How would the society and religions react to an actual alien contact?
How would the society and religions react to an actual alien contact?
nobody knows
It would make the headlines for sure.
If we just met them and didn't garner any science or technology very little would change day to day.
We'd probably chase them off once the fetish porn starts getting broadcast towards their homeworld.
Veeky Forums would certainly call them spaceniggers that's for sure
IIRC the Catholic Church said they'd basically be on the level of animals, incapable of sinning since they never fell from grace. So even if they have interstellar technology, they'd still be inferior to the pinnacle of creation, humans.
What mental gymnastics will humans use to save their special snowflake status?
>There's only one race the Universasowan race.
Honestly it depends on whatever their properties are. If they're incomprehensible, most will just rationalize them away as curious anomalies that aren't "really" alive, not like us anyway. If they are by some miracle able to communicate with us, that will be an entirely different ballgame. Most likely we'll look for any parallel, however flimsy, in their cultures (again, assuming they have one) and use it for justification for whatever we personally believe.
a little gasp and a little woah
It's best to assume they'd be humanoid, and that they'd have a similar history to our own.
Depends on the aliens. Seriously, we have no idea how they think, what they look like, what their morals are, etc.
That information is critical before we'd know how humans would react.
It still would be "OMG ALYUMS!", regardless of how they are.
>We'd probably chase them off once the fetish porn starts getting broadcast towards their homeworld.
>We'd probably chase them off once the fetish porn
>We'd probably chase them off
> fetish porn
They probably have even worse fetish porn because at that point they have the technology to do it.
Infact, thats probably a reason why their here
I for one, look forward to our new lewd overlords
Consider that the technological and societal gap between Europe and the Americas was around 1000-2000 years at the start of the colonial era. Maybe 3000. The universe has been around a ludicrous amount of time longer than that, and chances are that any intelligent aliens we encounter will likely have either a ludicrous level of development advantage or will be ludicrously backwards by comparison. when?
>implying they're not already here
Also in any sort of military confrontation where we are being invaded there is pretty much absolutely no hope. Consider what would happen if a modern military fought a military from the Napoleonic wars. It would be a hilariously lopsided "war." I mean, most of the military technology that we give to aliens in movies and games and stuff is within a decade or two of our own tech. Basically their infantry get flashier assault rifles and their aircraft are powered by magic. Oh look they have railguns and killer drones! They have lasers that shoot down missiles! So futuristic! But that's literally all in the prototype phase in the real world, naval railguns are due by 2020, anti-munition lasers are already a thing and combat-ready prototypes have been installed on ships for live fire testing. Killer robot drones are taking a quadcopter and giving it a handgun. Basically,movie aliens aren't all that advanced.
So really, if it comes to a war, we can expect to be utterly creamed, because we will probably be facing an enemy that has millennia of combat experience over us. And if they're anything like us, they will start a war, because they know they'll win.
I don't believe they would start a war, seriously.
if aliens started a war with us for whatever reason, they would just do something like use orbital nukes or genetically made viruses against us, and then colonize our planet without losing a single one of their own
It doesn't make any sense to attack us. Resources on Earth are negligible on cosmic scale. Also, the idea that it's better to kill anyone just in case is stupid when you think about it.
That's literally exactly what I was saying: their technology/tactics will be so advanced as to render any attempt at fighting back absolutely pointless.
Ok fair enough, but they would certainly force us into their sphere of influence or into their empire, or at the very least demand tribute.
>Ok fair enough, but they would certainly force us into their sphere of influence or into their empire, or at the very least demand tribute.
That's possible, which could be a blessing in the long run. Think about the Germanic tribes loosely subjugated by Rome. Over three to four centuries they made an astonishing material progress and by 5th century they were technologically on par with Rome, surpassing it in some aspects.
>It doesn't make any sense to attack us. Resources on Earth are negligible on cosmic scale. Also, the idea that it's better to kill anyone just in case is stupid when you think about it.
Why would aliens think that way?
>Thinks aliens would be reasonable
>Thinks aliens wouldn't do what we would do in their shoes.
>Thinks aliens would be reasonable
>Potentially galaxy spanning race with technology to cross it and are essentially gods
it would be just slightly more of a hassle to break earth in half than it would, say, mars.
In fact, they would have more incentive to keep us alive because we are a unique biological signature that could guarder some information on how life forms and maybe even provide unique and new chemicals to the aliens.
Considering the vastness of space you cannot be ever certain you've killed anyone. There could be some colonies on the fringes of the universe, some spaceships you failed to find. Even today people are talking about sending robotic missions with frozen seeds and human and animal embryos that could serve as a "backup" if something wrecks Earth. If a civilization enters the space age (which hopefully will be the case with humans in this century), you cannot possibly think about killing them all. Most yes. But the possibility that some viable population survives approaches 1.
Now, since you have attacked them, you have certainly showed yourself to be a threat. The survivors, of whom you do not know, are more than likely to try to rebuild their civilization. And if they do, they are certain to prepare themselves for a threat. They'll be probably armed to teeth, command large fleets (even if robotic due to lack of manpower). You might expect also retaliatory strikes that could very well jeopardize your own civilization in the future.
And now comes yet another variable. By attacking you have revealed yourself to be a threat also to others who are watching. Planet-annihilating weapons that we can imagine have all one thing in common - they make a huge bang that is certain to be heard. And even if somehow a hostile Alien civilization devised a weapon that can sterilize a planet without waking anyone up, you still can't possibly hide that. Human civilization produces a shitton of signals right now that go into every direction. Silencing us cannot escape detection and interest. So now, since you have killed one civilization, you are a threat to everyone else, cause there's big possibility that you'd do it again if given a chance. So how would others react?
I remember they offered to baptize any aliens that show up, but only if they want to.
Can we fuck it and porn when, I like it
We'd be the blacks in this situation.
I love how quickly this devolved
How would society and religion react to lewd aliens?
In order to find more life you have to thoroughly define what life is. We think no more of a rock than a rock thinks of us, and what is considered "alive" is only our opinion. There is no guarantee that we will be able to comprehend alien life and vise versa. We might be missing senses that enable us to see, hear, touch, etc. them. Ghosts could be aliens living alongside us without knowledge of eachother and vise versa, or maybe they're trying to communicate with us and we just shove two sticks at them. It is endlessly speculative.
If we do happen upon alien life, the majority of people will be highly disappointed to hear about green slime rather than little green men.
>Potentially world-spanning race with technology to cross oceans and are essentially gods
it would be just slightly more of a hassle to mine gold in the Americas than it would, say, africa.
In fact, they would have more incentive to keep us alive because we are a unique culture that could guarder some information on how societies and maybe even provide unique and new ointments to the Spaniards.
Most religions would probably implode and slowly lose followers, until they would dwindle away into nothingess.
The story of Jesus Christ and Yawheh the tribal war god very suddenly becomes quite irrelevant and even small in the face of contact with a civilization from another star system.
honestly, sexual reasons would be one of the most likely for them to actually go ahead and land
Conquering our planet generally speaking won't be efficient for empires that can actually travel the stars and study can be performed through drones and would likely be hidden
But to go ahead and fuck us? That requires a good deal of physical contact.
They would lose some believers, but honestly I think that they would also become far more fundamentalist.
I'd say Catholicism would radicalize the least
the sheer inertia of the vatican system would actually work in its advantage in such a case
A couple of reasons why thats wrong.
One, the colonization of america was done by a still primitive culture that was barely ahead of america in terms of philosophy and science.
Aliens would be millennia ahead in terms of technology and philosophy.
Two, the analogy doesnt work in your favor, it would be more like if the Spaniards had the option for a mountain made of gold or america. Africa would have been hard as fuck to colonize and was due to the natives and environment.
Lastly our biological resources isn't just some ointment, its an entire evolutionary line that evolved independently and developed culture.
True, but Proddies and Muslims would probably go apeshit.
Really, I bet they could buy a ton of human fucktoys from Africa at wholesale prices in exchange for rare earth minerals or uranium.
the more radical protestant and muslim denominations would indeed go apeshit
buddhism not being a true religion would be affected the least
I wonder how hinduism would react to it though
this. if they really are far more advanced than us they could terraform a planet the size of jupiter, but having sex with another people from an unknown civilization. who knows how many tentacle boners that will bring
They'd have to develop television or the internet to find out about the aliens.
That should buy us another 50 years before India and Pakistan realize what's going on and nuke each other.
they wouldn't even have to resort to slavery and kidnapping, if they look at least passably humanoid our internet will have informed them there's good number of willing participants
heck could even be the reason they choose to land on our planet specifically, like say their species has an extremely overactive sex drive by galactic standards so finding others to sate their lusts with is hard, however human sex drives are just as extreme as theirs so they're bending whatever rule of non-involvement the galaxy at large has
Not even
Drop by /aco/ or /d/ and go to any xeno thread to see how we wouldn't care if they looked like praying mantises.
>I actually went do /aco/ to check whether it's true
Please blow this planet up, kind Aliens.
600 million years of sexual evolution has left its mark on our species
For those non believers
Welcome to Veeky Forums
imagine some super advanced species studying us, looking through our internet and finding porn of something that resembles them way to close to be comfortable
This isn't history. Fuck off
It's humanities though.
Actually Muslims believe that once the global Caliphate is established they are going to conquer the stars via space jihad.
Shit is hilarious.
>space jihad
wtf I love islam now
No don't, traditional Catholicism is superior, much better than muh Wahhabism.
Better aesthetic, literature, theology, philosophy and I hate Arabs.
But do they have spess jihad?
Funny that you say that.
Your coming at it from a human perspective.
Read some sci-fi like Lem or watch Alien (movie starring Ripley). Who is to say that aliens 'think' the way we do or that the aliens encountered are highly intelligent and not parasitic xenomorphs with acid blood and predatory instincts which look for hosts?
We got chocolate
Butlerian Jihad or Fremen Jihad?
I'm actually interested with hypothetical scenarioes in which Ayys who have long experiences in Space than we do developing a sort of interstellar religion.
Spess is a shitty place after all, and shitty, random bullshit experiences tend to be catalysts in religious thinking.
kekkikus maximus
They would find some way to adapt their dogma, like they always have.
The Catholic Church has already said they'll baptize any aliens we find.
I always assumed that Muslims continuing to survive and interstellar human civilization were mutually exclusive.
Xenomorphs (critters from "Alien") didn't build a civilization and are incapable of space travel on their own. Same goes for Solaris in Lem's novel. It just sits down on its planet and just keeps being weird.
>Who is to say that aliens 'think' the way we do or that the aliens encountered are highly intelligent and not parasitic xenomorphs with acid blood and predatory instincts which look for hosts?
Because such being would most likely be incapable to build civilization. All animal species that display anything resembling intelligence have one thing in common - they have complex social behavior which allows them to develop and share skills. This social interaction also mutes their aggression. Even if they are predatory (like wolves) they don't go for everything that moves. They both calculate risks and are capable of simply ignoring prey if they don't want to eat
On the other hand you have for example a Comodo Dragon. It's living killing machine and they are aggressive as fuck. A grown up specimen can easily kill a human. In many ways they are living equivalent of Xenomorphps. They display intraspecific aggressiveness also and they will happily cannibalize other specimens. But their aggressiveness and physical prowess means that they don't have any form of society. They are too aggressive for that. Therefore they can't advance beyond the set of skills that is hardwired in their brains on the moment they hatch from their eggs.
Most Muslims are very like fundamentalist Protestant, completely unable to be reasoned with. They will be around if we develop space travel, there's no doubt about it.
Judging by how stagnant their society is however, they will contribute shit. They will just sit down on their hands, buy expensive toys designed and built by someone else and continue to think they are the pinnacle of human civilization.
I mean, humans will be incapable of spacefaring until such time as the Mohammedans are dealt with.
>Veeky Forums would certainly call them spaceniggers that's for sure
Not sfw obviously
There will be idiots that worship them, like gods, and expect them to solve all their problems. There will also be idiots that view them as a threat, rightly so, as they will change human culture the same way advanced societies change primitive cultures here already. There will also be idiots that STILL won't believe in them and view them as little more than a hoax perpetuated by governments/illuminati/Jews/whitey to take advantage of people.
Some will view them as "demons", just like morons do already. Some will try to introduce them to their savior Jesus, or their prophet Muhammad, and try to convert them.
This. Pope Benedich XVI said that since Jesus died for "Our sins" that the aliens would be included, since the "Our" means children of God and not techinically humans. He offered to give bapthism and such if they choose to join.
There's no way of dealing with Islam other than genociding like quarter of humanity. Which would put those who would do that far below the level of Muslim fundamentalists.
No, Muslim world will still be around when we start space travel. It will contribute shit but consume large amount of fruits.
The existence of a sentient alien species would raise so many theological questions among the Abrahamic religions that it is most likely they would dwindle away into non-existence, and most people would abandon them for something more 'relevant'. The Dharmic religions might actually fare better.
Christians would have to contend with many complicated questions, and apologetics would only serve to mask the issue with convoluted and arbitrary responses, further alienating people. Does this mean Jesus had to repeat his sacrifice for these aliens, despite it being dogma that his sacrifice was unique?
The Abrahamic religions would not fare well. I also doubt any government would allow religious proselytizers to get anywhere close to these visitors, and there might follow actual state repression of religious groups.
It depends on where they land. If they happen to land in Pakistan, the very first thing they will see will be a cleric team wanting to convert them.
I can't speak for Christainity, but Judaism at least teaches that revelation is primarily corrective in nature. I could swear that R. Moshe Feinstein said somewhere (although he was half joking) that if there was intelligent life elsewhere in the universe, not only would they have had prophetic contact from God, but that it would be different from what we got, since their brains and bodies are built differently.
Granted, that's just one Rabbi whose influence even in America is hardly controlling, but I think it's reasonably typical of most strands of thought on the matter.
i don't think christians would give up that fast. maybe there'd be some excuses like god creating both aliens and humans in his image to try to convert aliens into christians, or maybe they'd fuck with an alien religion and claim a figure was a reincarnated christ or something
>The Dharmic religions might actually fare better.
Is daoism a dharmic religion? My 2 cents for daoism is that it's more of a philosophy than a religion. Sort of.
And speaking of an abrahamitic space iteration:
>Believing themselves to be the elect race, the Pilgrims began to look down toward humanity as being sinful and fallen from grace, and believe that the Pilgrims who deserve to inherit the rest of the universe.
Does the kilrathi know about that?
>The Pilgrims are physiologically similar to human, except with their high affinity toward space travel. Unlike normal humans, the Pilgrim genes are attune to feel the space time continuum, which allows them to navigate through space with an uncanny ability.
This makes them be more of a separate culture than a religion.
The pilgrim in the film is a bro, though.
Since extra-terrestrials are only a mental exercise now, Christians argue that their existence would not impact their religion in any way. But if First Contact were to actually occur, they would be fucked. You really think any denomination would be able to cope with it?
Suddenly, the message of Jesus the Judean becomes infinitely small and irrelevant: on one hand, you have an extra-terrestrial species that traversed immense distances to arrive, and on the other, you have a book some ~1800 years old. Everything depends on how these extra-terrestrial beings are, and more likely than not, they would not fit into the mold of any religious categorization. What would constitute as 'sin' among them? What if they have religions of their own, either past or present? Would they even be able to comprehend human religious terms? Perhaps they'd scoff at religion.
>maybe there'd be some excuses like god creating both aliens and humans in his image
Well, image of God pretty much "this being is sentient, has reason and all that stuff".
So anyone who's smart enough to create an interstellar civilisation is.
ayy lmao
I don't think you are right. Look at evolution. A scientific fact supported by insane amount of evidence. Yet lots of Muslims and fundamentalist Jews and Christians absolutely refuse to compromise their beliefs and accommodate evolution.
If we ever make contact, they will also refuse to compromise by some form of mental gymnastics.
How do you know they have never fallen away from grace? It's a possibility, sure, but it's equally possible they have fallen.
Why would they start a war?
We don't randomly attack uncontacted Amazonian tribes despite being far more advanced technologically.
We did in the past for resources. What is to say in the future when everything starts to run out we won't forcefully relocate them to mine their soil? And if they dont comply we would bomb them.
Imagine that in a planetary scale now.
Actually we do, on small scale. Armed groups paid off by wealthy landowners and shady companies attack villages, kill some natives and chase off the rest in order to seize their land. The land is then used as farmland, for industrial plants or simply cleared for timber.
It's obviously illegal but the government is so corrupt that they don't give a fuck. And often the guys who pay the bands are the same who should normally enforce the law.
Makes you think.
i think you've watched too much avatar.
by the time we meet aliens we would have found a solution to our resource problem. probably by terraforming and mining non-earth-like planets. also humanism is a thing now. it wasn't in during the colonial period
>also humanism is a thing now.
Yeah, because that has helped in the past century.
> it wasn't in during the colonial period
It's been a thing since the Renaissance.
Depends on the contact. If alien ships just appeared one day over major global cities then there'd be widespread panic. If we just get some kind of long-distance communication it'll be a hot-topic, people will debate and speculate, some folks will insist it's all a hoax. More interesting is what we would do if we somehow detected an extraterrestrial civilization that doesn't seem aware of us.
We assume that the aliens don't have spics.
>don't have spics.
Yes, because people willing to fuck over natives for cash are in such short suply otherwise
Pretty much, actually.
Like, the Sentinalese have been left alone, and that's India.
The presumption being that the benefit is so low, relative to the social stigma of doing so, that the only species that would do it is species that weren't pro-social enough to get into space in the first place.
Not really. A species can have a very small interstellar empire (>10 lightyears wide) and still suffer from resourse shortages du to the fact that the tech needed to reach about 0.25c can be developed quite easely.
The main problem is not metals or minerals, It would be organics. Food. Unless all of humanity grows quite slowly we will run out of farmland when we reach some 40 billion people. And even then stuff like meat that requires a lit of resources to create would run out sooner. Such a problem could be fixed by space hydroponics, but the quick and easy solution would be to move the production of base foods (Grain, soy, beans, rice, etc) to a special agriculturaly focused planet so Earth can focus on the more intensive, harder to preserve for longer periods meat and luxury foods (Cocoa, coffe, spices, etc.)
A particularly ruthless race could forcefully exterminate or enslave a planet for such means.
BTW, this brings another point: How would trade work with the aliens? You cant really use precious metals since they already cn mine asteroids (they have to to be interstellar) and our tech would be worthless to them. The only unique stuff we would have to trade is organics. Food, wood, etc.
I think we would go back to early 16th trade in a way. Stuff like nutmeg, pepper, saffron, coffe, cocoa and such being traded for antimatter, FTL drives and computer parts. Basically we would be the natives trading worthless yellow rocks and very red wood for knifes and glass beads.
Didn't they bulldoze some Indian burial grounds just in the last decade in US? They used imminent domain.
Uncontacted natives are a different ballpark than contacted natives, who are essentially the same people as you but with casinos and poor alcohol tolerance.
Uncontacted natives is what we'd be, and those guys are pretty respected these days.
>Implying that aliens could have similar biology to us and find our food edible.
The only tradeable goods are raw resources (some materials might be scarce in different corners of space) and technology.