What would a textbook from 1000 years in the future would say about us?

What would a textbook from 1000 years in the future would say about us?

Something about the birth of mainstream internet culture and social media, rights movements, war in the middle east, American excess, and memes.

Hopefully a footnote about Japan and 2d porn.

Not much.

Politics: pretty much all ideologies are either a continuation or renovation of older 18th and 19th century ideologies. The political landscape hasn't changed much in a while.

Culture: it has been a continuation in mondialisation and mass consumer culture of the post-war.

International affairs: an overall preservation of the global status quo with some small wars here and there, à la Pax Britannia.

Technology: a continuation of the technological improvement since the post-war. The internet would probably be mention worthy.

Society: a general cosmopolitan attitude. This isn't really new.

We aren't that special.

Probably? I don't know maybe we're like those colonial fucks who thought telegram wires were the shit but the internet seems like one of the biggest deals in all of human history.

>using the internet when you can sync consciousness with eachother

Telegram was a pretty big deal at the time. The thing is that big deals can be overshadowed by future bigger deals.

that Berserk (2016) was shit and that Berserk (2040) was way better

im sorry i dont think anime textbooks will ever exist

a man can dream

It's a brave new world user.

Internet is a whole new deal though, it's on par with the print. Changed information transmission and the massification of it forever. You can basically get a phd in terms of knowledge with a basic computer and a shitty connection. The ramifications of an access to such a gargantuan amount of information of all kinds is so recent, so ever-changing and so dramatic, we still can't grasp the implications of it.

why cant American women look like this?
Do the japs have a crush on us?

>anime textbook
>post educational manga

I'm not in anyway trying to refute what you're saying. What I'm trying to convey is that something even more revolutionary may be invented which we cannot even imagine.

Or it may be the contrary. Some say we have reached our technological peak and our future is nothing but decay. This might seem insane but we must remember that history repeats itself and that any kind of progress is finite.

that scene was fuking weird

No [spoiler]Yes.[/spoiler]

I don't know man I can't fucking read that gibberish

>We aren't that special.

Depending on what you qualify as "we", the last few decades have been pretty huge solely in regards to the internet. I think in the future the internet will be seen as being similarly significant as the printing press.

Like yeah I know the internet was "invented" quite a while ago but since the 90s its really come into its own as a phenomenon, and the fact you can basically access all the world's information on a little device you carry in your pocket feels like a watershed moment to me.

It'll probably talk about how the last 100 years have been echoes of WWI.

>Cold War
>Soviet Russia
>USA as a super power
>Rise of China
>Middle east buttfuckery
>Saudi Arabia

And that's just to name a few.


Internet changed the game.

Political and cultural dark age; the fall of the Western culture