wait what?
Wait what?
>americans aren't taught cursive anymore
cursive is stupid anyway.
p.s. yes they do my nephew brought home some "homework" where he had to practice his bongscript
Old Icelandic car manufacturer Fo̊rd.
>anything that is too hard for me to understand is stupid
nope that just how a F is written in cursive
You're making us look bad.
>Le Mandela effect meme
Your old age memory problems are not a phenomenon in quantum mechanics
>eurocucks bragging about useless knowledge
I bet you proudly shift gears on the way to Tyrone's house to drop your wife off.
>not literally cucked by niggers that you could've just kept chained up
I bet you drive Tyrone over to your house and give him a handy on the way there too.
>you're making the nigger children look stupid
>stop it or their mammy's will gank me in the parking lot
We don't live in fear of Tyrone or Muhammad or Jose or bubba here since we have guns. Do you know what a gun is, cuck?
So you're not willing to learn the script that the laws of your nation were written in?
This is exactly why I fucking hate millennials...
>make a post insulting shitty american education system
>all the racists/trump supporters come out and start projecting their cuckold fantasies
I bet you shitpost while jerking Tyrone off
Keep projecting your cuck fantasies. Good thing I'm black so I can't be a cuck. :^)
black american or from elsewhere?
Americans are so unintelligent they are unable to try and have a normal discussion
They can't think critically, they can't make sense of their feelings, they just get mad and lose it
Is why there's so many shootings in America... their tiny little pea brains just can't deal with being told they are wrong
African American.
So nigger?
you found the clitoris OP, having one is a prerequisite for owning a Ford
salty whiteboi tears. enjoy being laughed at in the bedroom
ah fuck ill always be alone on this shitty island
What's the point?
It's a bit of calligraphy introduced by the guy that made the first Ford signature-based logo around 1906. That style of logo is used to denote Ford's long history by calling back to the original.
And no it isn't Henry's signature. He just used a straight line to cross the F
Cursive is fucking stupid and a waste of time and resources. Fuck handwriting. They should teach typing in-stead of cursive in elementary school.
what island?
Yeah being able to write neatly and quickly is fucking stupid
i dont know about you but most people have fucking awful cursive handwriting
new providence, bahamas
if you need to write 'quickly', use a god-damn keyboard.
It's 2017!!!!!
I probably haven't used cursive since middle school
Can't you move? Or are you too poor?
I can move but I sorta dont wanna because I want to keep contributing to help my country even though it might be in vain
also my parents probably wouldnt come with me despite being reliant on me
You ain't black, stop bullshittin whiteboi
Try playing vidya and shitpost to mask the pain. It's what I always do.
I am black tho. stay mad.
This. Cursive is hardly used anymore and everybody's cursive is entirely illegible to everyone else. Only nerds and girls are "proud" of their handwriting.
>this is what passes for banter these days
Europoors truly are lost
kekked heartilly
People in the real world arent basement dwellers.
Can't write a materials list or details of variations with a fucking phone...
Cursive lettering is what attracts faggots. That's why you see a bunch of fags drive Fords.
seriously the unironic retardation is just sad
i pity all of you
Instructions on how to launch from cars n coffee
You can't?
I can, you fucking retard
Try signing a paper check with a phone or keyboard.
Yeah let me spend over an hour fiddling around trying to draw profiles and list measurements on my phone when I can just neatly scribble in a book and tear the page out in less than 5 minutes...
That's because you are diabetic basement dwelling Ford shilling nigger who shits up this board with autistic tier level shitposting that spawned a bunch of Alphonse clones all because of you. to think you've ever got close to a woman is just a fairy tale. To think i have to live on this same planet with someone just as useless as you, you waste of human oxygen.
>inb4 projecting
>inb4 "thinking inb4 work in an argument"
>inb4 "stay btfo"
>inb4 assmad gm fangirl
Ill just stop the list here, considering you lack the mental capacity to even construct a decent fucking argument. Yes im "assmad" because we have to constantly deal with your tomfoolery in every fucking Ford thread and Chevy/GM thread.
Bet they are also GM fangirls