I really like the MT youtube channel and a few of their magazines and almost all of their content is good. Its ~5usd a month to use MTOD, and you can get a sneak peak for a month free and then cancel your account, but not sure if I agree with the ethics of the entire operation. I would be happier if they released all their content for free and didnt do the youtube teasers. Seems like they are a bunch of greedy mcjewbergs. I dont even like their high budget builds, stuff like the VW Baja bugs and the GMC Jimmy junkyard rescue are their best content and those are their cheapest builds, so Im not sure where that money is going beisdes the pockets of the producers and editors. Is paying for the site worth it?
Steve Dulcich is a badass, main reason im considering
Kind of. I really only like to watch roadkill garage and engine masters so content is slow for me. Would be better if i just bought a month three times a year.
You get a lot of shit for the monthly price though
Roadkill extra is pretty neat. Watching the shows a month early is nice too. Dulcich is great as well. I recommend doing it like 3 times a year and binge watching all the content if you don't care about early releases.
You forget stuff like the fact that Finnegan doesn't live in LA anymore though. they fly around a lot for even their low buck episodes. plus, even shitboxes cost some money and they pretty much by a new one every month. Plus, nobody works to not make as much money as possible.
Matthew Hughes
I got an account to watch RKG and its a really good show. I love that they build at Dulcichs place in that barn, and its all really low budget builds. I honestly have never been a huge Freiburger fan because I think he has a bad attitude (and he wrecked that stock car on their first lap at the dirt track lol). The stuff he builds on motortrend is always a decent watch. His bad attitude gets balanced out by Finnegan or whoever else co-hosts most of the time too. Im going to plow through the rest of the exclusive content and then delete my account so they dont tax my ass.
I get what youre saying about cost of production, I understand even doing cheap 1500 buck craigslist builds adds up when you do it every episode, and they have camera and editing crews to pay too. that said. they have their entire magazine business they make money off off, all of their sponsors who provide tons of parts as well as funding, plus youtube revenue, so i see charging for "exclusive content" as a jab at the common men who are just fans
Justin Nguyen
i like motor trend but you can stuff on demand up your ass
that shit killed /drive
fuck off motor trend
Colton Long
They post everything on YouTube within 30 days so why bother?
Josiah Young
True except for roadkill garage which is literally their best show
Samuel Gomez
Im cool waiting a month for just roadkill, but they have roadkill garage, engine masters, and roadkill extra that arent ever getting uploaded to youtube.
Alexander Brooks
Except Roadkill Garage. And other exclusive content.
However, it's a slippery slope. $5 for MTOD. Then you need to pay $5 for Hagerty, $5 for Petrolicious, $5 for Jay Leno's Garage, $5 Obsession Motorsports (Project Binky.) Next thing you know you are paying $100 a month to watch shows on top of paying for the internet and or cable.
It's self-induced net neutrality.
Carter Howard
FUCK paying for 'free' shows thats what the fucking sponsors are for
Owen Campbell
roadkill garage is a really good show. they do stuff like building a 4 door chevelle, actually fix stuff instead of just make it shittier like on roadkill. they even buffed out the paint on freiburgers roadrunner, and its not boring to watch at all.
I dont watch any of those accept MotorTrend and i dont plan on even looking into them
Logan Long
Don t wasted your money, when it's full of free youtuber. Some of the youtuber I follow BoostedBoiz - YouTube Muscle Vs Tuner - YouTube JR Garage - YouTube
Jose Phillips
I got it for Christmas from my wife, it's pretty good IMO. I'm enjoying it so far. I unsubscribed from Motor Trend's youtube because of all of the teasers. I've been enjoying the hell out of roadkill garage and roadkill extra.
As for all of the bitching ITT about it not being free, fuck off m8. Not everything can be free, and when stuff is free then there are commercials or sponsors you bitch about them "selling out." Just fuck off. I spend less on the stuff I'm subscribed to online (Netflix, MTOD, Amazon Prime) than most people spend on fancy cable/satellite TV so I'm not bitching.
Xavier Sullivan
Paying for you tube content ever. let's see hot rod magazine not selling anymore how do we appeal to them kids. They like that you tube let's get our guys who are paid by hot rod to pretend to make a just two average guys car program. of course it gets popular I mean they have a real production crew and backing by real sponsors. Hey this works great now let's sell them a magazine and a subscription to a content viewing service. Thanks but no thanks I'll watch these professionals free and support people who actually need it. funny how these shill threads show up whenever a new video gets posted gotta get that u tube money.
Liam Perry
Damage control incoming by the road kill online marketing team.
Isaiah Murphy
can I get your wifes number, I need a free copy also
Matthew James
Fuck off cuck
Anthony Hernandez
i pay almost 200 a momth for cable and internet you fuckfaces WILL NOT get another dime from me for entertainment
Jayden Edwards
Ausfag here we pay like $80aud for ratshit speeds and i am not paying a cent more
x on demand is a fucking joke you end up having to spends hundreds of dollarydoos all up to get it legally and the streams are piss poor quality anyway
Caleb Sullivan
>MFW accused of being motortrend marketing shill
op here, when i made this thread it was cause I was genuinely curious if the exclusive content was worth my time. I made an account to get the free 30 day trial and spent a good majority of the day watchin. gotta say roadkill garage is pretty decent. but there is absolutely no way im going to pay for MTOD in the future and will be canceling my subscription soon, mainly on principle. The more people pay for "exclusive" content, the more producers will make their content exclusive. Boycotting the system is the only way to get them to release everything for free. Unfortunately i feel like a lot of guys will sign up for the free version with their credit card info as collateral and forget to unsubscribe and get charged potentially indefinitely until they notice on their bank statement years later, and probably is the entire intention of offering the free trial in the first place
one thing I will say is there are a ton of steve dulcich vids on MTOD, so the free trial is worth at least that.
Xavier Brooks
She's locked in my basement, can I take a message?
kek enjoy your bitterness while I enjoy watching dulcitch and frieburger.
Adam Bailey
>Boycotting the system is the only way to get them to release everything for free. uuh no Boycotting will just make them stop producing content. Stop demanding that everyone do shit for free because you deserve free entertainment. Go live in a socialist state and enjoy your free government entertainment.
Kayden Cook
if youtube viewership has not changed but no one is falling for the exclusive content bait, they will stop pushing the "exclusive" stuff and just focus on youtube revenue.
Im not suggestion MotorTrend shouldnt be paid for their content. They are already paid very handsomely as evident by their highly edited, large budget car build videos and articles, large shop, and wide range of staff and hosts. Im just suggesting that revenue from youtube, their sponsors, and all the ads they run in their mags and on their website is probably enough, and they dont need to go digging deeper into the pockets of the average fan. the reason i think this now is after watching their "exclusive" content. All the roadkill extras are just left over footage they didnt put into videos, Roadkill garage is super low budget (its all junkyard cars from dulcich's yard and parts he had laying around, or personally owned vehicles like pewe's jeep), and the one high production show, engine masters, is sponsored by amsoil. Not to say i didnt enjoy it or its bad, I just dont see where my money would be going. why feed the machine of artificially "exclusive" content.
On the internet you pay for content and cast your vote about what you want to see more of with your views.