What can we all agree is objectively evil?
What can we all agree is objectively evil?
Other urls found in this thread:
Evil is a spook
chaos for the sake of chaos?
a robot
totally devoid of emotion and only a being of logic and reason
pure evil
Racism and Sexism
But then we must reach a universal conclusion on what is evil itself
But then we must reach a universal conclusion on what is evil itself, which leads back to the original question
people who hang toilet paper like this
Jews, and Satan.
Tankies, stormfags and creationists
Evil is a spook, nigga
unjustified pain and suffering
>silence all opposition to my opinion!
t. Lefty/pol/
No, we're merely silencing the idiocy.
Can you both shut the fuck up, and act like mature adults that can exchange opinions freely without having the need to bash each other's heads in?
t. centrist
Unrequested pain/suffering that wont forseeably aid the person involded or a lack of personal determination and freedom caused by another
Veeky Forums
morality is a spook desu senpai there is no objective good, nor objective evil. there just is.
No gods, no rules, just men.
Communism and homosexuality.
Unfortunately it's not on the archive, but we had a thread here on Veeky Forums on an ethical philosophy test that evaluated your affinity towards different philosophers of ethics:
Rousseau was systematically at everybody's bottom rankings, no matter what your education or individual philosophy was.
You could be a virtue ethicist, deontologian, consequentialist, Christian, atheist, rationalist, existentialist, egoist... you name it, you could have no education on philosophy or read all the books of the featured philosophers, but Rousseau was always, always, always at the bottom.
Veeky Forums therefore proved that Jean-Jacques Rousseau is the ultimate objective evil.
White genocide.
Life is evil
No, the other way round.
Sand in your shoes
>muh slave morality
I am Sarte apparently. And I hate Rousseau apparently.
Anti-Fragility at the expense of someone else's Fragility
Just substitute Buenos Aires for Sweden
>implying this isn't a tankie board
>t. centrist
"rational" 15 year old spotted
diseases. really
they have no place in the food chain. everyone on earth hates them. they're just relics of an age long long LONG past. it would be great if instead of fighting each other we'd have a "great virus war"
Newspaper comics
Or maybe since Veeky Forums is full of neckbeards, neckbeards just hate Rousseau?
Nothing is objectively evil.
Nothing is objectively anything.
t. egoist/solipsist
He said tankies- those are communists too you raging autist.
But chaod can just mean freedom, is that evil?
>implying I'm 15 and younger
>implying I didn't intervene b/c the discussion was getting out of hand
>implying 15 year olds even go on Veeky Forums during sundays or school weeks
The only person you're fooling is yourself, extremist.
evil is objectively evil
prove me wrong
>ITT Spooks
t. ragnar redbeard
>If you don't follow retarded ideologies that have failed multiple times in history and no person above 25 years of age actually follows, you are underage
Why do stormfags and commiefags think their shit-tier ideologies are relevant ? You are just edgy virgins.
Evil is objectively evil
God this board is shit
There is only one Good, Knowledge, and one Evil, Ignorance.
>No, the other way round.
Hello there, Satan.
Nothing. Morality is a human construction.
t. Philosophy graduate
Debate me if you want. You'll lose.
Human constructions are things that objectively exist.
Good job, all that debt, no job, and you can't even win a debate on an Ethiopian shadow puppetry forum.
I'm not even that guy, but the fact that it's a social construct typically implies that it isn't a universal, absolute quality of nature that is discovered rather than created. What is morally wrong to group B can be neutral or morally right to group A, asking "what is objectively evil" is as asinine as asking "what are the objective moral prohibitions of my particular belief system? I won't tell you what that system is, though."
>buh buh buh universal taboos, muh infanticide
If we could all agree on things that were objectively wrong (and right) we wouldn't be here talking about them and would live in a unified moral one-world-government or something. Sad!
Acting in way that you know is immoral and causes unnecessary harm to others.
Basically doing anything while you know that there's a superior procedure or path to be taken.
Anything that isn't objectively good.
what is justice?
every person has a world of his own. it shaped by feelings, experiences, perseptions etc. In these worlds there exists a good and an evil because as primitive beings it is much easier to live in such a way (and eally the only possible way to live). these "worlds" amy vary from person to person some might be similar some might be different. But aside from that there exists a seperate world where such things as good and evil don't exist. The only thing that exists asie from physical things is truth/fact. This "objective" world is incomprehensible to man and if an all powerful god would exist he would be part of that world as every person is part of his own.
Based on that there is no universal evil nor good because both of these are determined by the philosophy we chose to live by
Nel Nodding, apparently.
Same. I got 100% Sartre.
Greed and hate alone.
Same question as what is objectively good, which is meta ethics which cannot be be answered objectively, someone will disagree.
Patently false. As economic conditions worsen, multicultural societies crumble. The next 20-30 years will see the rise of tribalism in America and Europe as the economic ponzi scheme cracks at the seams and perhaps collapses and material comforts are threatened. Whites will advocate for themselves or they will be abused by those who do.