Ya hangin' in there Veeky Forums?

Ya hangin' in there Veeky Forums?

Well, no bingo, but I filled a lot of spaces...

How'd I do?

Why are "uses the report button" and "thinks the janitor does a good job" buttons in the same square? The two aren't mutual.

Good question, I use the report button but think the hotpockets do an awful job.

I only got does not like initial d, and that's just because I never watched it.

Also, waifu... I have an actual wife, does that count?

The animation is terrible but the race sequences are good.

>I have an actual wife
Ya, your normie as fuck, may as well go back to red dit.

the standard version is so much more painful.

Have the blank?


just bmw

Good taste in waifu

Dam, I got bingo on this one.

I'mSo, yeah, off to Reddit...

>less uptight shining armor with a vagina
noice choice m8

That was close, luckily I'm close to wizard status.


I'm a girl

Call me a normalfag and i will fuck your shit, nigger.

never had sex but done some kinky shit
hate small talk
my living parent stands me up for holidays lol

might as well start liking the GTR and calling the 86 a god machine normie

Good taste lads.


is janitors worldfiltered?



So close, yet so far



>implying the miata isnt gay
Ive seen the car posted on Gay boards dude

Even the 4-rotor drift miata is gay as fuck. Nothing wrong with being gay, but it is gay.



What's wrong with liking Mustangs?



>"R32 is the best Skyline"

it's ok...

Hey now

The best Skyline is whichever one you have, friend. Also I thought the s2k was the "god masheen" meme car. ALSO also don't RWD and AWD both have autismos? FWD is the only one I don't see much arguing over.

Get on my level.





I'm about to buy a Volvo shoebox on wheels, 95% chance of FWD. Tell me what the hell I would need a manual transmission in it for. I'm not going to drive it like a sports car. I have a manual transmission in my current car and I don't drive that one like a sports car either. All the manual does is help me select better shift points since the car is weak as piss, which won't be the case for the Volvo, so why manual?

do i win?

Skyrine beats everythibg

RWD is cancer if I'm honest

Small caveat with the auto thing.
I heavily prefer manual, but auto does have a time and place.

850 is total meme machine in a good way
anyone who has ever complained about auto has never driven one
>sport mode has gud shift points
>want to shift down? just punch the gas!