Do you let children in your car?

Do you let children in your car?

>family thinks I'm worse than stalin because I won't let my nephew and niece ride in my BMW m5 with baby seats

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No. I'd let a dog in first before a child.

Fuck no, children are retarded, selfish assholes that'll fuck up your property without a second thought. I don't even like giving rides to most adults
t. was a child

Story behind the picture?

They committed suicide with pills and left the kid there in the back seat

Parents OD/Died on heroin with their son in the back.

Son should've been euthanized for having dumbass parents.

i would never drive a child i speed so much it would be reckless endangerment

Heroin OD with kid in car.

They lived, lol.

Here, have another.

>Son should've been euthanized for having dumbass parents.
Had a hearty kek.

>none of the blacks bother to call 911

Why should they.

>nog detected


They should deal with their own life desicions. All cops will do is put them in jail and waste my tax dollars.

>leave them to die in the street

Yeah, I'm sure the neighbors will love that one.

That's why I pay for garbage

The one time I let a child into my car, he carved his name into the leather on the back of the passenger seat. Parents paid for the reupholstery, but I tell any family members they'll have to drive their own children around.

Depends on the kid. Aunt-in-law's kids are almost always perfectly behaved. Cousin's kids are fucking psychotic demons.

No, kids have fingers and they like to put them on fucking everything rather than just sitting still

My family is the opposite

>car is such a horrid looking death trap they would rather their kids walk than ride in it

>freezing temps
>see neighbors new car
>all windows open
>ask them if it's intentional
>it was, both kids had shat all over the back seats a day before and they were still trying to vent the smell

>Do you let children in your car?
Not unless they're my own. That's how I'll make sure they grow up at least liking cars.

You made the right choice there, OP.


>what do you mean it only has a lap belt?

>having seat belts at all

roll them off your property so they're not violating the NAP

>literally not giving even half a fuck about the scared little kid in the back