/gbfg/ Granblue Fantasy General #968

Backseat Driver Edition

>Schedule for January:
12/31 - 1/8: Platinum Sky
1/8 - 1/13: Footprints on Sacred Ground (Rerun)
1/13 - 1/23: Samurai Shodown Collab
1/23 - 1/30: Guild Wars (earth)
1/31 - 2/8: New Event

>How to Start
Go to game.granbluefantasy.jp in Chrome. Set language to English.

>Please, READ THE FAQ before posting! - it will answer most of your questions if you are new or learning
alternate: pastebin.com/XAw8bBCf

>Mega Pastebin - This pastebin has lots of useful things like important guides and other stuff so don't be a shitter and read these before asking something.

>Guild pastebin

Previous thread

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Doraf Thread!


>filename isn't cog

Drink plenty, be happy.

What happened to the Cogposter anyway? I've been hibernating for a few months and when I returned he wasn't here anymore. Is he dead?

Post dorafs

i want to fuck her in that position

They made a post saying they were quitting or something. Never heard from them since

Why can't I have both esports and dick? I fucking hate percy.

I miss cogposter

Get a better dick

play dps team metera yuel aliza


It isn't the same without him

Will character Zeniths just be the exact same as the usual MC zeniths or will they be personalized to the characters like special talent trees?

I wonder if there will be EX skills to buy for characters with only 3 skills.

Friendly reminder for those who miss it


Granblue Fantasy from now on – January 2017
1. Samurai Spirit Collab in January.
2. About Guild War:
- Introduction of element resist (only applied for HELL).
- Change in Lv95 (from the 2nd day of finals), Lv100 HELL availability (from the 4th day of finals).
- Reduce AP/BP cost of all quests.
- Increase gacha ticket from EXTREME and higher mobs.
- Reduce HELL LV90’s HP.
- Increase meat drops from EXTREME and below mobs.
- Change the exchange rate of meat to meat stack : 5:1 to 3:1.
- Add character weapons (Naoise and Abby) to Guild War's gacha ticket rewards(?)
3. New job : Apsara .
- Lancer’s Class IV.
- Released around mid to late January.
4. New Showdown quest in Feburary.
- It'll be Fire-element.
5. Others
- Planning of Character Zenith system.
- Reduce the AP required for tears and advancing to the next stages in Tear Shop.
- Extend the duration of Birthday (to 1 week) and Seasonal scenes (like Valentine, and Halloween) (to 2 days).
- Changes to Host and MVP rewards:
+ Host will have a better chance to get rare items than MVP.
+ Vice MVP now includes 3rd position.
+ Vice MVP has a chance to get a red box. (Like MVP)
6. Orchestra Concert.

But will the honors in this Guild War be fucking garbage too?

>+ Vice MVP has a chance to get a red box. (Like MVP)
Anyone can get red box via chance


Thanks, hope he returns. I have some strange attraction for the guy(no homo, probably.)

>or will they be personalized to the characters like special talent trees?
You seriously think they're going to put that much work in?




Maybe not personalized to the characters, but we might see them do special talent trees for each element.

And fire's will be so bad they'll be put back on bottom again.

Will there be any event as good as this one?

>Host will have a better chance to get rare items than MVP.
If it's a decent boost(as if it will be a good one) then there should be no complaints.
If it's nerfing the MVP rate so the host is better by default they can fuck right off. And with the third position now getting a box this seems feasible. They have to have their time gates somehow.



>I wonder if there will be EX skills to buy for characters with only 3 skills.
Would be cool to give the 5*s a chance to get a fourth skill since not all of them got one.

There will be plenty of events for Djeeta to slut it up, yeah.

Lancelot and Vane joining the summer shenanigans.

Cool Sukebe face (Doya)

Cog mama.

I love Jeanne!

Fuck Samurai Spirit.
Next Cinderella Girls colab when? Where's my Kaguya-but-without-revive Nana Summon? Where's my SSR belle-sylphid-like Syoko Summon?

What's Samurai Spirit? What collab character can we expect?

Haha, nerd! If you love her so much, why don't you marry her!

Didn't the FREEZE event back then have both of them appear in one chapter?

Are they gonna joined the soiya manly quest again but this time in fudoshi?

Haohmaru and Nakoruru are already confirmed as the collab characters


redditniggers scared him away since he was the one who translated the magna and dumped it.
>muh precious image limit

One of the newest Grand Blues ones kind of poked at it.

Who has the nicest tits in the skydom?

>tfw no one posts kat stickers on your wall

Post ID!

Hag. Decide which one.

pretty sure it was avatarfags and cuteposters who bitched about the gbf manga being offtopic


I've passed 100 and have a naked wall, nobody has posted on it. RIP


Post ID!

You can't expect anything in return when you don't give. I posted よろしくお願いします and the other person thanked me in return for being their friend.

>Lancer T4
What's it going to be like
Luchador/Hound Dog
Chaos Rulter

I-...I cannot read Japanese.
10743011 No bully


It's going to have good zenith skills, all on 15+ turn cd. Drive it in will still be shit.

Does this count?

what elements do you hope the samurai shodown unknowns will be?


Wind and Water

Light, because I wasn't here for the Tales and Sakura events.



Wind for Nako and Fire/Earth/Dark for Haohmaru.

I hope we get some light unknowns but I doubt we will. Guessing Dark and Wind/Water.



This, desu. It was kinda jarring seeing GBF manga dumps being shitposted and derided as being off topic while atelier would constantly circlejerk around Marie like a public bukkake.

People like dtx, scrubp and m@ can't help it, I guess.

I also have this

T-thank you.



>no magnafes
>done my dailies
>got all the rewards from the event
I have nothing to spend my AP on.

What did I even do with my time before I played this game?

Johann's event is probably going to give us a Dark Unknown.

Nakoruru's pretty much guaranteed to be a Wind Unknown since that's were pretty much all of the nature people.

Earth just got an unknown and Fire's getting a Showdown so Haohmaru is probably going to be either Light or Water so those elements can get some love.

I don't know anyone
I've only even talked to my crew leader once and on here.

johan event is a light spear

I imagine a rank 150 has nothing better to do right now.

>no one followed up to my soiya

End yourself.


Shut the fuck up, nerd

You lived life to the fullest.

I am sorry

Fuck you, Wawi. You weren't even here for the last SOIYA event.

Here, I'll share my real SOIYA with you.

>vanq shitposting as usual


Farm GW materials, like toilet paper. Bottle your AP on anything that can be traded in for pots.

Is Yugioh a dead/old enough series for a collab? We could get Black Magician and Black Magician Girl outfits for Gran and DJ.

You're a Black Magician Girl.

If we're getting a shounen jump collab it's going to be JoJo

You can farm more Coop for items to sell for rupees.
The 1 billion trophy can be yours if you work at it.

I wouldn't mind Gintama in that case.


If even Arc-V couldn't kill it then nothing will.

We'll get a Bleach collab since that's deader than Yu-gi-oh these days

Is she a nun

You leave my senpai alone!