I don't get it. Its not a real thing. And if it was, how is it Marxist, exactly?
Cultural Marxism
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Its a term by the alt-right to create a nouveau degeneracy list.
Otherwise known as they wish it was the 1950's.
"We tolerate everything, unless you're something we hate."
Are you describing Cultural Marxism, or the people that use that term?
Guess it could apply to both. As my grandfather put it, "everyone shit on a few."
Cultural Marxism is not an ideology which people self-identify with. It refers to the application of the Marxist idea of class warfare (bourgeois vs. proletariat) to social issues like gender (patriarchy vs. women) and race (white people vs. people of color).
How about when applied to being against liberals?
Its always, 'the liberals' or 'the jews'. Isn't that also Cultural Marxism then?
>its a "marxist shill pretends cultural marxism doesnt exist" episode
No, because the cultural marxism is just lube for regular old marxism. The Alt-right is ethno-socialist for ethnocentrism's sake.
>No, because the cultural marxism is just lube for regular old marxism.
How so? The definition I got was using Marxist terminology for social issues, and that's something the alt-right does constantly. Or at least /pol/ does.
I don't see how it relates to regular ol Marxism at all.
>You can't trust Marxists to be authorities on Marxism. They're in on the conspiracy.
>Listen to this youtube video instead.
>>You can't trust Marxists to be authorities on Marxism
its an offshoot of marxism you stupid LARPer.
Look up the Frankfurt school. Their intention was to realize communism through cultural Marxism. It is inherently leftist because it's aim is to destroy traditionalism.
Do people actually believe this meme and think cultural marxism is a thing?
But what does it got to do with Marxism? Other than superficially using some of the same methods but applied to something very different?
I think people are calling it 'cultural Marxism' Ironically as a cultural Marxist way of presenting Marxism/socialism as the thing to be the class warfare opponent.
So its a conspiracy theory?
The original point of cultural marxist ideology was to subvert bourgeois American college students, since the Soviets failed to subvert the America's working class in the 1920's.
By sidestepping the class divide and focusing on race and gender divide, cultural marxism intended to to be more palatable to the upper middle class that needed indoctrinating in American higher education.
Since the fall of the USSR, cultural Marxism has been appropriated by globalists, since it promotes the minoritization of whites, who are the biggest threat to global Jewish plutocracy.
Yeah, but the very idea of applying the name "marxism" to describe this open social conflict type you described is out of sense. The class warfare could be put this way at the time of Marx's work since the conditions were such that allowed the very terminology "warfare" to make sense, and at least in the gender territory, there is no such war going on.
>this is what /pol/ believes
The fact that "Cultural Marxism/Bolshevism" is a term coined by the I-shit-you-not real historical Nazi's should be enough to tip you off OP. It's just racists tying everything they don't like (such as equal civil rights and making the upper class pay a fair but not overburdening share of taxes) into some nefarious conspiracy run by a convenient boogieman they can blame all ills on.
Just read some works by the Frankfurt school, they confirm all the stuff we say.
It's like how when nationalists say Jews control Hollywood it's a conspiracy theory, yet they themselves brag about it.
Ah, but the term 'Cultural Marxism' doesn't imply that, its just a description of certain ways of thinking in neutral terms.
Its the Frankfurt School you are thinking of. And so, just because the Frankfurt school is "cultural marxist" doesn't mean any other thing aren't also Cultural marxist.
And from my observations, the alt-right is cultural Marxist. Which is why the term itself is fucking dumb because it doesn't imply actual Marxism, rather that its the tool of the Frankfurt school and anyone ells who uses that applies marxist class struggle theory to social issues.
Unless of coarse, the term is just a smokescreen to cover the motives behind those that use it.
Communists wanting to overthrow the system to bring about communism is hardly a conspiracy when it is the stated goal of communism
Cultural marxism is more a tool for the far right than it is for the far left. There is no conspiracy of cultural marxism but the use of the term originated as a tool of propaganda during the rise of the third reich, then called cultural bolshevism or Kulturbolschewismus.
Marxism has undergone a metamorphosis from the economic to the cultural.
>two economic classes: worker and capitalist
>the proletariat are oppressed by the capitalists
>any capitalist's criticism of Marxism is "bourgeois logic" and can be ignored
>if a proletariat doesn't want to be liberated it is because he has internalized his oppression, and is parroting the bourgeois logic of capitalists
>inexorable progress will result in an overthrow of capitalism
"Cultural Marxism"
>two cultural classes: privileged and underprivileged
>the underprivileged are oppressed by the privileged (man-woman, white-non white, able-disabled, christian-muslim, Israeli-Palestinian, and scho on *sniff*)
>any privileged shitlord's criticism of Cultural Marxism is "mansplaining", "cissplaining", "whitesplaining", and scho on
>if an underprivileged woman doesn't want to be liberated by feminists it is because she has internalized her oppression, and is parroting the "mansplaining" of shitlords
>inexorable progress will result in the overthrow of Western Culture
This is why all of the dinosaur communists just whine and fill their underwear these days. They believe that Capitalism has "won", and that we now live in some kind of hyper-reactionary society. They don't see that Marxism has simply been transmuted into a new century, it wanders about looking for some "oppressed" people wherever it can find them. Since all economic Socialism has failed; the relevant Marx has been taken up, the falsehoods discarded, and new theories based on Marx developed; the feelgood-dualists need to find some new crusade -- they found it in culture.
Note how China has prevented this by rejecting communist economics while retaining the party, so as to prevent the societal rot in the west. As too are many old school communists in Russia and the East anti-liberal and for the most part culturally "conservative".
>The class warfare could be put this way at the time of (((Marx)))'s work since the conditions were such that allowed the very terminology "warfare" to make sense, and at least in the gender territory, there is no such war going on.
The cultural Marxists created the conditions for gender warfare and racial warfare.
rom Kołakowski's huge Main Currents of Marxism vol. 3:
When we consider the place of the Frankfurt school in the evolution of Marxism, we find that its strong point was philosophical anti-dogmatism and the defence of the autonomy of theoretical reasoning. It freed itself from the mythology of the infallible proletariat and the belief that Marx's categories were adequate to the situation and problems of the modern world. It also endeavoured to reject all elements of varieties of Marxism that postulated an absolute, primary basis of knowledge and practice. It contributed to the analysis of 'mass culture' as a phenomenon that cannot be interpreted in class categories as Marx understood them. It also contributed to the critique of scientistic philosophy, by drawing attention (though in fairly general and unmethodical terms) to the latent normative assumptions of scientist programmes.
The Frankfurt philosophers were on weak ground, on the other hand, in their constant proclamation of an ideal 'emancipation' which was never properly explained. This created the illusion that while condemning 'reification', exchange-value, commercialized culture, and scientism they were offering something else instead, whereas the most they were actually offering was nostalgia for the pre-capitalist culture of an élite. By harping on the vague prospect of a universal escpae from present-day civilization, they unwittingly encouraged an attitude of mindless and destructive protest.
In short, the strength of the Frankfurt school consisted in pure negation, and its dangerous ambiguity lay in the fact that it would not openly admit this fact, but frequently suggested the opposite. IT was not so much a continuation of Marxism in any direction, as an example of its dissolution and paralysis.
>Marxism has undergone a metamorphosis from the economic to the cultural.
But that changes the very thing itself.
Its like if Islam was called 'Arabic Christianity'.
No, just no.
>Note how China has prevented this by rejecting communist economics while retaining the party, so as to prevent the societal rot in the west.
Interesting. Are you saying that the Chinese elite remaining communist in name after transitioning to state capitalism prevented the rise of cultural marxism?
cultural marxism is essentially another term for the new left.
>all these non-arguments
See what you've done is taken a shaky conspiracy theory and warped it to fit into the way you see the world.
This post is stupid.
You're stupid.
Might as well be Sam Harris with the amount of smug tripe he spouts.
Says the liberal.
No, just no.
>They don't see that Marxism has simply been transmuted into a new century, it wanders about looking for some "oppressed" people wherever it can find them.
>the Chinese elite remaining communist in name after transitioning to state capitalism prevented the rise of cultural marxism?
What the PRC did is stick to older, uniquely Chinese philosophies.
Mao of course openly attacked Confucianism, and embraced Legalism:
Mao’s intellectual activism started, incidentally, with a high-school essay written in praise of Shang Yang (Schram 1992–2004, Vol. 1: 5–6), and his positive view of Shang Yang and of the Qin dynasty strengthened as time passed. In the last years of Mao’s life, under the infamous “anti-Confucian” campaign, Legalism was openly endorsed and hailed as “progressive” intellectual current both in its outlook and its historical role (Li Yu-ning 1977); attempts were even made to position it as a direct predecessor of Mao Zedong’s Thought (see, e.g., Liu Zehua 2012).
After Mao’s death, this grotesque politicization of Legalism discontinued. While in the 1980s Legalism still could surface in China’s intellectual debates about paths that the country needed to take, and while echoes of Chinese polemics could be heard in the West as recently as the 1990s (Fu Zhengyuan 1996), this “usage of the past to criticize the present” gradually receded. With it, studies of Legalist thought receded as well, especially in the West and in Japan, but to a certain extent also in China. Most recently, this trend is changing, and the academic community is rediscovering the richness of Legalist thought. Without excessive endorsement or disparagement, scholars can investigate this set of ideas, which was highly effective in the context of the Warring States period, but proved less applicable to other historical circumstances.
Post-MAO, PRC embraces and globalizes Confucianism, a "cure" against CM.
>Marxism is whatever I say it is, and I say its thing I don't like. Wahh.
No worries dude, I wasn't trying to argue with you. Just pointing out that you idolize a self-righteous libertarian hack while reappropriating nazi propaganda.
But really, facile infographics don't count as arguments either so we have more of an absurd screaming contest rather than an argument here in the first place.
>People who don't know what Marxism is talking about what it can and cannot do.
There's literally nothing to argue. This is like Alex Jones tier conspiracy/fantasy trash.
Well shit dude, its all Jew Maths, right?
It's hardly real and founded on a poor understanding of Marx's writing.
It's been a 'polite' term for the 'alt-rght' in place of cuckoldry or degeneracy.
>hat you idolize a self-righteous libertarian hack while reappropriating nazi propaganda
This is so true and ironic that it hurts.
Your analogy bore no relation to the subject matter, but defining Marxism solely in essentialist terms is in any case antithetical to it as a body of thought.
If you want a book more on the Anglosphere, following the British tradition outside your "usual" Frankfurt School, and written by a self-admitted cultural Marxist, read pic related.
British cultural Marxism grew out of an effort to create a social
ist understanding of Britain which took into consideration postwar
transformations that seemed to undermine traditional Marxist as
sumptions about the working class and that questioned the tradi
tional Left’s exclusive reliance on political and economic catego
ries. Cultural Marxists were, above all, concerned with redefining
the relationship between structure and agency, for it was the agency
of traditional socialism, the industrial working class, that was being
called into question. They attempted to identify the contours of
the postwar terrain, to redefine social struggle, and to articulate
new forms of resistance appropriate to a democratic and socialist
politics in an advanced capitalist society. At the heart of this project
was “culture.”
I hope that my
account will be read by a wider audience than those already thor
oughly acquainted with the major texts of the tradition that is
being re-created. I do not see myself as being a disciple of any
particular tendency in British cultural Marxism, but it will un
doubtedly become clear that I have the most sympathy for the later
approaches of the cultural studies tradition as developed by Stuart
Hall and others.
lel. Liberals think they're living in the 00s and all opposition are Fox News-watching confederates. This is why you're losing.
Marxist historical and cultural theory in
Britain was produced by several generations of intellectuals in the
context of the most radical causes and movements of the last sixty
years: the Popular Front of the thirties and forties, the New Left
movement and the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament ( c n d ) of
the late fifties and early sixties, the countercultural and student
politics of 1968, and the feminist and antiracist politics of the 1970s.
Another major distinction between the two traditions was that
the majority of Frankfurt School theorists were philosophers, nur
tured in Hegelianism, while British Marxists with the greatest in
fluence have been historians and literary and cultural theorists. It
has been common to attribute this difference in approach to the
antitheoretical and empirical bent of the English, and indeed this
assertion contains some truth
during the sixties and seventies British Marxists
engaged in a critical dialogue with advocates ofEuropean traditions
of literary, philosophical, and social theory, and this dialogue left an
indelible imprint on British cultural Marxism’s development—a
process that was simultaneous with Britain achieving membership
in the European Community. Many intellectuals were attracted to
these traditions and other forms of theory precisely because
they represented alternatives to what they saw as the stifling effects
of the English empirical idiom. But many of them also used these
ideas to extend and renew, rather than negate, the English tradition.
By the end of the 1970s it was still true that much of the most
creative work of British Marxists was historical in nature, even if
outside the historical discipline proper, but it was by no means
I don't understand.
If its not Marxist, than its not Marxist.
If it influenced some things, those things aren't Marxist. Just like the things that Influenced Marx didn't make Marx those things.
Because that's the same as saying 'we are all Africans' because long long time ago, we were.
Or everyone is Socratic.
>you're losing
There hasn't been an active or viable left in the US for decades.
>I don't understand.
I know.
Don't worry Comrade, the Marxist bourgeois allies in the intellectual priesthood will interpret the Sacred Texts for you, and tell you want Marxism is or is not, just do what they Church says, because that's what class consciousness and a working class Revolution is all about.
You do the proletarian thing, which is to blindly obey who's above you, and they do the rest. Is that clear?
Now if a Dworkin calls himself a cultural Marxist, or a Laclau a Neo-Marxist, even though they change too much things around according to you, to the point that you don't see where the Marxism is anymore, well your opinion doesn't matter, art thou part of the Marxist intellectual class? Nope, you're just a stupid prole anyway, so shut the fuck up and leave it to the authorized personnel and grown-ups.
>Marxism is or is not, just do what they Church says
Is that because Marxism is Christianity of the 19th-21st centuries?
It just finds new ways to express itself, right?
>cultural marxism
Is neither a cultural phenomenon nor has anything to do with marxism.
Ratzinger wrote on the theology of liberation that replaces the Gospel with Marxist political action and hermeneutics:
Now there's a liberation theologian straight out of South America at the head of the biggest of all Christian denominations.
I can hardly tell where does the Catholic end and where does the Marxist begin anymore. MacIntyre is both and wrote a book on the topic.
What is Gramscian Cultural Hegemony? Copy pasta from le wik bc drunk>
Orthodox Marxism had predicted that socialist revolution was inevitable in capitalist societies. By the early 20th century, no such revolution had occurred in the most advanced nations. Capitalism, it seemed, was more entrenched than ever. Capitalism, Gramsci suggested, maintained control not just through violence and political and economic coercion, but also through ideology. The bourgeoisie developed a hegemonic culture, which propagated its own values and norms so that they became the "common sense" values of all. People in the working-class (and other classes) identified their own good with the good of the bourgeoisie, and helped to maintain the status quo rather than revolting.
To counter the notion that bourgeois values represented "natural" or "normal" values for society, the working class needed to develop a culture of its own. Lenin held that culture was "ancillary" to political objectives, but for Gramsci it was fundamental to the attainment of power that cultural hegemony be achieved first.
Gramsci stated that bourgeois cultural values were tied to folklore, popular culture and religion, and therefore much of his analysis of hegemonic culture is aimed at these. For Gramsci, Marxism could supersede religion only if it met people's spiritual needs, and to do so people would have to think of it as an expression of their own experience.
For Gramsci, hegemonic dominance ultimately relied on a "consented" coercion, and in a "crisis of authority" the "masks of consent" slip away, revealing the fist of force
You have developed a dirty bomb to defeat your enemy, you sap their culture of the strength that somehow resisted the expected revolution post WW1. However, no one actually believes in the economic tenets of marxism anymore. They released an ideological bioweapon (parasite may be more accurate) but people who believe in the reasons for this military action no longer exist. So, just like AIDS doesn't actually kill you but just allows many other things to kill you, Germany auto-immune response is clearly null. And the perpetrators of this hugely effective weapon are no longer around to capitalize on it *rimshot*. Instead the AIDS just perpetrates itself like toxoplosma gandhi or roundworm or any good horizontally spreading parasite
modern term for social marxists
Also I think I read it Kolakowski's MCOM bc I can't find it online but I recall a bit about Lukacs specific use of sexual education in schools to develop children into the political mold he favored (by breaking them of their previous conditioning) *inserts alexjones gif of 'breakingtheconditioning"
And why is that so?
To create a new hegemony, read Laclau
Because the main thinkers behind cultural Marxism intended it to pave the way for real Marxism
>>And from my observations, the alt-right is cultural Marxist.
What is the alt-right?
OP, see the thing you're doing in this thread?
That's cultural marxism.
It makes sense when you consider the doctrine of critical theory, which dominated academic discourse today, and infests every part of our society, it spawned as a result of cultural marxism, its aims are one and the same, to criticize and scrutinize everything traditional and '"normal" in a society in order to subvert it slowly and over time, through media, academia, social fabric and society into a more "progressive" i.e regressive course.
It's a far right wing term for Culture Studies. A bit like how they refereed to some areas of physics as "Jewish physics"; which they contrasted to good clean Aryan Physics - no seriously;
...and it's only "Marxism" in that it involves criticizing a society which is ostensibly capitalist... and of course; according to the alt-right western democratic freedom has nothing to do with criticism.
>It's hardly real and founded on a poor understanding of Marx's writing.
once again, its based around the writings of Herbert Marcuse and to a lesser extent, Theodor Adorno. Its basically their fan fiction revision of Marxism.
You LARPing commiboos seem to be ignoring this on purpose for whatever reason.
>I think people are calling it 'cultural Marxism' Ironically as a cultural Marxist way of presenting Marxism/socialism as the thing to be the class warfare opponent.
no, they are calling that because it attacks culture in order to create an atmosphere where Marxism, or at least their idea of it, can take root and grow. You guys get triggered by the term simply because it has "Marx" in it and god forbid someone criticize your god of memery. The video I posted explains all this pretty easily if you would have actually watched it.
It´s basically Cultural Bolshevism all over again
It´s a way to deflect the problems in capitalism and blame it on some nefarious cabal of marxist, so you dont have to actually consider the actual causes..
>It's a far right wing term for Culture Studies.
Just like "far right wing" is a Jewish term for "decent human beings"?
People criticizing things is some sort of grand plan to undermine civilization?
Undermine traditional roles and relationships.
Marxism is by its nature a modern ideology, hence it cannot take root until the old ones have been transcribed and eradicated
Lmao. Identity politics is completely counter productive for class warfare. Read a book.
This. Everything else about about Jews or whatever is irrelevant and derails the conversation. This is what people refer to when they say cultural Marxist. Both left and right are against this and the regressive left
>"your race"
Why are they assuming everyone looking at this image is white?
Is /pol/ so deluded that they think only people of European descent own computers and have internet access?
>we arent big enough cucks so theres no real left in the US!
kill yourself
75% of 4channers are from the US or Britain alone.
You're one of those people who whines about "Eurocentrism" in European history, aren't you?
>leftists call rightists "fascist" regardless of accuracy
>complain when rightists start calling leftist cultural Marxists
So... are you saying its because of Marxsm that the gays want to get married, and people generally reacted by going 'sure'. And that's because of some academics back in the 60s.
Believe it or not, not everyone from the U.S. or Britain is white.
And why would anyone complain about eurocentrism in European history? In world history that's an apt complaint, but complaining about eurocentrism in European history would be like complaining about afrocentrism in African history.
Not at all, but I'm talking about stuff like transexuality and third wave feminism being normalized
This sums it up well.
The quote from Marcuse in that video when you apply it to the argument "hurr muh states rights" as an excuse for lynching, which was just ending when that book was written.
That's it? That's the grand conspiracy?
I think we will survive.
Third wave feminism is already like 50 years old. So is Marcuse and "cultural marxism" You guys are so behind it's laughable.
Does this not relate to a lot of the issues facing the USA today?
No one is claiming cultural marxism is Aum Shinrikyo or anything, just that it will being social disruption with unforeseen consequences.
Donald Trump's rise can directly be linked to a revolt against Cultural Marxist practices
/pol/ is pretty spooked about anything that is not white.
The very concept of class warfare is identity politics by definition.
>traditional and normal
Slavery was traditional and normal
Arranged marriage was traditional and normal
Tearing off a girls clit is still traditional and normal.
Homofobia is traditional and normal.
Plenty of traditional and normal stuff needs to change.
>it's old
>means nobody listens to his ideas/ they have no effect
Do all lefties have shit for brains?
>asking someone to assimilate into your culture
Really makes you think...
>worker of the world, unite!
cringy as fuck. Thank god communism is dead and buried though.
And there's plenty more that doesn't need to.
Cultural marxism's problem is that it takes things too far, and wants to tear down ALL traditional stuff, not just the bad ones
Culture is a spook
Cultural Marxism is the same as Neo-liberal economics. Words used by the right and left each that don't really mean anything and makes you look like a drooling retard for people knowledgeable in the subject.
Enjoy being beheaded for your satanic views by brave Jihadists whiteboi :^)
>Thank god communism is dead and buried though.
>muh sppoks
Everything is a goddamn spook moron. There's a reason no one takes Stirner seriously outside of edgy fags on the internet.
>. Words used by the right and left each that don't really mean anything and makes you look like a drooling retard for people knowledgeable in the subject.
cultural marxism has a very clear meaning that the right clearly defines in literally every thread like this when commieboos pretend that it doesnt exist.
and its funny you say that when all the left does is call everyone a fascist or alt-right. Or anything they dont like a spook.
>c-communism is still alive and well