How do you stop JWs from visiting you without going full fedora, Veeky Forums? JW encounter general I guess

How do you stop JWs from visiting you without going full fedora, Veeky Forums? JW encounter general I guess.

"I used to be one of you, leave me alone"

I tell them I'm a satanist and start hailing satan.

They leave straight away thinking I'm joking.

You aren't joking?


No solicitors and trespassers are shot signs.


nothing is edgier than christfags

>you were born evil and going to suffer eternal torment unless you bow down to me and deny yourself
>it's cool to let my kid die by denying her a blood transfusion
>i don't hate fags, god does

>it's cool to let my kid die by denying her a blood transfusion


the problem with christshits is that 99% of them come in two varieties:
1) the actual hardcore believers, who i personally think should all be rounded up and sent to extermination camps.
2) the people who identify as christcucks but selectively ignore what they want.

if you are a number 2 you are still a christcuck and don't get to defend yourself by appealing to the fact that you aren't a number 1: you're still part of the same apocalyptic jewish death cult

Indeed they're very persistent and annoying where I live.

Do not fool yourself into thinking that you can undo years of constant brainwashing by talking to them for a few minutes, by yourself you do not possess the facilities, training, resources and personnel needed to isolate them from the cult and attempt a reasonably effective treatment.

They're always looking for opportunities to cry persecution when they retreat into their hugbox, thereby using any word or action coming their way to reinforce their message and unity.

Stay calm and composed, be the superior man.

In practice just cycle between: "No.", "Leave me.", "I have no time.", "I am not interested.", "It's not important.", etc.

You can't free them, at most you can hope that killing the conversation before it begins can lead them to ask themselves a question or two, in the meantime it can save you - from the current nuisance at the very least.

>without going full fedora

>without going full fedora

Who cares if they visit? It's not frequent pretty much anywhere, just say you're busy and don't have time to talk, if they're persistent just shut the door.

Fact is that it's still better than most of the other spirit cults with a pandoras box of deities, witchcraft, caste systems and ancestor veneration.

satanism is a religion.
fedoras don't believe in satan

i get visited at least once a week

Where do you live that it would possibly be that much. JW have to abide by harassment laws just the same as everyone else. I can't imagine they'd be allowed to turn up at the same houses every week, it surprises me they even have enough missionaries (I think that's what they call it, not sure).

>I was saved by a blood transfusion.

It works every time. And it's actually true.

Simply look at them with as much sadness and concern for their souls as you can muster and say, "You're not allowed to talk to me, I've been disfellowshipped..." Then close the door.

>be home chilling dressed with only a towel around my hips
>ring ring goes the doorbell
>it's a couple of JWs
>act super friendly, welcome them in
>offer them coffee and make sure to make it so sweet I feel like retching when I taste it
>keep on asking them lots of questions about Jehovah and act super impressed while feeding them cup after cup of scalding hot, sugar infused coffee
>ask her if it's true that Jehovah can solve all problems
>they assure me that he can
>loose the towel and display my junk on the coffee table
>start explaining them that I'd love to have a BIG BLACK COCK and how much I'd be grateful to Jehovah if he could grant me a BIG BLACK COCK
>they litetally up and bolt through the door
>chase them in the stairs, junk out and towel in hand, screaming about Jehovah abandoning me and there being no justice in this world
No JW ever came back to this address, nor any of my neighbors. I consider this an all winning situation.

satanism isnt a religion. its ayn rand with magic tricks

I start lecturing them on Biblical Hebrew myself. I notice that they get very uncomfortable when you start bringing up that the Mishnah as well as Josephus record that the Tetragrammaton was actually pronounced daily in the Second Temple period for the morning Priestly blessings, and challenge them on when the supposed pronunciation was lost.

Never had one come to my door.

God has spoken.
>le maybe you are really the edgy one
>I know their religion better than they do and therefore I get to categorize them
*dibs bedora
>years of constant brainwashing
Did you ever consider there's no difference between emotional investment and brainwashing?
I mean, I suppose anyone could make the case that parents need to be killed because they are "self brainwashed" into loving their children unconditionally.
I really loathe the pseudo-intellectuals who think being an atheist adds IQ points, I have a soft spot for them (I'd choose them over a muslim any day of the week), but I really do hate them.
Film and post proof, I don't believe you.
>so beta you cant shut the door
kek, there's a reason women go for religious men.

While your out there giving your commentary on, your wife is at home blowing reverend Chad, its what happened to Hawking and it will happen to you.

The only time they have showed up at my door was on a weekend. I staggered out of bed and answered the door in a dirty t-shit and pair of sweatpants.
I just stared at them and said "I'm busy right now" and they fucked off. One of the girls whispered an apology for waking me up.

Tell them you're disassociated, and an apostate.

Also, this has useful info:

I was raised in this cult. They aren't allowed to talk to apostates (though you may end up with an overweening elder at your door).

I actually just spoke to Jehovah's Witnesses who visited my house for the first time.

>Where do you turn for comfort?
>Hmm...I don't know
>*Proceeds to read to me from 2 Corinthians 1:3–4*
>*Hands me a tract*

This was maybe ten minutes ago.

"I'm busy, a practicing gay Roman Catholic blood transfusionist and if you come back I'm calling the cops."

FPBP. They are obligated to avoid anyone who commits apostasy to the point families abandon children who leave the cult.

>inb4 tipper
It's more cult than religion considering how it operates.

great post I really value you being here

Use the term "active opposer" in front of them.

>Did you ever consider there's no difference between emotional investment and brainwashing?

The fact that they deliberately isolate you from non members demand increasing amounts of your time and threaten complete shunning and breaking up of families to people who leave or stray from their narrow path goes beyond mere emotional investment.

Things that never happened.

>deny yourself
go to bed nietzcshe

>The fact that they deliberately isolate you from non members demand increasing amounts of your time and threaten complete shunning and breaking up of families to people who leave or stray from their narrow path goes beyond mere emotional investment.
not really, all of that is pretty much apparent in most households.
My parents never went out with kith or kin when they had me and my siblings, and I am not going out while looking after my kids.
It's a serious time investment and there's almost no breaks, especially when they are young you know, when the indoctrination really happens, they get you when they're cute and you're on the ride forever.
So really, it seems to me that you're making a case of special pleading.
I mean, you should really question as to how much you hold onto your presuppositions.
Have you indoctrinated/brainwashed yourself into being rational?
I mean, there's no such thing as too rational, but I am just saying, to each his own, you are twisting your nickers needlessly.

>and I am not going out while looking after my kids.
maybe I should mention that this is by no means a universal phenomena substantiated by evidence as I am being purely anecdotal, but I do suspect that my experience is pretty general.
My old friends don't get much either, granted it while the kids are young 0-5 that you need to really be on hand with the parenting.

call them and tell that you don't want them to visit you anymore.

>not really, all of that is pretty much apparent in most households.

The degree of Orthodoxy demanded and the punishment metted out is goes far beyond that of your average church.

>My parents never went out with kith or kin when they had me and my siblings, and I am not going out while looking after my kids.

Your situation might be different but the isolation goes far beyond mere infancy and childhood.

>So really, it seems to me that you're making a case of special pleading.

Actually that seems to be what you are doing. If the things I described in my earlier post are what you think goes on in most households you have been associating with abused people.

>I mean, you should really question as to how much you hold onto your presuppositions.

I do, which is why I didnt go off spewing diatribe about the JWs I just stuck to the uncontroversial.

>Have you indoctrinated/brainwashed yourself into being rational?

You talk here as If im some kind of hard core atheist or materialist. Still I have experianced religious brainwashing and secular brainwashing so I am better at spotting it than I have been in the past.

>but I am just saying, to each his own, you are twisting your nickers needlessly.

Theres no flustering here unless it is on your part. I too agree with that sentiment however the misdirection you are attempted to foster in people is contrary to that. JWs arent evil however their organization is certainly not as you describe it

While your out there giving your commentary on, your wife is at home blowing reverend Chad, its what happened to Hawking and it will happen to you.

are u the intelligentsia itself?

>JW groups appear

say you are a mormon

>mormon elders appear

say you are a JW


unless they are GIRLS, then you can get a good fap after they leave if they are the latino-hot version desu

Heres a funny post from Fit relating to Chads and Religious Men

A better question is how do you seduce JW qt's without being JW


you invite them to paint your house

then while they are painting you jokingly paint their arms and shit to break physical contact

then since she will be thirsty as fuck from all those years of basically not physical playfulness she will literally try to get closer to you and even fuck that same day

true story, happened to me but i didn't planned, i was in nofap for 20 days and basically horny as fuck to pkek

Jesus them back.

Same, except I didn't have a shirt.

"Please, I'm really not interested. Thanks".