When was the last time someone hit your car?

When was the last time someone hit your car?

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2 years ago Someone backed into my car. But he went really slow so i had no damage. Called him an idiot and said he had the situational awareness of blind man.

Last week some ICP trailer trash scuffed the side of my car driving up a median, then ran away like a little bitch

I can't stop watching this video. It's hypnotizing.

Landlord slid his tractor into my Merc a bit over a year ago

last time someone hit me was about 4 months ago, killed my mom, through her out the window and into a wall

Your mom was a retard. Should have worn her seatbelt.


she did, she was about 400lbs and the belt snapped

Damn. Im sorry for your loss user, but im laughing pretty hard right now. Cant you sue em?

Last time i got hit was this year, and it was nasty. I had an injured foot so the gf was driving us about for a while. We were taking a left with a green arrow at a 4way. Someone in oncoming ran the red and hit us head on. She broke her hand real bad and I was pretty cut up, and the car was fucking wasted. Hearing her scream and cry was one of the most traumatizing things I ever experienced. Other driver continued into a tree. Some stupid fucking teenager on her phone, who got a 75$ fine for ignoring a traffic control device.

2 years ago

Still want another miata

Letting a woman drive.

GO AFTER THAT FUCK. Take as much money out of her and teach her a lesson. I guarantee you she's still on the road so milk their funds dry and make sure she can't afford to drive.
Fuck red light runners, they should be in jail and evoked of a licence.

Sorry about that user, hope you're doing okay.

>milk dry


sitting in traffic on the main drag at a light, got rear ended by a nissan
>dumb bitch was texting and talking to her friends in her new car
>hits my B4000 equipped with a tow hitch
>hood and grill are totaled
>still looks driveable, no fluid leaks
>tow hitch is a little bent
>take pics of her car and my truck
>ask if she wants me to call the cops and file a report since she was 100% at fault
>damage to my vehicle isn't past my deductible
>she cries then says no
>drive away happy it only took 15 minutes
5 years later, no hit and runs reported

med bills for both of you, insurance cost, car cost, mental trauma. the lot.

A fucking prius turned right into my lane a couple months ago. Fucked my fender and alignment up

Thankfully never, but a bunch of close calls.

Or you could just not be a dick

Pajeet backed his RDX into it from a parking space 2 years ago

>idiotic teenagers have no concept of consequences

>dont be a dick bro


Still a retard

running a red light on her phone and causing physical injury to someone, as well as causing user to need a new car is enough for me to make her ass pay for it
If someone slashed your tires and you know who did it, do you just shut up and buy new tires or do you make the person who did it buy them.

You fucking dumbass


that's what insurance is for. My dad always said you need insurance incase you hit a bus full of doctors and they sue you for future lost wages and some other bullshit like that. My million liability wont cover that specific event but you get the jist.

Also the fucker blew through a red light and smashed 2 cars and got away with a "slap on the wrist" ticket? what kind of fucking retard cop did you get?

Sue for damages to your car, medical bills and the all encompassing pain and suffering.

pic related, mike from canmore

Never. I have never had a collision of any kind. And I drive all the time. I do tend to focus completely on the road and don't goof around or really talk aside from simple yes/no stuff. Guess those defensive and advanced driving courses were worth it, reading through this thread.

have fun paying for a new car yourself that you didn't need

Five years ago when I went to take a driving test. Someone backed into my car while it was parked outside when I went in to do the paperwork.

How do you prevent being rear ended then, mr driver. Or in my case, the car behind me being rear ended which then hit me.

Literally less than a month ago someone hit my Audi A4 as it was parked in front of my house. Totaled it.

This is the second time someone has totaled my car and it wasn't my fault.


What happened the first time?

>pull up to local honda dismantler
>owner of the place backs out of the driveway into my car
>no damage to my car so w.e.
>got a piece of wiring harness on the cheap from them and went on with my business

I'm not saying I'm not also somewhat lucky, I'm just saying that the courses helped me avoid dangers. Simple techniques like braking then releasing the brake and swerving were never covered by parents or standard driving school, and I've used it at least half a dozen times. I used to live in IL after all.

I was driving down the road going to the grocery store, minding my own business when some bitch made a left turn out of a parking lot without looking and slammed into me. I tried to get away by speeding up and moving out of the way but she still got me.

I have a very bad fear every time I drive that someone is going to hit me because it's always been that way. I've never hit anyone

Easy. If you don't want to have a collision, don't drive. Bus crash rates are lower than that of cars.

should of bought a Toyota... oh wait
1 2 3 4 REV

2 years ago some dumb old lady who was drinking backed up into my rear quarter panel.

Car was already a piece of shit so I just took the insurance check and ran.

December 2nd i had just bought a dirt nastly low miata pulled into a full gas station, and stopped about 10 feet from the pumps to wait for one to open up and some lady in a fuck huge suv backed from her pump into it. she admitted she was trying to avoid going through the space in between the pumps because she was scare to hit someone.

wtf is scotty kilmer

my fucking barber hit my accord in his crv. Huge dent in the left corner of the bumper. mfw not a scratch on his crv just a lil scuff on where it slid into my bumper

Luckily never. I drive defensively all the time and let people overtake me instead of trying to get even with them. Closest I've come is having to drive off the (icy) road to avoid slamming into the car that stopped suddenly in front of me. No damage though.

I wish I was like you. I need to chill out even if it means I get to work ten minutes later.

Month ago
Car's a limited trim so they're special ordering new bumper. Also insurance sorta took their time with getting back to them, car's been out for 11 days for a ding. If it wasn't the light of my life I would've let it go but I didn't maintain the paint to be swirl-less, scratchless and dingless for no reason.

Last October. Pack of niggers ran a red light and nailed my driver's door, proceeded to look me in the eyes as they drove off. Never been so pissed off in my life.

A couple months ago this guy backed into me in a parking lot as i was rolling past him
Car's a turd that i plan on driving till it dies, and it just put a dent or two and scratched some paint so i'm not really in a rush to get it repaired (already got the insurance claim done, just need to find a place to take it), also it's my only car so i can't afford the downtime.

>living in a place where you have to deal with nigs
sorry for your loss

Lmao cuck

Christ you're sour. Piece of shit.

Christmas morning. Was at my dad's, had to park on the street. Someone hit my left mirror during the night. Nothing really broken, but it's a manual mirror with a cable to set it from the interior and that was jammed. Had to disassemble the whole door trim to get to it.

Buying one today

Bout two months ago a young Chinese woman ran into the back of my commuter Camry while I was stopped in traffic. It's a pretty new car (2015) so she did not even come close to totaling it, but still caused $6k in damage. I didn't get mad at all because I knew I was not at fault, but she still tried to pin the blame on me by saying I was "stopped in a no stopping zone". The collision reporting people had a good laugh at that one. It was her third at-fault accident in 6 years.

My previous commuter car (Saturn LW200) was totaled when a teenage boiracer hit it while it was parked on the street. He wanted to settle the matter outside insurance but I insisted on reporting it to the insurance company. Unfortunately the repairs would have been $4k and the adjuster said the car was only worth $2,500 so off to the scrappers it went.

I'm praying nobody ever hits my E34.

I truly did progress to a much better vehicle with much better build quality, no shame in admitting it

Was that you in the video?

The rusty Merc's odometer isn't working since 2006

fun fact: the douche benz driver crashed and totaled his car a few minutes after this video

The same day I last killed a man

A little over a year ago I was doing 55 down the highway when a semi pulled infront of me from the offramp and it totaled my car and the guy behind me's car too. No injuries and I got pretty much what I paid for the car out of his insurance. Pretty surreal experience too since one minute everything's fine, you blink and your cabin is full of smoke and everything's broken. Overall 7/10 experience

It's still rolling today. Not quite in a mint shape tho.

Have to park my car on the street because I'm not a burger with a massive driveway.

>park car behind dirty neglected mercedes van
>next day my front license plate is bent in a cartoonish near 45 degree angle.
>look at the fucking van

Goddamnit Veeky Forums I hate being dependant on other people's competence, I want to move out of the socialist cityside.

I was waiting at a red light and this dumb ass claims to lose control on a left turn and somehow makes a complete u turn into my drivers side. I had only done 1 payment on the car. Now in need to prepare for a new car

>about 6 months ago
>in mall parking lot waiting to pull out
>guy stops to let me out
>another guy in a porche in the opposite lane takes the opportunity to pull into the parking lot
>hits me head on
>claims I hit him
>my grill is cracked, his light and fender are fucked up
>says he wants to handle it without insurance
>when I tell him no he starts ranting about how I cause the accident, he has plenty of lawyers who rip me a new asshole
>calmly exchange info and go on my way
>check phone number he gave me. it's a detailing shop
>have my insurance check out the registration
>it's a dealer loaner car
>he was joy riding in the car he was supposed to be detailing and fucked it up
>luckily I had a witness so no deductible on my part and no points
>sure he got fucked over bad

>stop at stop sign
>woman runs into the back of my car
>"I didn't know you were going to stop"

>last winter
>decently fresh after a snow
>at a stop light that's down a small hill
>other car is approaching it
>slides into me while trying to brake
>not going fast, proably not even 5 MPH
>hits my big metal bumper with his plastic shit fender
>no damage on my ride, his shit got pushed in
>I come out spouting about how they just don't make 'em like they used to

no harm no foul

No one has ever hit my car. I backed into a someone in my high school parking lot the first week after I got my license. My tow hook hit his steel rim. I apologized, we shook hands and called ourselves lucky, and went our ways.

That was almost seven years ago.

>be me
>in McDonald's drive through
>person upfront if me puts on reverse lights
>"can this guy see me?"
>look down to put car in reverse and pull out
>guy in front floors it in reverse and smashes into my integra
Full rage mode engaged
>he hops out its a 5'3 Asian man
>I step my 6'3 Ass out and proceed to call him a fucking idiot dumbass the works.
>I haven't even looked at the damage he keeps telling me
>"it's okay buddy its fine buddy look buddy cmon buddy"
>keeps calling me fucking buddy I'm about to strangle him
>look at damage
>license plate pushed in his shit bumper is cracked completely through
>hardly a scratch on my bumper
>tell him to get the fuck back in his car or else.
>he complies "so sorry very sorry I'm sorry"
Should have made that nigger buy me my food.

Forgot to mention this was like 3 years ago

Keked. Are you on the level?

Some bitch in her Odyssey merged into my lane and gently scraped me, she didn't want to pull over. Had to chase her for like 3 lights and threaten to call the cops before she stopped. It was dark so I didn't find any visible damage, she acted like a cunt as though I made it all up. The next morning I found the scuff, barely noticeable but fucking women drivers man.

Before that I got gently rear ended, again no damage and I didn't give a fuck because the bitch at least admitted to what happened.

Holy fucking shit you beta cock sucker I hope someone rams into you, destroys your car and puts you in a coma for a month.

What triggered that guy? Horn blown? Recognized member of enemy clan from 700 year old conflict? What?

should have asked her for a special favor in return.

soccer mom in an SUV tried to go right in the left turn lane a couple years ago

could be both matters at once

In my life, I've been in 4 wrecks, none of them were my fault and 3 of those wrecks I was at a stop sign or light and someone plowed into me.

part of me wants to say kys, the other part agrees with you


>Europeans are this petty
How womanly

Hit a women going about 65 in my first gen legacy wagon, she flew right through the red light and I t boned her flippin her crossover, I walked out with a scrapped knee

>Some stupid fucking teenager on her phone, who got a 75$ fine for ignoring a traffic control device.

She did her crying trick and all she got was a running red light ticket. Suspicious. The police must like her parents or they made a deal with the city prosecutor who then took over the case from the normal stream of traffic prosecutions.

September, was working night shift at the time and came out at like midnight to a note saying they hit my car. called the number the next day, dead line

TLDR black chick with no license or insurance hit my car, left false phone number, witness got their plate, cops caught up to them and they paid me for the damage.

>Pack of niggers ran a red light and nailed my driver's door, proceeded to look me in the eyes as they drove off. Never been so pissed off in my life.

Sorry you lost out there.
Some years ago by our park and ride, a witness recorded nigs mugging at the bus stop. They went after the witness and klunked him a few times. His jaw was broken since someone stomped his face.

Got rear ended yielding for people coming off the freeway about two years ago, still fucking mad. Almost had some woman in a brotruck hit me today while she was swerving through traffic trying to reach whataburger.


I never parallel park behind someone with a hitch or some thing that is going to gouge my grill. The law of statistics says if you park behind one, sooner or later you will get bashed.

>proceeded to look me in the eyes as they drove off

>not chasing after them
>not drawing your pistol and firing on them
>not ghosting 4 nigs in a bottomed out Grand Marquis

You dun goofed.


I hate that backing up because a teenager did that in a parking garage. Then he tried to blame me for it.

It's good that he didn't try to say you hit him in the rear and so he wants a new bumper and new sensors.

>last January
>come home from shopping with wife and kids
>there is a beat to fuck Camry in my driveway and I don't know anybody who drives a beat to fuck Camry
>at best one of my neighbors kids highshool friends pulled into the wrong driveway at worst my house is being burglarized
>pull up behind but off to the side of the Camry
>get out and approach drivers window, the car is still running
>there's two stoners and baby whose future will likely be mired in disappointment sleeping, both in their 20s, a chick with purple hair and a dude in a dirty hoodie
>tap on glass, no response
>tap again, the stoner dude wakes up and gets out of car
>"wer're looking for Miguel, does he live here?"
>"are you sure?"
>yep, it's my house
>gets back in car
>chick is driving
>backs up without looking
>doesn't hit car head on but hits the quarter panel
>stoner guy gets out and looks at the quarter panel
>"Hey Bro I just checked it out there's no damage we're gonna take off"
>walk over and see damage all over the quarter panel
>call cops
>stoners try to claim I hit them
>mfw they had no insurance and I'm still waiting for the refund on my deductable

>6 years ago, taking driving lessons in driving school Prius
>second lesson, we go driving in neighborhoods
>I fuck up a few times and the instructor decides to drive us back
>he gets in left turn lane at an intersection, see two beaners in a red 2 door shitbox pull up on the street we'll be turning onto
>light turns green, it's a protected turn
>instructor starts driving into the intersection
>suddenly the beaners in the red car fucking slam through the red light as we're in the intersection
>the shitbox narrowly breezes past our side tail and piles into the side of a white truck making a right turn

It was kind of funny thinking back now, perfect synchronicity. If I had been driving they would've probably hit me in the driver side going 40-50.

youre af uckin retard. go move to sweden

About 6 months ago, a nigger on the opposite side of traffic from me went through the concrete wall dividing the highway. Large chunks of concrete in the air overhead about a cubic foot in size each. I ran over one and there was no time to react. I was driving a 1998 Porsche Boxster. It got rekt. Hole in oil pan, fucked coolant lines, I had liability as well as uninsured motorist coverage with state farm, who promptly tried to fuck me over saying that a car didn't hit the wall did and I am not covered lmao. I told them to either play fair or get a lawyer because I would be suing them. The car was in perfect condition, so it was worth at least 9k. I wasn't letting the insurance fuck me outta that. Luckily they are deciding to play fair and I'm getting the car fixed and appraised now.

Oh and the nigger had 2 DUI's and a revoked license, and he fled the scene after the crash and was caught in the backyard of some white family's house balled up crying. He's in jail now.

Same thing with me (or my wife).

She's parked at work and comes out and her car has been sideswiped. Someone left a note describing the car, who was driving but didn't get the license plate number.

I went to the police and the cop was sympathetic but said without more info and the fact it happened on private property he couldn't do much.

There was a dealership across the street o I asked them if their cameras record and they said yes. I asked if we could look at the front facing camera and sure enough they caught the car hitting my wife's car. Had them burn a DVD and brought it back to the police station. The cop read the plate, called the driver while I stood there and told them to come to the station. About 30 minutes later I had exchanged paperwork with the other driver and saved myself a deductible.

I believe my neighbor side swiped my car.i don't definitive proof though. I saw him pass my car, back up, look at it, then drive away. I found light scratches on my driver's side rear quarter panel and wheel. I never said anything since I can't prove he did it, and it isn't a big deal really

A few years ago some drunk lady plowed into the back of my S2000. She tried to run and got stuck on a median, and tried crying rape when the cops showed up.

african man started backing up at my uni right as my passenger door was behind his vehicle, so I gunned it and he knicked the very back of my bumper and left like a nickel sized mark.

I got out and looked and when I saw there was no damage I told the african dude its cool and carried on

nah i was with my grill and she was with a gaggle of bitches
they were the ones that narc'd her out for texting
>peer shame is best shame

the special favor was not calling the police and reporting me as a hit and run since i had photographic evidence that it was her fault, but didn't file a report
>she might've been a texting bitch, but at least she had integrity
I've been in other accidents, when cops show up it takes hours
>accident before this
>coming over a hill towards a congested onramp
>driving a Chevy G20
>traffic is slowing to a stop
>when suddenly, a riced out civic appears!
>driver is holding a tall can in a bag
>can't use brakes apparently
>weaves then hits a merc that hits a tercel
>360 degree spins into my lane
>Van is fucked
>takes to hours to clear scene, driver bailed in first 10 minutes
>have to drive 300 miles home with fucked van
>don't have uninsured motorist coverage
>sell van for $300
>a year later get subpoenaed to testify against driver
>literally three days of travel and testifying wasted
drivers name was Genesis. not even joking.

>go over to guys house to replace blower unit and put new tensioner belt on his 01 Explorer
>after two hours car is ready to drive
>guy asks me to take a look at his daughters subie that had issues.
> guy's daughter borrows his car I just fixed to go to work and backs out of driveway into my Mazda.

Thank you 90s for great bumpers.

>guy's daughter proceeds to grace you with excellent blowjob
>all is forgiven

what's your insurer doing about it?

My dad accidentally hit my car with a boat once