Catholics of Veeky Forums tell me about this man.Was he a good pope? Whats his legacy?

Catholics of Veeky Forums tell me about this man.Was he a good pope? Whats his legacy?

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He should've covered those crucial holes. It allowed the heretics to strike at the very core of the Installation.

>He should've covered those crucial holes.
They were well covered friend

Emperor Popatine was really a man who embodied the classic popes at a time when a classic tradition following pope was exactly what the church did not need at the time, and to compound the issue he never truly wanted the job in the first place I feel. He was always more comfortable behind the scenes and when writing theological works.

I feel his legacy will be one of the placeholder, the man who recognized when he was not fit for the job and gracefully bowed out to live a life of religious contemplation. I highly recommend reading his various writings.

In the end he was a coward who couldn't take the heat. So the gay lobby blackmailed the church into submission. He should have gone out in the open. He should have reached out for the flock. He should have denounced and purged the church the church of all its gay and pedophile elements, not try to protect them. The faithful would understand. But instead he gave into the gay lobbyists and now we have this antichrist pope.

Yes and a great theologian.

Don't fall for le palpatine 9gag/reddit memes.

I've heard that he was heavily involved in covering up and protecting cases of sexual abuse

I watched the Frontline special about him. Apparently he decided he'd retire in December 2012 after receiving a full report on the number of homosexual and pedophile members of the clergy, and after learning just how widespread the child rape crisis was.

I feel bad for the guy though, John Paul deuce neglected the growing rape problem until he died, then allowed it to be dumped on his successor's desk.

You sound mentally ill

That user is right though you filthy modernist.

Could he have done something about it? Can anyone even do something to stop the problem?

It's not an issue of homosexuality or heterosexuality, rather paedophilia is a disorder that the paedophiles are attracted to children, which an adult with healthy sexuality would not be to.

The reason why so many priests are paedophiles probably has something to do with their upbringing and their isolation from a healthy sexuality so they develop a sort of "prison gay" type of behaviour towards children.

Unless you are also willing to argue that homosexuals overwhelmingly choose to be priests and follow the catholic faith.

>paedophilia is a disorder that the paedophiles are attracted to children
Homosexuals also suffer from a mental disorder, wether they are attacted to pre-pubescent boys or not.

which would yoy suggest?

25 year rule

go /pol/ and stay /pol/

My mom said that she wanted him to be leader of the world

There is a way.


He was the leader of the fucking inquisition for crying out loud! He would have gained massive support if he had gone to the public about it and proceed to purge the gays and pedophiles (implying there's a difference) from the church, because nobody likes pedophiles. But he chickened out and the gay lobby had their way and elected their man to the papacy.

i don't think the liberals would have liked it

>a man who embodied the classic popes at a time when a classic tradition following pope was exactly what the church did not need
What do you mean? Sheev was a church reformist through and through. More than "classic", he was a protestant aesthetic stereotype of popish malevolence, but his actual ideas weren't conservative in the slightest. Had he been prettier, he'd have been hailed as a fitting successor for JP2.

Of course not as this would have strengthened the church. It would have been a conservative victory, of Christian morality against gender ideology, and there wouldn't have been a hippie anti-pope.

>embodied the classic popes

I should have specified 'in image.' He was a notorious stickler for wearing the classic papal dress at basically all times, no matter what. He did make some reform efforts, but he was also dealing with problems that JPII (Who really was a damn good pope and would have been hard to follow no matter what) had swept under the rug.

Not just against gender ideology but against pure evil in the form of gay-pedophilia.

>JPII really was a damn good pope that swept the tough issues under the rug
JP2 was 15 years of brilliance followed by 15 years of sheer neglect (due to illness sure, but still neglect). I don't know if I'd call that 'damn good', checkered performance usually isn't.

for a second i honestly forgot that a lot of people here come from pol
ahh, stay calssy you beautiful people

>Homosexuality is a mental disorder [citation needed] [dubious - discuss]

I would hardly call Dave Rubin or Steven Fry "mentally ill".

I don't know about homos in general but I could totally believe Fry to be mentally ill.

Every single homosexual is mentally ill.

fair enough
That's such a blatant fucking opinion. Under your logic, anything can be called a mental illness simply because you don't like it.

Most catholics are only in it for the sake of tradition, they don't really believe in it or trust the hierarchy.

You're a homosexual, aren't you?

Those "Catholics" are not Catholics.

>Whats his legacy?
A legal precedent for papal resignation, promoted the use of Latin, attempted to revive the Tridentine Mass with a motu proprio, fought child abuse within the Church and secularism and the dictatorship of relativism, strengthened the relationship between the Catholic Church and art, was himself a pianist and a lover and patron of classical music.

He's always been a prolific writer and theologian, in addition to his "Jesus of Nazareth trilogy" here: , one of his earliest works is his Introduction to Christianity, still very relevant, pic related, and so are his books on Church Fathers, Doctors and Holy Women and others, and his three encyclicals:

as well as his take on the theology of liberation:

He also was quoted in the Catholic Church's document on the New Age:

tl;dr Benedict XVI has been a great Pope, and he still is.

Thoughts on Francis?

He's the new kid on the block. Still, Pope Francis' job in expanding the Church in Latin America in general, and as a mediator on American-Cuba relations was amazing and it also became an opportunity for a Pope to meet Patriarch Kirill of Moscow, equally amazing for ecumenical, evangelic and anti-communist perspectives.

Unfortunately Pope Francis gets too frequently caught saying what he really thinks during his flights and even on more formal and serious circumstances.

"Gesù fa un po' lo scemo" which means “Jesus plays the fool a bit” and similar near-blasphemies is NOT what you want to hear from the Vicar of Jesus Christ - I mean, even from a secular perspective one could say he's insulting his very own position and title at most, for crying out loud! Foolishness has more to do with his behavior than Jesus forgiving the adulteress (yes, somehow that was the context, no really).

I just know down there Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI is trying to tell Francis to cut this nonsense out, without success.

But I'll get to the point: Pope Francis is the biggest troll on the planet.

When he angers the traditionalist crowd he's trying to seduce the liberals, and in the next instant he "clarifies his statement", in which his position turns out to be consistent with the Church's teachings all along, which disappoints the progressives but only if the go all the way to read or listen to the "damage control."

The net results of these shenanigans is, with a combination of his charisma and mediatic damage control, an increase of his own and the Church's popularity.

Pope Francis is the greatest liberal theologian that never was.

Serious question, would Palpatine have been viewed more fondly if he didn't look like Palpatine?

pretty cool guy, but a bit of an asshole sometimes.

>I feel bad for the guy though, John Paul deuce neglected the growing rape problem until he died, then allowed it to be dumped on his successor's desk.

I feel the same. JP2 was more concerned about world politics and his own rockstar image that he failed to tackle all that shit that was behind his back.

>kicking out people that are directly against your beliefs from your religion is /pol/
Oh fuck off, you're not even christian you retard

You can't just call every pope you don't like an antipope, you know that, right?

>great theologian
Pick one
