These guys are first class dickheads.
Coal Rollers
>wasting fuel and power just to show others you have a diesel
Pro tip: They can tell by the sound. More air and less fuel would result in more power and better economy.
That's not true. What is your impetus for posting about topics you have no knowledge of?
Nah it's true as anyone who understands basic chemistry would tell you.
Black smoke = unburned fuel
Increase air = increase power since you obviously have the fueling for it
Decrease fuel = reduce wasted fuel
If only they used their powers for good instead of evil and went about smoking out BLM niggers and other undesirable highway protestors.
itt: no freedom cali cucks
Coal rollers are retarded. Maybe even more so than stance fags and eco fucks.
Only time my truck blows any black smoke is before the turbo spools. It's just the side effect.
>BLM gets cancer
>brotrucker gets charged with vehicular assault
Two birds one stone
I knew this when I was eight. You really should not have to explain it.
In this post: idiot who can't tune for shit and cares more about how he looks than performance.
If someone is running any larger injectors, especially if you are 45% or over. Run a larger pump or run duel fuelers. Mix that in with a large single turbo like a s475. Which is large af for a diesel. Then yeah I don't care how good your tuning is you will blow smoke.
They are the exact same type of faggotry as stancers. They have no respect for their property, other's property, or road safety. All they give a shit about is attention. Total fucking attention whore sadsacks that use their abused trucks as a way to validate themselves vehicularly. I drive a 1979 Trans Am, I don't give a shit about emissions, and there's nothing wrong with being a redneck, but coal rollers are a fucking disgrace to motoring in all forms.
Thick smoke = unburned fuel
If you're making a lot of smoke, you've got too much fuel or not enough air. Turning the fuel down can increase power as the fuel that isn't getting burned is taking up space in the combustion chamber essentially decreasing the displacement.
You still need that fuel to spool a large turbo like that. Go watch truck pull videos. Listen to how long they have to wait to spool the turbo. They all run large singles. If you make all your power up top then fuck it. This is only like a limited amount of people I will admit. If your stock truck is rolling coal then you are a douche.
>Decrease displacement
But wouldnt it increase compression in the case of direct injection, plus extra fuel also serves as coolant doesnt it?
Usually too much extra fuel and not enough boost off setting in a diesel equals high egts. Which are the devil.
Overfueling doesn't spool the turbo any faster.
ITT: somebody who never owned a diesel.
Nah bro, you fucked up the moment you backpedaled.
What is superchargerxturbo configs? I mean you are not going to win if it is only turbo with increased injection. There is no point into wasting more fuel at idle speeds without the airflow.
you: knob headed redneck
Diesel models older than 1985 are exempt. Even got a letter in the mail telling me to junk it.
THIS all these bus riding cucks don't know what the fuck there talking about blowing smoke before the turbo is at full boost is normal. Even more so on older diesels with out boost compensators on there fuel pump
>Wasting fuel and power just to others you have diesel, they will know by your sound
They will know when I fly past their cheap ass V8, towing MY boat to the lake FIRST. The rolling of coal is assert dominance. I metaphorically shit on liberals and V8 cucks.
For you with shitty sulfur laced fuel perhaps.
You mean the bank's boat you're making payments on. With the bank's truck you're making payments on. Right before you have to trade it all in at a loss because you've lived beyond your below average wage redneck means.
is that guy second from the right doing freiza's pose?
>hauling boats around like a redneck
>hauling a boat to dick around on a lake
this post makes 2 things clear right from the bat. you cant afford to have it moored and you dont have the balls to dick around in a proper sea. i bet you are a manlet you unsecure poorfag.
T. Cuck
When someone calls you a dickhead for rolling coal, act like a retarded chicken. Cuck cuck cuck.
These bastards are the hick equivalent of ricers.
At least ricers have some desperate spark of creativity drowning in a sea of incompetence, delusions of grandeur and deeply flawed ideas about engineering and aesthetics. Coal roallers just want to be dickheads.
>you cant afford to have it moored
>leaving your boat in the water
>not trailering, rinsing, and garaging after every use
toppest of keks.
fucking kek
>V8 cucks
>shit on liberals
Diesel is better for the environment than my 7.4 Olds is by a LONG way. I make like 250 horsepower and I'm proud of the fact that, being the one getting 8 MPG here, I am being far worse for the environment than you could ever hope to. I daily this thing, I am literally one of the worst offenders in NJ of emissions. No emissions testing for cars before 1994! I can get away with it, make more noise than you, and make a much better impression than you on everyone. Basically, you're fucking trash and you're not even good at being bad.
Pics of the Olds pls
That rogue apostrophe gave me cancer.
That is a pic! Not of mine exactly because I'm doing mad bodywork and the nose has no paint and it's half primer, but I'll get some pics for Veeky Forums when it's done in a couple months. I've literally been driving it around like this for a month or two, progressively prepping and priming it. Had to take a little pause for the salt, but it's my daily so like what am I gonna do? Doing it back in the stock yellow/orange decals, almost exactly like that pic. 1976 Olds 455, hooker headers, pypes exhaust. it motors around pretty good.
I fucking hate cunts who drive pickups.
>Poor/ working-class assholes who need the truck for their job, and act like assholes on the road because they always have some plumbing job that they're five hours late to.
>Rednecks (ie: asshole drivers.)
I do not know a single person that drives a pickup that doesn't meet at least one of these stereotypes.