>Killed 100 million Native Indians
>Hundred other millions people from places like Africa, India, South America, Asia.
Serious, Do Europeans feel any remorse for what their ancestors did ?
>Killed 100 million Native Indians
>Hundred other millions people from places like Africa, India, South America, Asia.
Serious, Do Europeans feel any remorse for what their ancestors did ?
Yes, why do you think they're letting minorities flood into their countries?
>Killed 100 million Native Americans
I'm guessing this is total deaths, which includes disease, which is bullshit.
Euros had no idea how that worked.
The few places were the non-whites were genocided and replaced with whites became successful (USA, Canada, Austria, NZ)
So my only regrets is that it wasnt done in Africa
so in 50 years when america isn't white what do you think the narrative will be? justice? guilt? remorse? neither?
>Do Europeans feel any remorse for what their ancestors did ?
>Family migrated to America from England in 1600's
>Settled in North Carolina
>Probably killed a few natives along the way
>Owned Slaves
>Fought for the south in the civil war
>Fought in the American-Philippine war killing Philippinos
>Fought in the Pacific killing Japanese as a bomber pilot
>Fought in Vietnam killing Vietnamese
>Brother who fought in Iraq and has killed Iraqis
Why would anyone feel remorse for something they didn't do?
The genocides during this disadvantage and forced movements from their homes didn't help their track record
>your father kill my entire village and you have your home on top of their graves
>why should I care lol
More like 6 times great-grandfather killed the did.
Wow, what an incredible bloodline! A true ubermensch :^)
""American and Indian, Boer and Zulu, Cossack and Tartar, New Zealander and Maori, – in each case the victor, horrible though many of his deeds are, has laid deep the foundations for the future greatness of a mighty people." -- Theodore Roosevelt
Pic related, the atrocities of European colonialism
Caring about people is not the same as feeling remorse for something you had no control over
It's a very christian thing to do, original sin and all that stuff.
You say still on their graves and towing their old lands
Original sin is forgiven by the death of Christ. We do not care for our original sin anymore, we just acknowledge that Christ died to purge it.
the actions of my ancestors do not speak for the actions that I myself have done.
Unfortunately some of us do.
1. So are you. You greatly benefit from the European people you hate.
2. "their land" was unused, like how a caveman will wander anywhere to gather the next meal.
the entire America isn't "your land". If you can convince me that the Indians crafted diverse law codes, governmental systems, philosophy, arts, and great castles and armies to defend them, then you'll change my mind
That 100 million estimate encompasses natives from the Americas, so adding South American natives is redundant. Those South American natives, by the way, are Indians too, what race do you think they are?
And no, Europeans should not feel guilty.
>So are you. You greatly benefit from the European people you hate.
I never claimed I hated them, just the people who's land you have taken deserve respect from your high-horse sitting ass
>"their land" was unused, like how a caveman will wander anywhere to gather the next meal.
>If you can convince me that the Indians crafted diverse law codes, governmental systems, philosophy, arts, and great castles and armies to defend them
The Iroquois confederacy is a good starting place, seeing how they were the first federation and democracy in north america
A grand monument that decayed to time
As "unrefined and barbaric" you may think totem poles and bead stringing may be it does classify as a form of art.
One of the many writing systems developed by natives
A legit castle
But you wont accept this will you, because it doesnt go within your predefined notion of how culture and "civilness" works
No, but I try to treat black people equally as a modern white southern gentleman should
They were less technologically advanced and Europe had an upper hand. We would have done the same Europe's position. t. non white
Human groups defeat and take over other human groups. That's all of human history and always will be.
If we were constantly feeling great remorse for the collective actions of our "group" and trying to make "reparations", we would never get anywhere. It's not possible. You will find murder, bloodshed, and oppression in anyone's ancestry if you look back far enough.
All anyone can do is as an INDIVIDUAL act morally and not infringe on any other INDIVIDUAL'S rights, while simultaneously defending your own, so that you don't end up like those poor, defeated people of the past.
Do not subscribe to the "sins of the father" way of thinking.
No. If it wasn't us, it would be somebody else.
Not "bad", but remorse and empathy for those who's land has been taken and respect for those who wish to hold on to their culture after such brutality
Portugal here. On the contrary, we are proud.
Anglos and Germs have gone mad.
why would neolithic savages be worthy of respect? genuinely curious here.
The guilt is to the point of driving them to suicide it seems.
I'm sorry I only speak English, so I can't explain it to someone who can't read it.
you claim they deserve respect and then post useless factoids about neolithic life. from a group of people that made zero progress for centuries.
Eventually, they will be absorbed by the superior culture in the region (the USA) and their barbaric past forgotten, just like what happened to the savages the russians conquered in their own expansion.
and nothing of value will have been lost.
I gave you everything you (or the original poster) wanted, even without using the oh so obvious Mesoamericans and Inca to prove you wrong and, like I predicted you didn't even consider it because civilization can only ever be what you think it is and anything else is wrong.
First off, the Iroquois influenced the united states dramatically and was partially because of them that its the way it is today. Russia still has so many natives that is hard to count them, similarly to how the american natives are. Russia once upon a time were those uncivilized heathens, able to be outmatch by even the Mongol's, who's name mean barbarian.
But the point is that these tribes held people who had families and homes that were taken. Their culture being forgotten is just another insult, despite their fighting. I can't really give them justice over a monitor but whatever, its not like you're listening anyways
as i said, I'm Portuguese. When we discovered Brazil, there were at least hundreds of thousands of indians living on the coastline. We killed them all, and a good thing too, since the "noble savages" were fucking cannibals.
Don't expect any European worthy of that name to cry over the bones of a worthless and inferior culture. They failed, user. My visigothic ancestors failed against the muslim invaders too, and you don't see anyone crying for them. Their descendants, together with everyone from frenchmen to anglos to sepharditic jews succeded against the same opponent. Nobody cried over the muslims, either. That's how humanity works, user. That's how we are. And guess what, when the USA or whatever country you hail from inevitably goes down, nobody is going to cry over you, either.
Justice is getting what you deserve, not necessarily hat is nice.
Tarascan/Spic here. Well it worked out pretty great for us. Less satanic savages (ie mexica/aztecs) and more half-humans :^).
Thanks spics.
Jealous that we were the Masters of Earth?
>noble savages
>Don't expect any European worthy of that name to cry over the bones of a worthless and inferior culture. They failed, user.
Wow, thats edgy
>My visigothic ancestors failed against the muslim invaders too, and you don't see anyone crying for them.
No, but you sure do see a lot of people crying for the Romans who preceded them
>Nobody cried over the muslims, either.
Except for the Muslims dummy
>That's how humanity works, user.
No its not
The fact that we even know who the Visigoths are show we aren't all like that. It shows we are a people who wish to be remembered and will be remembered even if they don't want to be or made it hard to do so.
When the USA goes down it will be remembered in history, so will most states, because we have ways of keeping ourselves remembered and showing that we were people, and there will always be curious people who wanted to know what it was like back then and the stories from these places
>killed 100 million innocents around the world
>will kill another 100 million innocents if given the chance
serious, do communists feel any remorse for what their predecessors did?
Stop using the technology made by white people, please.
>Oh No, he's making a good point
>I'll avoid the question, that will solve it!
GG daft cunt
So? I remember the savages, user. I just think they are not worthy of respect. Like any normal person, when seeing a struggle between a civilized party and a non-civilized one, i root for the cause of civilization. Just so you know, I also would have preferred my Roman ancestors had beaten the northern savages.
That is how humanity works. Look at history. The strong displace the weak, and are in turn displaced by someone stronger, in an eternal struggle. Only a man blinded by self loathing or ideology can fail to see this.
That was actually the Final Argument, it's impossible to go against it and don't sound stupid. Non-whites have no right to talk shit against whites as long as they're using the technology made by whites to do so. Go and live in a mud hut, Jamal.
>when seeing a struggle between a civilized party and a non-civilized one, i root for the cause of civilization.
Civilization is subjective. The genocide against defenseless natives is without a doubt barbaric and uncivil
>That is how humanity works
See my prior point
>The strong displace the weak
Except when the weak displace the strong, like in so many populist and communist and republican revolutions that occurred through history everywhere since the dawn of time
I'm actually a proud liberal Scot. So that just shows how dumb you racists really are.
>it's impossible to go against it and don't sound stupid
More like its impossible to use it and not sound stupid because if computers were made by the Chinese would you be unable to talk shit about china?
Sorry you can't use paper anymore.
Sorry you can't eat peanut butter anymore
Sorry you can use computers anymore because it was founded on the work of a gay man faglord
Against Jews? Sorry, you have to stop believing in Christ the holy shepard of the jews
>says civilization is subjective
>literally next sentence says that genocide is objectively bad
I was stating my opinion but I do admit my statement of "without a doubt" went against my point. So I apologize
Civilization is, in large measure, material accomplishment. It is anything but subjective. And genocide is a practice as old as time. Was it wrong? Probably. Was it effective? Definitely. What do you think happened to the muslims that used to live where i live now? Besides, if you take the long term, wide view, what happened to those who opposed European expansion was probably a net gain for humanity as a whole. Their descendants enjoy the highest standard of living in history, made possible by European achievements.
As for revolutions, tose are internal conflicts inside one people, not a clash of different peoples, as you are well aware of. The only case where what you describe happening takes place that occurs to me is the Republic of Haiti, and the history of that country speaks for itself.
I will never understand this anglo phenomenon. Why would you not be proud of what your forefathers did in advancing humanity to it's present stage? You know as well as i do that without Europe the world would be a shithole, a techonological backwater where everyone, on every continent, would be worse off than they are now.
ps: if you're a scot, please don't let Scotland go down into lunacy with the english.
Im proud you muslim leftist piece of garbage.
No problem man, just jossing with you
T'es jaloux, Abdel?
>Civilization is, in large measure, material accomplishment. It is anything but subjective
Correct, but from a moral view it is, People do not see genocide as a "fair tactic" and wasn't even very useful when most of the time it just made the problem worse.
>European expansion was probably a net gain for humanity as a whole.
This would assume a world where Europe wasn't the colonizer would be an inferior one, and while I can see how the lack of trade between cultures would slow things down considerably it isn't necessarily the best scenario
>The only case where what you describe happening takes place that occurs to me is the Republic of Haiti, and the history of that country speaks for itself.
There are for sure many more examples where weaker armies won against stronger forces, one of which would be the american revolution (although it is exaggerated)
other examples would be the Greeks against the Persians
>Why would you not be proud of what your forefathers did
I never stated I was not proud of my forefathers, just that I recognize them as flawed like any man and that they did horrible things in their time that would be hard to justify even then.
People don't see genocide as a fair tactic now. Up until a couple of centuries ago, it was well tought of. Just see some Assyrian reliefs.
France won the American Revolution. Alone, the americans would have almost certainly lost. The Greeks had a better military than the Persians, altough the Persians were far more civilized at the time.
So they were flawed. So is everyone. But their actions were easy to justify. Just go and see what they said, it's not like they (the americans in this case) didn't discuss the subject at lenght. It's not like the Indians didn't give them plenty of reasons either.
My people didn't kill shit.
>thinking all of europe is a single nation
I don't because it's in the past so we can put it behind us.
Anyone who cries about their ancestors actions is a fuckwit
>>Killed 100 million Native Indians
>>Hundred other millions people from places like Africa, India, South America, Asia.
Even assuming that those numbers are correct, which they are not and saying that those actions are bad (because obviously judging the past with our moral bias is normal), the good Europeans did still outweighs the bad.
Without Europeans you would have literally no modern technology, no scientific thought and revolution, no industrial revolution, no laws as modern intended, no democracy, no constitution and so forth.
So, did Europeans commit awful actions in the course of history? Yes.
Did other peoples commit the same actions whenever given the chance? Yes.
Did Europeans give us the modern world we all live in and enjoy? Yes.
Did others equal European contributions? Not by 1/10.
as if american indians never conquered the land they inhabited from other tribes
No. They lost. We won. Boom. Fuck'em.
>South America
>No man's land