League of Legends General - /lolg/

who needs adcs edition


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>People thinking Graves is bad

Who started this lie?

I want to dance with Orianna

I love Lissandra!


>no sightstone
>litterally who

Nobody thinks that, wtf?

xth for breast metal waifu

t-that's too fat! fat shortstacks are cute but hyper fat is gross and should be illegal

but user, rengar is a bottom slut for alistar and volibear's massive dicks.

How I carry myself out of bronze when ninety percent of my teammates are feeding braindead shitters?

xth for Camille

90% of enemies are feeding too, that automatically places your team in a massive advantage if you don't actually feed

He can use some relief with my ass after a long session of getting plowed by those 2.

>playing better than i ever have played
i need to get sick more often

Poppy is balanced and everyone is just bad at positioning.
Also new masteries are broken.

I can't wait to see LCS on this shit meta

Then why do I keep getting matched against the 10%?

Hey guys


We figured we should update the list one last time before we close it for good. Suggestions close TONIGHT.

>playing with friends
>someone wants to support
>tell that someone that I'm duo bot with a friend
>tell them they can top or jungle or mid since third friend is willing to switch
>they say "You're premade team can't tell me what to do" and proceed to lock in support
>then they say "I want to practice support"

Now we have 2 supports.

Xth for Katarina
best girl

you aren't, you are just so bad you look for excuses instead of just destroying the game 1v9

I need to stop procrastinating


Honestly, that's probably gonna be fun to watch.

high diamond/master/challenger bot lane is such a huge fucking train wreck right now, it's the first time in a while i'm hyped for lcs.

I bet it's just people who swing from Qtpie's nuts and don't even play this game

>Nidalee and Elise railed by huge jungle monsters
Hot AND meta

Lets see:
poppy, trundle and other tanks will still be the only thing picked at top
mid is the same old shit, syndra, ryze, cassio, none of them have been changed
jungle...well it still lee sin firstpick and then whatever jungler does not get completely fucked by lee
adcs might see some ziggs play, but thats it

I hate to be the one to ask but
Any news on the Veigarette pic?

>pick illaoi since she's my main and im first pick (no one wants to trade)
>they pick caitlyn top and vayne adc
>they still lose

>Poppy, trundle and other tanks still the only thing picked at top

an adc can't 1v1 illaoi

>no Ahri suggestions
The foxdick fiasco really drove the Ahrifags away, didn't it?


>rando is actually placed into support by que
>he doesn't want to switch
>you and your autist friends to agree to lock in double support

Here's (You), i guess...

>pick two adc's
>you are surprised they lost


>7 game loss streak

Quinn's suggestion is pretty good, too bad no one plays her

Last I talked to Bandle she was still putting some polish on it

When I get more news about it I'll be sure to share

Foxdick and cuck shit really killed people's enthusiasm for her for sure

how is swain this meta


currently a top 10 top laner

it's what you get when you get a strong kit in a bad meta

basically, he's pretty decent. B tier

if adcs are bad how come people are still rocking Quinn top and Graves jungle? Is it because they're not played bot lane?

lolg please help me i am so fucking angry right now. this faggot jungler threw my game and i'm just having a hard time wanting to keep playing and keep grinding for lp.


>ctrl+f futa
>"1 of 11"
>not even counting several suggestions that are futa but use other phrases like "her canine dick"


It's because AD carry players won't be happy until their idiot faggot picks like Varus are viable bot lane


>Is it because they're not played bot lane

Pretty much. ADCs/Marksman that can create
advantages with their kit (Quinn's burst and mobility, Grave's tankiness, and Urgot's damage and armor reduction)
are the same champs that just so happen to struggle in bot lane against better picks.

In a solo lane, they have everything to themselves, because they arent constantly being poked by a support.
Bot lane is the Runeterra's national camp sight anyway.

First champ ever
> Soraka

Champion with highest mastery points:
> Morgana

Fave champ to play as
> Orianna

Newest adition to roster
> Evelynn

Champ you regret getting
> None as I try them before buying.

Your go

Quinn is 38/57 most popular top laner behind such meta picks as Cho'Gath
Graves at least decently popular though.

The obvious reason why Graves is picked though is because he doesn't use the ADC itemization. He doesn't need to build IE to do damage, he quite often skips LW as well and basically never gets double zeal items.

Is it because those 2 are broken and non viable in bot lane.
ADC mains are all Vayne mains in disguise that shift from cancerpick to cancerpick till Vayne is meta again.

I know you love my suggestion Contest Guy.

Malzahar (i'm a dirty meta sheep and i play him support)
A lot of them but probably kalista the most

>nidalee so far in the dumpster you see shit like galio jungle more often

god thank you im free of that annoying cat cunt flying halfway down the lane to gank me

First champ ever

Champion with highest mastery points:

Fave champ to play as
>As of right now, Sion

Newest adition to roster

Champ you regret getting
>Ekko, Zac

First champ ever
> Veigar

Champion with highest mastery points:
> Yasuo

Fave champ to play as
> Lucian

Newest addition to roster
> Katarina

Champ you regret getting
> no ragrets

Yeah, Quinn's not really popular but whenever I see one she gets super fed.

>Spread my anus and queue for Support/fill to gaurentee a Mid position next queue
>Get gaurenteed mid
>Faggots always ask if they can have mid

No you fuckshits, spread your anus like everyone else and you can get you mid spot.

>First champ ever

>There are people who started the game past S3 posting here atm

I feel like a 60yo man.

Well she is a good counterpick to certain matchups who snowballs extremely well and only really played by autistic mains.

>Yas main
kys yourself

show pic of your spreaded anus user that's hot

Sivir / Azir

>play tank
>enemy team has a vayne

First champ:

Most Mastery points:

Fave champ:

Newest addition

Champ I regret:

>carrying a game
>entire team is feeding except for me and the jg
>trying to use my mid game power to hold the game until my mid and ad can outscale
>we end up getting aced
>gg this is game
>enemy team doesn't end
>they go do baron and elder
>they end up jacking off
>we then secure the win

people in bronze are pretty fucking stupid sometimes

You're now stuck as the last champion you played, you have access to the powers that the champ has, and you can do what you want, besides attending the obligatory match on SR


How fucked/well off are you?

>play karthus
>team expects me to roam

First champ ever

Champion with highest mastery points:

Fave champ to play as

Newest addition to roster

Champ you regret getting

Got Rengar in a shard and he's fucking boring

Best girl.
Best ears.
Best wife.


at least i have daisy to keep me company

>play tank
>enemy has a gangplank

>First champ ever
>Champion with highest mastery points:
Ice waifu
>Fave champ to play as
Ice waifu/Diana/TF
>Newest adition to roster
>Champ you regret getting

you know it

>but it's actually a """""tank"""""
>and you're a jungler
>so you just dive the bot lane every 3 minutes when your ghost is up

is this a good cosplay?

I want to spread love and life to all the female champions, even those who have a heart filled with darkness!

>Play the game at any moment at any time during 6 years
>Lee Sin is in the game

Fuck, Tarzaned is so entertaining to watch

Because ADCs are babies and absolutely need one out of the five roles to be guaranteed for them. They're even narcissistic enough to relabel the role from Bot to "ADC".

>No cigar

Yeah, I'd let him fuck me.

Im already a shen otp so it doesn't make much difference desu

I would try not to miss the taunt and split my head in two

this is a christian image board :^)

>actually it was was nasus
>by the time you have 200 stacks vayne already has 10 kills

Also, Tarzaned is playing Wukongn jungle

First Champ

Champion with highest mastery points

Fave champ to play as
>Stuck between Lux, Fiora, and Kayle

Newest Addition to roster
>Kayle (Just started picking her up again)

Champ you regret getting

>play the game at any moment of time
>lee sin is in the game
>faggots keep crying out that he's balanced because he has "no late game"
>he's always had one of the highest base damage ults in the game, being able to knockback the enemy carry and knockup the entire enemy team, as well as Q dealing about a billion damage
>but no lategame

won't take long until she's getting her deserved buffs! :3

>First champ ever
Ahri, but I left the game early and went back to Dota 2

>Champion with highest mastery points
Fiddlesticks at around 70k

>Fave champ to play as

>Newest addition to roster

>Champ you regret getting
Azir. Holy fucking shit I can't do anything as him.

I willingly spread my anus all the time.
Such is the way of a supp main.

It feels so good to not have to force a shit since my butthole is so loose from all the supporting.

If you don't manage to support your team successfully you end punished or may end up allways supporting... the enemy team that is.

I like to assist everyone and give them a"GJ" BJ and to be protected by those phawt cocks

Once I found joy in playing supp lol turned out to be sooo much better

>enter lobby


I want to go swimming in Lulu.

Did Sparrow write this?

is it true there's gonna be 5 bans per side now

Would playing ranked in bronze 5 be easier than playing normals? I know that's where I'll place.

Biggest and bestiest and bustiest waifu!

It can be either really easy or really hard. Sometimes you can get some competent people but mostly someone will flame or feed. Such is the way of the bronze.