Veeky Forums approved movies
Veeky Forums approved movies
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Choice choice.
Does this count? It's pretty historically accurate 2bh
One of my favourite movies without a doubt
Communist propaganda
Pretentious shit
Inaccurate as fuck
I'm noticing a pattern.
Shoo, special snowflake. Nobody cares about your contrarian opinion.
platoon desu
Come and see is literally propaganda though
claiming this
The Duellists. You see a range of French uniforms, every one of them incredibly accurate. Top film too.
Zulu. Top film lads
show me your war face user
If this isn't your favourite film of all time I question your taste.
fuck yeah nigga i love this film but the ending of the directors cut was utter bullshit
by the way referring to this scene
One of my personal favorites.
This, Das Boot, and Stalingrad. Best movies of all time, I think Das Boot takes the cake though.
Seriously, just fuck off. Your retarded opinion is not appreciated.
I liked this one
>Come and See
great film desu
not realistic training
not realistic combat
I'm currently writing a paper to explain why this movie is horseshit.
It's pretty cool, but historically fucked.
Its not a movie but a miniseries. Either way its probably the greatest piece of tv ever
It was a fantastic movie that I absolutely never want to see again. It felt like a really bad fever dream punctuated with fucked up shit. 10/10, would never watch again.
t. paintballer
Romanticised to the level of The Last Samurai with a fraction of the likability. Also made claims that were either contradictory or straight-out false.
>all these /tv/ rejects
You all fell for their meme's. There is only one post in here which is actually accurate and devoid of /tv/'s filth.
I never finished Come and See. Does he ever stop flailing about in the mud? The first hour was interesting but then he just bumbles around the woods with some girl and I got tired of it.
>mfw I can sit still for hours on end with a book but cannot do the same with movies.
Dunno why. I just can't do it.
Which one is that?
Post ends in a 1, have fun with that.
Everyone gets holocausted.
is it
Figures as much. Maybe I'll finish it someday.
>Dunno why. I just can't do it.
Because most movies, even those in this thread are complete and utter shit.
Movies are a visual medium used to tell a story yet all movies have followed a boring route of basic open exposition you wouldn't even find in a book. In short, you only have seen shit movies, which is the case with most people because pretty much every movie out there is shit.
In an over-saturated market you really cannot expect anything else. ALso anything from Hollywood relating to WWII can pretty much be put straight into the bin.
>le any negative connotation of Nazism is propaganda face
>le patricius face
I learned about Aguirre on /tv/ years ago bro
Oh, fuck off you poser. You're no better than the plebs.
I've seen every movie in this thread except one.
this one's the best
these are really good
The first half is 11/10, you can tell when kubrick loses passion in development and it starts sagging.
these are worth watching
Pic related technically is not historical, but depicts medieval peasantry and wealth dispersion in an incredible way and is probably what I would recommend the most out of any movie that is loosely history related.
Just telling it how it is, don't pretend aguirre is some hidden gem I've seen it posted on /tv/ many times. Hell I've even posted it there.
It is a very good movie, though.
>don't pretend aguirre is some hidden gem
I'm not, but you should stop pretending you're some kind of exceptional cinephile, because what you're doing with the "lol at these plebs, my taste is so much more refined I'm not even revealing my opinions". You're just commodifying art.
This is so god damn good. Highly recommended
>le funny hyperbolical strawmen constitute an argument
Kys commie
what are you talking about? these are my only posts in this thread:
You need to calm down and stop projecting your insecurities all over the internet. You'll be happier.
Responding to both you and
Does pic related reflect your opinion of Nazism accurately?
Útlaginn (The Outlaw). It's an Icelandic film based on the Gísla saga. Hard to find a copy, but you can find it on some streaming site somewhere, I'm sure.
Are you actually saying that film is NOT propaganda?
Eleven lessons:
>Empathize with your enemy
>Rationality will not save us
>There's something beyond one's self
>Maximize efficiency
>Proportionality should be a guideline in war
>Get the data
>Belief and seeing are both often wrong
>Be prepared to re-examine your reasoning
>In order to do good, you may have to engage in evil
>Never say never
>You can't change human nature
Do you have an accurate justification towards the thought of it being propaganda?
so are 95%< of historical movies
It's comfy but with feels included.
Yes. Over emotional portrayal of massacres, random going full elaborate racial theory, cartoon villainesque portrayal of every German and the fact the movie was literally created by communists.
not really historical but still awesome
It was created by Soviet Russian citizens.
Are you under the impression that the populace under a communist government inherently follow communism? Reminder the film was also made few years before Soviet communism liquidized completely.
>. Also made claims that were either contradictory or straight-out false.
shut up bong. The idea that the Revolution was a "clean" war is total bullshit and there were a fair number of atrocities committed
What does Veeky Forums think of this new Russian viking movie?
This looks interesting, what movie is it?
City of Life and Death the movie about the rape if Nanking. So pissed when they took it off Netflix
I watched a few over the last few days:
>We were soldiers
A movie on one of the first engagements between US and communist forces in Vietnam in 1965.Quite a well acted and intense film, showed respect to the Vietnamese, a little heavy handed on racism
>The 9th Company
A movie on hill 3234 during the Soviet war in afghanistan. Extremely inaccurate, it is like a poor man's full metal jacket with 1/2 the quality and 10x the CYKA BYLAT. Still, reasonably entertaining, especially if you're a little buzzed while you're watching it.
A movie about Estonia in 1944, following Estonian SS and red army soldiers. I don't speak Estonian, but you can tell that the actors are good, they nail the body language. Incredible battle scenes, especially when you realise it was on a €2 million budget. Let down a bit by how it is very nationalistic and portrays the Soviets as cartoonishly evil while Nazi hate is far more subtle.
Classic about the battle of Rorke's Drift. Riverting. Really surprised me how they cast Michael Caine. The effects don't show too much age while the camera quality does. I found a few characters annoying although their screen time is kept to a minimum.
I like cringy ,obvious Propaganda flicks made in America.
The Patriot
Saving private Ryan
And other Martshartian quality films.
Unbiased post
A wonderful movie where the only people who understand each other, hate each other
Not that user, but i think if it hadnt tasted like propaganda the makers wouldve suffered repercussions.
>Come and See
>Veeky Forums approved
It's literally a soviet propaganda movie
>Le /pol/ boogeyman
Piss off.
such a meme flick, at least Lepa Sela Lepo Gore was funny
Posting pictures of nazis doesn't help your cause.
The ottomans never even called it that, Ataturk started it.
This Veeky Forumstorian approves this
>such a meme flick
What does this even mean?
Brilliant film
Well, there's technically a movie which you should watch first, then skip over the first three episodes, but if you haven't watched this all the way through, you shouldn't be here.
Also, the book is just as good, if not better.
Isn't that the series that depicted Hamilton in such a negative way that some Puerto Rican guy wrote a musical solely for refuting it?
What do you guys think about this one?
Whats that anime called again?
It's such a shitty film. The CGI is fucking terrible, too.
That could be the case, but regardless if it is or isn't, it would still serves as an interesting propaganda peace similar to that of Triumph of the Will.
Legend of Galactic Heroes.
it's a very low quality video that repeats ex-yugo jokes as factual drama
Didn't care for it. Thought legend if galactic heroes the series was thoroughly overrated and as a story was downright badly done at times.
Give us the lowdown senpai.
Based user