/gbfg/ Granblue Fantasy General #966

no dead girls edition

>Schedule for January:
12/31 - 1/8: Platinum Sky
1/8 - 1/13: Footprints on Sacred Ground (Rerun)
1/13 - 1/23: Samurai Shodown Collab
1/23 - 1/30: Guild Wars (earth)
1/31 - 2/8: New Event

>How to Start
Go to game.granbluefantasy.jp in Chrome. Set language to English.

>Please, READ THE FAQ before posting! - it will answer most of your questions if you are new or learning
alternate: pastebin.com/XAw8bBCf

>Mega Pastebin - This pastebin has lots of useful things like important guides and other stuff so don't be a shitter and read these before asking something.

>Guild pastebin

Previous thread

M-mommy... I want milkies!




can a kind user give or trade me a rerrol account with sarunan (d) ?

This is Sarasa, a Doraf of the 10 Eternals that really loves fighting and cake. Quick! Say something nice about her!


I love her and I am going to fuck her until she falls unconscious

She gives excellent blowjobs!

Reminder to not become a big booty drunk nun like Lamretta.

Lancelot is my boyfriend!


5* soon.

Why can't you reroll yourself you degenerate fat neck bearded autistic lowlife scumbag fart fetishist fuck...Oh by the way, murder yourself

Ferry is OK though because she's a ghost

and everyone knows if you love a ghost enough they come back to life

Fuck off

5* Naru will fix her by having her realize Octo will never acknowledge her, and that the new SSR character, her older sister, is a superior nee-chan to her in every way, thus fulfilling her role as GBF's Cocoa. Naru then goes full edgelord complete with edgy 5* art, and we get her older sister as a new SSR. You pick the element.

i can't use my phone numbers, gmail and hotmail don't let me make more accounts.


if you see anyone with this girl in your slime blasting room, you kick the son of a whore right away

She's a zombie.

Is there any rhyme or reason to why certain characters get put in certain elements? It almost seems purposeful. Asides from the obvious (Teena put into fire because she is a fire mage), I see some patterns:
>dark: edgelords, demons
>light: noble bright
>dirt: grounded, normies
>fire: hotheads
>wind: weirdos, genki?
>water: ?

How do I get nips to stay in my slimeblasting room?

Not that user but you don't need to make more than 1 gmail account, read the guide.

show them your s Zoi

No that's dumb, the next 5* is Vampy and we'll get a Vampy skin for Veight.

Use a proxy and/or salt your emails

Seriously, they couldn't give us just one line of dialogue to confirm whether she's okay of dead after her crash.

I know I should assume her and Zeta are like Team Rocket and will always be back but she still crashed a pod racers at hundreds of miles per hour.

Water is homos and ALL CUMMING

What do you think will happen in the society event?
I think Eustace will defect and then everyone else will follow or something.

Dark usually has mental issues or emotional issues holding them back in some way
Light are "pure"
Fire are hot blooded
Water are tactical
Dirt are tanky
Wind are the scum of the earth

>and we'll get a Vampy skin for Veight.
I would pay literally anything. Why isn't this a thing yet? Does Cygames hate money?

>Socie, Clarisse, Metera, Anthuria, Zeta, Agielba


>Being homo

Well she appears at the main platinum sky screen saying that she wanted (You) to treat her if you won

I can't speak for other elements but as far as dark is concerned you always get the same kind of charas

most won't be bad or anything, the only thing that they all have in common is that their driving force is strong negative emotions of some sort. having been betrayed, losing their family or friends, basically anything that makes them feel they were immensely wronged

Relatively new player here. I have Jeanne and Lucio and am considering shelling out for the Start Dash. I assume I should go for Ferry, but would Juliet be as/almost as good?

Do you not read the character dialogue on the event home screen?


It keeps happening.

Fire is the element in heat/MCsexual

It's going to focus on Vaseraga more than Eustace since he's the oldest member of the Society and knows tons of secrets and shit. He'll also get his 5* after, just like Percival.

Anthuria is my wife.


Stop bullying Aster!

yeah but zeta didn't act like it was a big deal which is pretty much confirmation she was unhurt. I still like the meme though

You'll want Ferry eventually but she can wait if you love pretzels.

No one answered last time but.

Cerulean stones can be used to buy uncapping materials right?

Nobody needs to answer it, go fucking look for yourself.

that's the only use they've got user

> Cake

Do you have limiteds in your start dash? If you do don't waste it on a suptixable character.


Is polyandry legal in your country user?

>Be Lucius
>Dropped into the best element in the game
>Want to exterminate every single Goblin in the world
>Get a 5* confronting my father telling him how much of a piece of shit he is and that I'll surpass him as a swordsman
>Cygames comes to me
>Tells me that I'm going to get a new character
>They tell me I'm still going to be an SR
>And that they're switching my element to Fire
>Now I've lost all the will to do anything

I need it.

Korwa is my wife.

Co-op quests are so expensive when it's not magnafest

I'm craving bacon.

Dark characters almost always have some deep flaw to their personality.

Lady Grey: So attached to her family she resurrects them from death to serve as her servants
Vira: Possessed by a primal whose psychotic regrets pours into her personality whenever Katalina is involved
Cerberus: Lazy Demon who would kill you if she felt like it
Danua: Severe arrested development after seeing her family slaughtered
Vampy: Just an annoying little cunt
Naru: Manic dependancy disorder
Beatrix: Suffers from an extreme case of pride and constantly puts herself and other in danger to try and regain her family's glory
Dark Jeanne: Easily manipulated into sacrificing her own friends for the sake of saving the world
Forte: Thinks of nothing but fighting at the expense of her own physical and mental well being
Zoi: Is meant to keep the balance but her very existence throws off the balance to an irredeemable extent, to the point that the very fabric of the world around her keeps shifting to prevent her disruption of the balance from ripping it apart

half co-op has nothing to do with magnafest

She can be friends with Beato at least.

She's dead, let it go.

Me on the left

b-but they will give him 5* too, r-right?

>Vampy: Just an annoying little cunt

I'm very happy for you user!

What about Christmas Rosetta


What's amazing is that Bear is tied to Zeta's Crimson Spear and she hasn't burst into flames as hot as the Sun.

Dark has male characters too you faggot.

Don't think so, started somewhere around Nov 2-3 iirc.

That's the joke user.

Stupid old lady masquerading as a young beauty. Vain.

She'll never have a man so she's lonely on christmas

She's alone on Christmas, user

>Dark Sarunan
>willing to do EVERYTHING for his waifu
>even if it means dying or being a scapegoat for a certain astral


>It will be some time later when Agielba has to suffer through Ardora's inevitable rebellious teenage phase

Bear is one of the strongest characters in canon, she's invincible.

Never found Vampy annoying. The people who constantly whine about her are pretty awful though.

should i wait for legfest before using my new years draw?

Only stupid faggots care about Dark's male characters. KIll yourself.

Cerb, Vampy and Forte are dark just because.
It's easy to tell how they've just been lifted from RoB.

Zoi doesn't count because element means fuck all for seasonals.

Six: His entire story is ripped from Itachi Uchiha from Naruto
Sarunan: Obsessive otaku waifufaggot who lets his waifufaggotry sap away at his very life force
Vazeraga: Wants to be batman but Siegman does a better job of it than he does

Stop posting this slut.


Albert 5* will have his hood up at the end of battle

You forgot the cutest dark girl


Business vampy will break the glass ceiling

You guys burn through these fast way too fast holy shit.


>Veight: A little faggot just as annoying as his "big" sister

30 more days.

Has one of the stupidest fanbases that never shuts the fuck up.

>strongest character
>can't even drive a car without crashing like a dumb asian whore

Shut up Thelo

>All those sword stones going to waste

veight's driving force is the injustice of being branded an s tier
