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>tfw no Huntress blueberry to lovingly exsanguinate you

lewd girls

Don't you fucking love it when your team just suddenly falls apart after doing really well for most of the match?

Best and most underrated girl



I, for one, welcome this hook nerf. I'm not good enough to use the exploits yet, but I'm happy about the idea of knowing where my targets are going to land more reliably.

t. Level 22 Roadhog main

>join comp match
>4 solos, one duo q
>Duo q picks DPS

Why queue up as 2 dps mains? why?

Now what?

lmao they don't give a shit about anything other than their own fun
people just queue up for comp to have fun, after all, if that genji-hanzo combo didn't work, no big deal it's just a game

we wait for tumblr hour to shit post about gays, tracer and blizzard

>do well for 95% of the match
>everything that could go wrong does for the last 5%

because DPS is the most important role to have played well in the game and they're on voice chat sucking each others dicks and think they're superior to everyone else on the team

Genji nerfs when

>hook nerfs incoming
not they only need to remove windowmaker + hanzo and the game will be fun again

What makes a bad ana? Just wondering so I can avoid these mistakes, I'm pretty good with hitting my sleep darts but not sure who I should be targetting them on, like should I save them just incase to protect myself from flankers? Would appreciate the help

So when is the shitty 4 tanks 2 healer meta gonna get fixed? I legitimately don't enjoy the game right now which is a fucking shame because I loved it before Ana released.

Any bronzefags here? How do you get out there? My teammates always do random shit and we end up losing

>complaining about Widow and Hanzo

They need to severely nerf Ana, Lucio, and every tank besides Winston first.

>spent like 10 hours finally giving in and grinding roadhog practice
>wake up to hook nerfs
my life

Ana needs a nerf and tanks need to do less damage first

Solo ult with high energy and you can get team kills.
I did it in plat so its gonna be a cake walk in bronze

Fair enough, I wasn't talking about general balance though. Snipers have no place in this game and they attract the most cancerous kind of people.

>hold a point for nearly the wjole match
>enemy manages to squeak through to the point
>your team just stops trying and you lose in two minutes

If you're in bronze it's entirely your fault and no one else's. This game is really good about giving players the ability to solo carry. Even my shittiest of shit friends got placed in plat.

I've seen Bronze gameplay. Ster_ did a video on it. You can literally just play Symmetra on either side and run into people and kill them for gold damage and elims.

So easy to get high energy in lower ranks your teammates rush in like idiots for free charge and the enemy always breaks your personal shield for free charge.

Thanks I'll try. I've never played Zarya before but I keep getting rekt by Zarays

maybe its a sign

How is this a bad thing for Roadhog? Now if I get actually hook and pull them in they will die instead of living because of bullshit teleportation. Fuck you Ana!

Is the problem with Roadhog's hook an actual error in the hook's programming logic or is it just yet another instance of netcode in shooter games being crap again?

Like how you could die to a Sniper headshot in TF2 just as you've ran completely behind a wall because you weren't behind the wall from the Sniper's perspective and there was a delay before the kill registered for you.

It's blizzard's programming logic. They just did a post about it how they're changing it to nerf hook while also making it more consistent so people stop getting pulled into/from behind walls.

they intentionally designed it that way...

I can't wait for people to complain about getting hooked around corners still

It only initiates the 2nd line of sight check when the hook lands, any time after that you can be as far away as you want but still get dragged back

>another instance of netcode in shooter games being crap again?
>Like how you could die to a Sniper headshot in TF2 just as you've ran completely behind a wall because you weren't behind the wall from the Sniper's perspective and there was a delay before the kill registered for you.

That's not crappy netcode, that's just the way the game has to operate because data transfer is not instantaneous, you fucking retard.

My worry is that the current hook sequence is so full of gimmicks that I could see this making EVERY pull be like Ana (without sidestrafing)... i.e. no more one-shots

Or they nerf instant melee or something, I dunno. I just don't see them going "let's make the one-shotting easier and more consistent"

Another bites the dust

That's only fair, I'm just glad they're gonna reduce the amount of bullshit hooks (or at least attempting to)

>should I save them just incase to protect myself from flankers?
That and interrupting ultimates, saving a roadhog hook victim from being wombo comboed, from beside/behind Rein to drop his shield and the like.
Don't hoard them, but remember if you fire them at a random enemy in the middle of combat they're likely to be instawoken by your team if you haven't planned it with them in advance.

I'd much rather have reliable hooks than bullshit hooks

Good. I'm sick of dead weight instalock Roadhogs doing jack shit all game and never getting called out for it.

How do people main Reinhardt? He's so team reliant it's infuriating. I've tried but people either love running ahead of my shield and getting themselves killed or can't kill anything when they're behind it

There's a voice chat for a reason. Just tell them to get the fuck behind your shield. Likewise tell them when you're about to drop it/charge so they're not triple killed by Phara or bastion

it is crappy netcode. TF2 is my favorite game and I acknowledge that the netcode is complete fucking garbage.

There are a million little instances like that in the game because the netcode isn't updating fast enough. If you backpedal away from somebody who is running at you with their melee weapon, they'll hit you with it from a mile away because from their perspective you're a lot closer than you really are.

Granted, you do grow to play around all this, but the netcode is the weakest aspect of TF2.

>tfw Diamond
>tfw play Rein because can't aim for shit
>tfw my team carries me

I mean, all I have to do is right click and occasionally left click and not charging like a retard

>join comp match
>2 solos, one 4 stack
>4 stack goes 3 or 4 dps

Watch this guy
twitch / xqcow
He's solo queue ranked Reinhardt right now beasting

>mfw 100% winrate on Rein last reason

>How do people main Reinhardt?

He's so easy and powerful. Your ultimate GUARANTEES multi-kills and in general he'll just beat non-tanks at close range by flailing his hammer that hits everything on his screen.

I don't know about TF2's netcode but if you think that getting killed behind a wall from hitscan is crappy netcode then you are fucking retarded. It's impossible to write a netcode around that because there is always delay between the players and the server.

Did you play him just once or some shit?

He dies like a bitch if he has no backup

>Halve Ana's mag size
>Reduce Ana's HP to 150
Does this fix the morphine granny?


>Your ultimate GUARANTEES multi-kills
You clearly have never played Silver solo q

Nah 8 matches, not that much but 100% has a nice ring to it.

Watch moonmoon, he's a meme but he's like top 100 Reinhardt

With it breaking after missing any line of sight it wont be very consistent

It may even break when you can still see them but some of them is out of sight. When they're falling it will almost always break because they will leave your line of sight due to falling

Personally I don't think they will go through with that 2nd LOS check, it makes it so much worse

>That and interrupting ultimates,
>tfw sending an ulting genji to nap time
So fucking satisfying

>our Ana tells me to pick a 2nd healer
>pick Hanzo
>"ok no heals for the team then"
>lose fast
>"all hanzo's fault" etc.
Yeah, all my fault for triggering you.

Just remove the healing boost on the grenade, make it a flat 100 heal.

You were a faggot when you didn't need to be frogshitter

I love how everyone is butthurt over Ana
She was looked over a good 2 weeks upon release, even called shit. Now everyone whines about her
She's fine, just revert her grenade radius to her old range and give her back the speed boost on nano

>not nerfing the main problem

30% extra healing instead of 100%
Here, fixed forever

>lower the grenade healing multiplier, maybe 1.5x
>lower her per shot healing a little bit
That's all she really needs, and much more important than making her more squishy.

What was that guy's name, I had a fucking autist who did the exact same thing a few days ago.

>tfw Lucio myself up to Masters
>130 hours on him, kinda actually enjoy him
>decide to solo q
>get put in a koth game with like 4 top 500s and 7 GMs
>lose first map
>teammates blame it on me for only having time on lucio
>my regular 6 stack are beginning to doubt whether we need a lucio, and are starting to prefer zen
my time is almost over, isnt it bros

If you had
One shot
Or one opportunity
To seize everything you ever wanted
In one moment
Would you capture it
Or just let it slip?

>you get the four stack that randomly won a single game against a bigger retard team and stuck together
>the enemy team gets smurfs and maybe one or two of their okay but ultimately non-retarded friends in a stack
>you are now the retarded team and get stomped
>your stack never gets ults and changes characters constantly
>"oh well we tried xd"
The fuck you did.

I wish that only happened to me once.

>Your ultimate GUARANTEES multi-kills

If your team isn't stupid.

Though to be fair even in diamond there are too Reinhardt's that charge ult with no teammates around to back them and are like "omg wtf i ulted like 4 of them where was team?" when they get blown up.



too many*

yeah buddy you're clearly the only person to ever get shitty teammates

if you're bronze you're also playing against bronze

so you have 5 shitty teammates, the enemy team has 6 shitty teammates. Logically that means you'd need to win every game if you're so great

I get this shit in ranked all the time. Usually autistic dps mains who don't get dps go bastion/widow to throw the game in spite

When you join ranked you're committing you can play and fill every role when needed, not some one trick pony

>Decrease healing per round
>Grenade bonus healing on teammates doesn't work with Ana's rifle
There. Mercy is now a better solo healer while Ana should be a secondary one

>you're committing you can play and fill every role when needed

As fucking if. Leaguebabbs brought their "I must main one hero and solo carry the game" moba mentality here and it's fucked everything up.

Fuck you and your meme hero, reddit.

But it was your fault.

What is your rank; your main; and your profession?

He'd have all right to criticize me if he didn't also intentionally throw the game because of his autistic fit and at least tried.

Zennyatta, assuming you mean main is my best character
Uni student

Tech support



customer service rep (kill me)

rank: none
main: none
I just scrolling this thread for cute images, I don't even own the game

System admin

CS student and part-time codemonkey

>try oasis solo
>enemy is in a group
>they're all 4k sr or higher
>my team has plats and people who are level 20, 30 and 47

This happens every game, I'm 3050sr and my enemy team gets raped

>play mostly healer and tank in masters
>decide to play with my friends on another account in silver
>literally untouchable as dps
yall suck man


Why do you do this all the time

Best smile

Literally only play Reinhardt

Is this the true patrician skin for Pharah?

Part-time escort

>when you can't escape triple tank cancer even in quick play


>try dps
>try healer
>try support
>lose every game

>play D.VA

why did no one tell me?

Animator unemployed

>ywn watch them have a loving threesome