>back into expensive car
>drive off
Has anybody else ever done this?
Back into expensive car
in college i backed into a newer non-luxury SUV at low speed (distracted, handled improperly). there was no visible damage but it was night and since I'm not a petulant child I left a note with my information. the owner called and thanked me for my honesty and concurred he didn't see any visible damage either.
No, but sometimes when I see a nice car parked outside I will casually scratch it with my key as I walk by. If you're a rich faggot that can afford to pay for a sports car for grocery shopping, you can afford private parking.
Came out of the mall late one night, someone had parked right up against my driver's side and I literally could not get the door open more than 6 inches.
I ran my keys all along their passenger side a few times for good measure, before crawling in through my passenger's side, over the console, and driving off.
I bet they'll be extra careful about how close they park to people from now on.
I drive a restored muscle car to get groceries and I'm poor because I put all of my money into it. As lots of guys do.
This is a bait thread but I'm still getting mad.
>Wait for this user to go into the grocery store
>key the entire drivers side of the car
That was obviously a bait post, but there's nothing wrong with reminding people who are BEING douches, not to be douches.
Putting a nice dent in their door, snapping off a mirror, breaking a window, stabbing a tire, or just scraping the paint are nice reminders for arrogant fucks that they need to drive/park better.
Only do it if it interferes with you personally, though. Don't go keying other peoples' shit if they've double-parked on some stranger's car.
>get arrested the next day when security reviews the surveillance footage and sees some fat tendie-munching fucktard vandalizing cars
You are the same idiot that makes "drunk driving is fun" and "I do break checks when people are behind me" threads aren't you?
I was wearing a mask idiot
>"I do break checks
Is this to make sure people have taken their company-mandated 15 minute breaks? That's just being responsible and avoiding future litigation.
>guy running around parking lot wearing a mask vandalizing cars
>gets picked up 3 hours later because who the fuck wears a mask around this guy will be easy to find
>oh look he got off the bus at the stop right before the grocery store
>good thing buses have CCTV in them and we can see where he got on too
>good thing he didn't get on the bus wearing his mask
>good thing he left shit stains in the bus seat that can be DNA tested and since he's a registered faggot we have him on file
>back to pedophile rehab for you
I pulled into a spot too far and hit a guy's trailer hitch. Nobody saw. No damage, don't give a fuck.
I actually have a switch mounted under my dash to turn on my brake lights when someone is tailgating me.
But seriously destroying someone's car is low. Doing hundreds in damage because someone parked wrong makes you the asshole and obviously someone who isn't passionate about vehicles.
Tbh this is the only scenario that I've considered damaging someone's car for
Only to a Porsche that parked seriously 4 inches away from my truck. I cut it really early backing out of the spot and creased from the back of the door to the wing and left tire marks the whole way. 0 fucks.
>christmas eve shopping at the mall
>can't find a single parking spot in the entire asphalt wasteland that is the mall parking lot
>don't even care how close it is to the building, literally can't find anything
>finally see one
>compact car space
>I'm driving pic related
>squeeze in with an inch to spare on each side
>climb out the tailgate
I disagree. It depends on the severity of the infraction, but if someone does something really shitty like double-park or box you in, you're justified in fucking with them.
I had an asshole park behind me at a BassPro before Xmas. It was a normal parking lot with rows of parking. People got impatient and started pulling right up behind cars, so now you had 3 fucking rows of cars and I couldn't get out either way. I came out and waited a solid 45 minutes before deciding that no one was coming.
I have a ball hitch on my truck, so I just neatly backed it up until it pierced right through the grill of the Chevy Spark that blocked me in. Pulled forward gently, made the hole a little bigger.
Another 25 minutes passed before the guy in front of me showed up and left, allowing me to pull through his empty spot and leave. But he was parked where he was supposed to be, the dick behind me wasn't.
You don't get to exhibit such ignorant fucking behaviour and get away with it. FYI user, if you park like a prick people will wreck your vehicle.
I'll be getting a push bar for the front soon too, so I can nudge dickheads from both ends.
You would have had at least one broken window if you boxed me in like that.
>oh look he got off the bus at the stop right before the grocery store
Couldn't have been me, I walked back to your moms house
My mom lives too far, your kankles would've given out on you half way there.
I'm jacked as fuck and just won a triple marathon
Everyone look it's mr tough guy, he's not afraid to break the law if you slight him, but only in passive aggressive ways that can't be traced back to him! Better not piss him off or you'll regret it for 15 whole minutes until you call your insurance and they pay for a new window!
of course you are
>until you call insurance and they tell you the new window is below the cost of your deductible
>and that you'd have a claim on your record for something as menial as a window break
>which they'd collect in increased premiums over the next 3 years anyways
>he thinks he can win with his insurance
do you actually have comp coverage on that crusty old shitwagon?
That's still retarded that you keyed her car
It's not really relevant. Parking too close isn't breaking any laws, vandalism is. Being a petty little passive aggressive cunt who breaks windows or keys your paint because you parked in the only available space on a night when parking lots are a battlefield, is the ultimate beta faggot move.
I regret nothing and my car was not damaged, because apparently the rest of society is better behaved than Veeky Forums.
This. They put it on a 3rd party report called a CLUE report from LexisNexis. Every time you make a claim you get dinged. Some insurance companies will even put the cost of a $50 tow on there if you claim that, and then that's considered "1 claim" which means you're not claim free for the next five years and that gets factored in huge with price of insurance.
Pretty much the only time you might get away with it is a windshield chip. If you contact your insurer and confirm, they usually won't raise your rates for repairing the chip as it's far cheaper than replacing the entire windshield.
Any other type of claim under comp usually gets logged.
Me on the left, you on the right.
>Pretty much the only time you might get away with it is a windshield chip. If you contact your insurer and confirm, they usually won't raise your rates for repairing the chip as it's far cheaper than replacing the entire windshield.
That's only if you have the proper endorsement for windshield repair - it's usually optional with most policies, and might be subject to its own deductible or number of repairs in a 12 month period.
But overall, it's not worth claiming for small stuff like that, which is why it's a great way to teach assholes how to drive/park.
Fuck off you ignorant prick, I'll happily damage your vehicle if you're rude and inconsiderate enough to box me in like that. You made a wilful decision to park like a prick, so you're going to learn there are consequences for it.
Enjoy your slashed tire faggot :)
It depends. I think zero deductible glass at the same comp coverage was the same price for me at GEICO (or maybe fifty cents over six months).
>But overall, it's not worth claiming for small stuff like that, which is why it's a great way to teach assholes how to drive/park.
I'm guessing you're trolling, but two wrongs don't make a right and an eye for an eye makes the world blind. I'll take a picture on my phone and make sure I don't have damage (otherwise, I capture proof of damage/likely cause for insurance to go after the other guy), and maybe leave a note telling the other driver that they're inept/a douche, but damaging the other car is both ethically and legally out of line.
i'm taller even without my bleached out blowback haircut, i win
plus i clearly have mad haxx0r skillz
so parking like a little pussy bitch and blocking people from getting into their cars is any different? you're being a little bitch too, only it's worse because you fucking started it with your shitty parking.
>the parking lot is so busy guess I better park like a shitbag and risk damaging someone else's car
>but they had better not harm my precious 80's crap wagon!
kys nigger
>but two wrongs don't make a right
It's not wrong for me to key someone's car if they dent my door or scrape my mirror or double park on me. That's called "righting a wrong".
The alternative is waiting for them to come out to their car and explaining that what they did was inconsiderate. You'll be met with "FUCK OFF MAN GET A GRIP WHAT'S THE BIG DEAL JUST GET IN THE OTHER SIDE WHAT THE FUCK YOU SO IMPORTANT YOU GOTTA LEAVE RIGHT NOW MAN? SHUT THE FUCK UP FUUUCCKK OFFFFFF!"
That is why you don't give them a second opportunity to act like a piece of shit. You fuck their car and then leave, the same way they fucked you over and walked away.
Lots of beta cucks in this thread that either a.) park like dickheads and think it's perfectly fine, or b.) are truly beta cucks and fear reprisal for their shitty ignorant behaviour.
So if you park 5 inches from another car, you stop and take a photograph of your car, just in case they accidentally damage your vehicle? As a direct fucking result of YOU parking too close to them? What the fuck.
Oh shit he's upgraded from breaking windows to slashing tires. How many times do I have to reply for you to threaten assault on my person? Are your tiny balls slowly being inflated by anger to the proportions of a normal man?
>risk damaging someone else's car
Yeah nah I actually know how wide my shitbox is, I'm not a woman.
>So if you park 5 inches from another car, you stop and take a photograph of your car, just in case they accidentally damage your vehicle?
>not taking a picture as evidence of your parking skill
>threaten assault on my person?
Cellphone warrior spotted. I bet you're really tough IRL until your battery dies.
>I drive a restored muscle car to get groceries and I'm poor because I put all of my money into it.
So you're a nigger with a sports car he can't afford. Cry me a river.
Maybe if you practiced personal responsibility and managed your finances better instead of blowing your McWage on cars you can't afford, you might be able to buy that coveted toy in a couple of years without breaking the bank. Instead you chose to act irresponsibly and then act like a victim.
>thinking that would do anything at all when you come out and the person is gone
>b-but I took a photo
>go to the police, tell them you have a madman on the loose who dented your door
>show him photograph of your car parked 5 inches from his
>show his license plate
>talk about paint transfer and impact velocity and other shit you heard on CSI
>cop tells you it's a civil matter, they are not performing any database searches for any license plates
>you realize there's nothing you can do and probably should have just avoided parking like a prick
>you go home and shitpost on Veeky Forums about how rude people are and how it's not your fault if the parking lot is crowded etc.
lol faggot
what were you expecting from this thread
You wish, step up mate I'll fuckin fite you. My whole point with this exchange is that if you have a problem with my parking then take it up with me and not the car. Don't be a whiny little bitch by vandalizing and then disappearing into the night. Wait for me by the car and try confronting someone for once in your life.
Yeah so if you park like a dick and block someone in they should sit around and wait an hour for you to return, only so you can tell them to fuck off and climb through their passenger's side?
FYI, the kind of people who wait around for double-parkers are the kind who also cave their skull in with a pipe wrench. You're a fucking moron if you think it's a good idea to pick fights with strangers.
That's why I just vandalize their car and leave - they might have a gun or be a pack of chimps ready to murder me. If they're parking like cunts, there's nothing to be said to them anyhow.
If you had the capability to climb in through the passenger side and just LEAVE the whole time, then just fucking do it. Get in your car and leave and then post on Veeky Forums later about how some asshole parked bad. A minor inconvenience is no reason for vandalism. You're the chimp here.
No moron, if I come back and some person is right next to my car, I check for damage, and if there was damage, take pictures to document the situation including their license plate and VIN so I can then send it to my insurance company to bill the other insurance company for the cost of repair (or the individual owner if their insurance is insufficient/does not exist).
>my actions should not have consequences
>people should be forced to go out of their way to accommodate my lazy ass
>my convenience is more important than theirs
>my right to swing my fist ends after it has broken their nose
I'd sooner wreck your car and let you know that your dickish behaviour will be punished. Maybe your shitbrain parents should have raised you not to be a little bitch cunt.
>and just LEAVE the whole time, then just fucking do it.
Or you could find somewhere better to park, and inconvenience yourself instead of some random stranger.
Oh boy here we go, my hypothesis was right. He's now gonna wreck the whole car. We've ramped up from keying, a broken window, and slashed tires.
Do tell, what's next?
who said the whole car
he said wreck the car
keying it would be wrecking it
so would slashing tires or breaking a mirror
wreck does typically imply damage that can't be fixed
The worst thing I did was dump my coke on some faggots truck. He took up two parking spots just to be a nigger.
ITT: autistic sperglords failing to understand basic social concepts, such as the fact all parking lots are filled with idiots that do not know how to park, furthermore said autists believe that if they freak out and throw a temper-tantrum at someone's car and damage it, 'i-it'll s-show them!!'
never change Veeky Forums
I backed into a newer trucks ball
got the hell outta there, my bumper was bent though
assholes need to not have their balls out like that
It's a joke thread, user.
My gran uses her keys to deflate the a tire of whoever pulls too close to her or double parks to make it harder on her to get in the car. No real damage but they have to sit there and change their tire or waste one of their yearly tows from AAA
or pay for a tow which is so much sweeter.
I think if she pops the plastic rod out of a tire gauge that would be much better and easier on her though
Keying is a womanly thing to do. A real man would door ding a car that parks too close to his.
>says the cunt who has been trying to justify parking like a dick for the last 2 hours
Shut up faggot, no one likes you.
A real man would plant drugs in their car and call the cops on them.
No but I always make sure to:
Bring my 6 pack of beer for any drive over 15 minutes
And I dump my motor oil down the storm drain, same with ATF fluid and rad fluid
>at mall with my GF, driving my moms piece of shit windstar van
>back out of my parking space while talking to my girlfriend so not looking backwards at all
>suddenly loud crash
>i hit a newish last gen honda cv r or whatever the fuck that suv is called
>freak out and quickly drive away
>bitch who was getting out of her car like 4 spots away yells at me as im leaving "you hit a car!"
>i ignore her and proceed to leave the malls parking lot
That was like 1 year ago and nothing ever happened so I guess the bitch that saw me didnt leave a note with my plates and the owners of the c rv didnt do anything either
She probably didn't get your plates, otherwise you likely would have a visit from the police.
My dad and I chased down a shitbag who did that when I was moving out of my apartment after university. The guy was ripping through underground parking really fast, turned a corner and scraped the shit out of a truck that was parked on the corner. Guy got out, looked at the 2 foot long mess he'd made, then got back in his car. He didn't see that we were down there, but we followed him a good 25 minutes until the cops were able to find all of us and they pulled him over.
We gave statements and left. After the weekend the cops called us and said the guy was charged with failing to remain, and that the driver was suing him too. We had to go to court because the little spanish nigger who hit the car tried to fight the charges.
He lost.
>going through all that trouble for a stranger
what a fag
wow so edgy how can I be an uncaring edgelord like you
Is that David Brock?
I was in Portland, Oregon for 48 hours recently and I saw:
>2 hit and runs
>1 pedestrian hit and knocked down by a Ranger
>and 1 Dodge Nitro that had it's window smashed in an everything taken out of it.
Fuck Portland, it was hard enough to park in that city let alone not get it fucked up as well
Bitch, I backed into some guys beater civic in college and waited around for him to come back to let him know and give him my info. Don't distrespect someone's car.
Also fucker said he didn't care and bought me a coffee for my honesty since it was cold as shit out.
Do you live in Houston, by chance? There is an abnormal amount of hit and runs here.
You did well son.