial though. R to win dipshit. If you cant win with her theres something seriously wrong with you. Also Riot got rid of her tits. Haha, fuck you!

Post your opgg of you doing well with her. I've been playing her a lot and in my experience she's really bad after the changes. Q1 does more damage than r

The mental skill required for ADC isn't in game knowledge, it's in not wanting to blow your brains out

why even play adc though
just pick some ap carry botlane and win for one tenth the effort

Why would I lower myself as a human being and play her dumbass? Its the faggots on my team or enemies that play her. Just play like a straight up pussy till lvl 6 and then R to victory! Le meme tier so much fun!!!!!

>karma lux bot lane


Assassins have permanently fucked any possible solution for ADCs. And what's more is that that role has already exhausted all it could do.

Is there any good reason for not dropping the entire role of "assassin", keep 3 of them, and then remake the rest into something else?

I think I'm gonna play azir or lichbane ahri bot

no assassins are killing this game something fierce.

what champion would you want to see as smug pepe? ask and ill make

at this point it would probably be easier for the small indie company riot is to completely remove adcs and just make bot a 2v2 ranged fiesta

sion please


very hard to draw his jaw but ill try

Can you see your way to making an Udyr one please?


Make me a Udyr pepe plez meng

>our jgl goes wukong, mid picks azir, wu starts complaining
>pick illaoi top
>complains even more
This gonna be fun.


ok chill, chill, it takes some time to make this shit im working on sion because it was asked first, ill try to post in reply oreder

What a coincidence, we both want a rare Udyr Pepe. I guess Has to deliver

No!!! You made the mistake of offering! Now do them all simultaneously!

Don't you EVER reply to my udyr posting ever again kid

kys faggot, i`ll do what i want

Take your time man, you can't rush art

the fuck did you say to me cunt?

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

how is your first say going?

Wheres ma udyr meng

Dragon Trainer Kled when?
Morde VGU when?
Ten bans FUCKING when?
New Pentakill album when?
Pentakill Sona audio update when?
Battlecast Blitz when?

What about pantheon vgu?
>he has pizza feet too


Hey /lolg/

I'm getting a tour of Riot's HQ in Los Angeles tomorrow. My father is friends with one of the Icelandic guys that moved to Riot from CCP so it's going to be different from whatever the public tours are like. I'm not really sure how, but whatever.

I don't play League and have no interest in it (former dota fag), but I figured it would still be cool to go check out Riot.

Is there anything I should try to get a picture of? Or anything in particular I should ask about?

Will compile a list and report back tomorrow afternoon if you guys are interested.

Is Maokai fun?

No, but he doesnt die.

when you get tanky

how do I win against Irelia as Ryze?