How will this one be any different? We already know how it will go.
Hudson Nguyen
Go look at the wiki, loads of positive changes that are good for the game. Cookie isn't capable of actually doing anything, he cut and pastes premade trunks and cashes out after a month.
Isaiah Ross
What's so special about Rise of Midgard?
Samuel Gutierrez
Read the wiki.
Elijah Garcia
is there a /rog/ general? because I started playing on Nova RO a couple days ago and thought there was a general thread.
Hudson Price
youre in the right place. right now the clique is preparing for rwc championships. Also later tonight is their daily angeling raid
Jason Kelly
Benjamin Cook
The game is still dead and another doa server by the same retard isn't going to change that, sage this shit and let it stay dead.
Wyatt Cruz
you forgot your sage, have a bump
Mason Stewart
Is this that permadeath server people were memeing about how great it was until it shut down last time /rog/ was alive?
Wyatt Cook
Luke Torres
Reminder that novacucks and their double-faced liar admin got exposed and blown the fuck out by based transtoddlers on leddit today! blame them both for having unoriginal, similar names
Joseph Gray
Bampu Pantsu
Ryan Price
Hell yeah another dead on arrival meme hosted by the same clueless retard who fucked up big time already and aimed towards the same cancerous morons who hate the game and will rape the server in the ass rather quickly.
Considering the average quality of the server and the personas that run it, slurping chinese gutter oils sounds like a more pleasant endeavor.
It's dead, let it go.
Brayden Nguyen
I give it one month.
Henry Foster
Just in time for the MvP cards to expire.
Samuel Rogers
>mvp cards popping out of nowhere during the first week Every single fucking time lmao.
Elijah White
No, the mvp cards have 20x drop rate
Thomas Torres
>some retard gets gtb card during the first week >the retard and his buddies now camp randgris with little effort while rest of the server is still running around in rags Thanks, Zinnia!
Kevin Campbell
it isn't like valk is hard to kill and you can just do et with 0 comp
>gtb doesnt block dispel in WoE nearly pointless to use at all then
Easton Phillips
Who's gonna make a guild?
Samuel Allen
decided to read changes for romg server and got cancer. Seems like RO is dead.
Sebastian Diaz
this Besides nova sucks. Currently the only decent renewal server is LeikaRO but sadly it had population varying between 60-110 depending on period and time of the day for like year or two now. It's easily best maintained and most stable though. Probably also best balanced, even though it still isn't perfect.
Charles Ross
Some of them are ok and some of them are just retarded.
Hidden enchant on EVERY armor but valk? Who thought that is a good idea of balance?
Christopher Torres
Will it have the normal /rog/ drama? Is the clique still even here?
Grayson Scott
I'm still here from DankRO.
Feel like checking it out but I doubt I'll stick around for long. This server doesn't seem that different, really.
Justin Reed
Now after 11 years i regret this day that i played Ragnarok Online. I can't enjoy other MMOs and Ragnarok is dead. FML.
Xavier Kelly
>Is the clique still even here? guess who made the thread it's always the same scheme since they appeared >suggest some shit fotm server >server turns into shit within first couple months because it was shit from the start >clique quits and shitposts till general dies >after some time they come back, make new thread and suggest some other shit fotm server and whole cycle repeats
the only people you should trust are old anons from limit/cookie era and I'm not even sure if any of them still lurk /rog/
Leo Smith
I'm sure the garbage they pulled on reddit damaged many small servers and helped them propel into "fame", because the server is mediocre at beast and ran by human garbage as everybody knows now.
Alexander Perry
Let this game die already.
Robert Brown
It will never die in our memories!
Colton Price
You were always able to enchant virtually every armor in the game, do you have brain damage? Do you just call random things you see imbalanced just because, so you can look like you know anything?
Juan Fisher
>Do you just call random things you see imbalanced He didn't called it imbalanced. He asked who tought it good idea.
Julian Morgan
i'm gonna bite the bullet and give this a shot. i haven't gone on a private server since a decade ago but the rates were 1000x and i lost interest just as quickly. it seems like this could turn out differently with a lower rate though i doubt it'll retain the magic of the original. i think it was less the game itself and more the innocence of mmorpgs in general, and anything that seemed "random and cool" back then would just be "lol so randumb XDD"-tier faggotry now. still, it might be amusing to play with other presumably jaded people with a nostalgia obsession. however, i'm noping the fuck out of there on day 1 if it's infested with brs and other shitstains from who knows where.
Parker Martinez
Luis Davis
Leo Bennett
Like clockwork, sneakyrodent.
Elijah Flores
>visit Ragnarok Online general twice a year for the past four years >still shitpostin'! You fuckers.
Henry Morris
it's actually a pretty good idea. some armors weren't viable for woe due to the fact that you can't enchant them, it just increases the options.
Gabriel Fisher
Wyatt Edwards
>le boogeyman is to blame for all my problems
Logan Powell
>give a way for new players to make a decent income right away >give loot that traditionally had little to no value due to high end equips relevancy and potentially competitive stats
This is why /rog/ is retarded.
Christian Green
Now narue can +7 all the sandals
Adam Phillips
Bumpu Pantsu
Tyler Martinez
see you all tomorrow
Carter Perez
let's make a guild of only qt female characters
Jeremiah Davis
but what bards???
Ian Gomez
soul link solves that problem
Xavier Jenkins
I approve of this
Isaiah Howard
rise of midgard won't have protection against openkore?
Eli Hernandez
It does
Cameron Price
and you circumvented it already?
Michael Cruz
Jordan Adams
Matthew Bailey
Jace Ward
likely the same as it was on DoM, which was circumvented yes
Logan Robinson
Why is that faggot even trying? He's been caught red-handed and now everyone can see just how much of a lying piece of shit he is. Is he trying to gain sympathy or are novadrones so brainwashed they see nothing wrong?
Jesus, I have never seen someone so deluded and the people he surrounds himself with must be legally retarded.
Luis Gray
What are you guys rolling?
Landon Martin
novadrones are pinoys and the server is extremely p2w.
people with multiple mvp cards, +15 gears that do matter in renewal, etc.. won't quit for this. Nova is pretty much the talon of renewal.
Juan Butler
caught red-handed doing what? just curious
Daniel Foster
He advertised his own server using an alt account on leddit. It's always been obvious that the sub is dominated by Nova shills and their sockpuppets but now there's proof and he got banned.
More importantly, maybe now the Nova flooding there will stop.
Justin Ward
Joseph Clark
Ctrl+f grimwald in that thread, we aren't safe from the blight either.
Jose Evans
hey, i enjoyed playing with grimwald in sanctity and evolve
Lucas Torres
I'm not talking about him but his comment, novashills were getting benefits for shitting all over this general.
Josiah Cox
W-was psor right
David Collins
No Psor loves Leika
Thomas Cooper
ctrl + f sneakyrodent
Benjamin Martinez
I live to serve /rog/
Jason Young
wow, read through the thread and user comments and nova is indeed a fucking sleaze. it's a shame that he can still get away relatively scot free considering all the shit he inflicted on others.
Logan Rodriguez
this is what /rog/ actually believes
Leo Harris
Of course I was. The moment I heard who admins the server I knew it'll be shit because they were also playing on CookieRO when /rog/ was there so I knew them. Not only they were fucking with /rog/ guild but also every person I asked about them confirmed they are shit people and also shit players compared to what was on the Cookie in its primetime.
Levi Green
>og Cookie based
Asher Martin
ok sneakyrodent
Ayden Reed
terp please stop ks
Julian Kelly
I haven't played RO in like 17 years so could ya tell me how would you go about leveling and which classes/skills are best?
Was there a storyline/quests or is it going to be 100% grind?
I'll be playing at launch so I want to have a good idea of what to do before I start.
Aiden Ortiz
Oooh boi! Here comes dat time of the year again!
Robert Harris
Don't worry about any of that, just do whatever. You'll be slapping porings for a month or two until the server self-destructs.