/nosg/ - Nostalrius General

Killing time until HG edition

>What is this?
This is the Nostalrius general. A private server for vanilla world of warcraft. We're currently waiting on the new nost server release:




>Server homepage
>Vanilla WoW database
>Leveling Guide
>Nos Pre-Bis
>Leveling Specs
>Big Addon Pack

Old thread:

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it's back up!

fuck you i fell for it..

>doing an Ironman run on PvE server (because it's the only way to make the pve server not boring
>playing as a human priest, find a few 6 slot bags, things are going smoothly
>reach the murloc area
>invited into a group
>the rest of the group start playing insanely recklessly because hurr we have a healer now
>they get us all killed
I'm never grouping with anyone ever again.

>tfw lvling and watching AGDQ2017

>watching AGDQ2017
Anything good happened yet? For example, have they finally purged all the trannies?

So, you got into my deadzone! Or so you thought! I anticipated such a strategy from the likes of you and planted this!


And with this, it's over!


>having autism and watching autism

>For example, have they finally purged all the trannies?
They became the trannis user

if you want to join Alliance
I'm sure somebody will post the list with discords ITT, I don't have it
until then you can add me for the next 1-2hours before I go to bed: Madti#7077
or this guy, he loves PMs: Infamy#5916

Anyone on the ropes about rerolling on the fresh pvp, or thinking about not playing there at all, I've made a quick pros and cons list and I'd like to hear your opinions on the matter in the comments or here, either or. Hope to see you guys on the new server.


>Dude, you can't tank and be #1 dps at the same ti-

>hemo doing dps


I don't know, but I'll let you know once it starts, user
>purge the SJWs
you wish

Every speedgame event has been getting worse and worse every year, but at least this year has a decent list of games

Maybe she already planted it and you blundered into it?

Not watching your video, but roll a character on there once it calms down a little and watch the race to 60. Then either stay on it or swap back to pvp as you see fit.

Meanwhile I'm going to do the epic hunter quest on pvp while everyone else is distracted.

>Ironman run

Got me feelin hype, good vid

r8 my warrior pvp spec for ranking on fresh

the real question is what class to race to 60 with

>ranking on fresh

Good job my son

If you want to go fast, hunter/warlock

If you want to have fun, roll from one of those rolling infographics.

I'm going druid.

Do you care about PvP?:
Yes: Play orc warlock, undead priest, or non-elf/troll rogue
No: Do you want to tank?
Yes: Warrior
No: Do you want to heal?
Yes: Play shaman if Horde, play dwarf priest is Ally, or if you hate dwarves play pally, but if you want to be a slut play druid.
No: Do you want to melee?
Yes: Play rogue
No: Do you want to play SUPER EZ mode?
Yes: Play warlock or hunter
No: Play mage

>ranking on fresh

i got bad news for you lol

>Dude, warlock does no dam-

>what class to race to 60 with
Hunter, Warlock, Druid, Mage

Any of those 4 could be the first to hit 60, and it absolutely will be one of those 4.

Safe bet is it'll be a Hunter.

>get rank 14 so you have to get rank 14 again later after AQ comes out
freshcucks everyone!

>is this handsome
>posts on vg


0-4 I go Dwarf Pally
5-9 I go Tauren Shaman

>dude warriors can't be versatil-

For a paladin raiding at 60, are there any no-brainer professions or can i get away with going mining/engineering?

why does this guy keep replying to himself every thread with the same "hey great vid keep it up man"

>ranking on fresh
Dude... fresh ranking gear is DOA, they'll only upgrade it with Naxx.

Alex is the only real handsome poster itt.

judging by all the comments on his videos and how fast his channel is growing it's pretty safe to assume you're just a moron

>Want to make a paladin
>They suck at everything besides shitting out buffs

Typically means if you die, that character is dead.

Stop shilling your shitty videos you ugly faggot

hey great post keep it up man

Reported for advertising

I hate this meme

>get to 29
>go to Hillsbrad to roam around the whole zone thinking I'll do random PvP at an appropriate level
>killed by a 60
>killed by a 60
>kill by multiple 60s
>corpse camped by a 60

Thought they were great healers

are you blind?

git gud scrub

Why are there 2 threads?

>he doesnt play firestone spec with an alcors sunrazor and windfury


They are.
You can mention any class, any spec, any race, any faction - and you'll always get similar responses of "x sucks because x, x is worthless because no one does x, only cucks play x, good luck doing x" on and on and on.

Every class and spec has roles they are ok to great at, every class and spec has shit they suck at.
For example, ret or reck paladins can be great in wpvp either solo or in groups. Ret or reck paladins are awful in endgame pve.
Another example: druids are faggots.


I don't even want to play on fresh, all my friends hate me

Make new friends duh.

Make new friends user, it's so easy!

>ret or reck paladins can be great in wpvp either solo or in groups

They're just like arms warriors only they do half the damage. In wpvp holy paladins are the best healers so you're actually hurting your group by being an autistic retard that should have just rolled warrior.

Please don't bully me.

Sorry, I am under no obligation to heal. If you want heals you should roll a priest.

>doing AB
>alliance always has 3-4 healers
>horde has 1 every 5 games
dindu faction was a mistake

Your lifetime highest rank is what dictates what gear you can purchase from the vendors, moron.


Mortal Strike > Ret retard any day

Weird, it's the opposite for me.

You faggots are the worst.

>I am under no obligation to heal
Then don't roll a pally in the first place, that's all they're really good for.

Yeah, I'd prefer they were holy as well. But any spec paladin is fine as long as they throw out cleanses and freedoms, etc.
I wasn't talking about premades, you know. Wpvp, as in random spontaneous fighting out in the world.

>tfw just killed a boss with more than 2 mechanics

Nostcucks will NEVER know this feeling

LMAO at all you cucks wasting your life saturday morning.
ROFL can't wait for this server to shut down too.

I like transmog...

after reading his posts i'm convinced i want it

what do you guys think about the pvp gear nerf until naxx on fresh? does it matter?

Is this the same guy who was furious about private servers last time in the pic? Does he ever stop shilling on forums?

you don't

We will slaughter anyone who stands in our way.

I'd slaughter her tight cold pussy desu

I feel a strong obligation to heal. No, not an obligation; I can't just sit there watching my allies struggling and doing their best. I need to help them.

Ah, but don't underestimate me. When things get dangerous, I'll be there with Hammer of Justice and Seal of Command. I'll time my Blessing of Freedom for you too, so don't worry about that pesky mage either. Fighting alongside my warrior friends like this, I feel like we can overcome any obstacle.

Is this guy literally the #1 Blizzdrone in the world?

Has he ever said anything negative about them? I bet if they released a vanilla server he'd be sucking their dick too

hey alex, reddit is that way

Pets are pointless. Who the fuck cares about that shit?


surprised by how attractive you are

>that many posts on a fucking official WoW forum
>a forum that isn't even that old

best farming class?


>Has he ever said anything negative about them?
Yeah, but rarely. During WoD when the devs were considering not allowing flying in draenor, he had at least a hundred posts in the megathread threatening to boycott blizzard games if he didn't get flying - then was still upset that the eventual flight unlock required a slightly grindy achievement (especially the portion requiring rep in a pvp area).

Maybe some other examples but I always remember his name because he always writes novels and literally has been pumping out like 12 posts a day since late wrath.

the one with the squinty eyes

i am willing to pay money to see the face of a person who has made 29041 posts on retail wow forum

someone post the koragon cum eating


So any ideas? I want to respec into something fun for wPvP until everyone gets AQ/Naxx shit and I leave.

Jesus fuck, the dude is literally choking on billion dollar corporate cock for free.

People on private servers aren't gonna even play retail, why the fuck does he even care

i need the full thing

no aoe though?

I think mage would be the best farming class, assuming trash in a dungeon (as good luck finding anywhere not packed out in the world).
I could be wrong.

There's not really an explanation. You know the apaches in Terraria video? That's the kind of person you're dealing with on those forums.

Kill yourself fucking faggot.

*purges u*

I still can't decide between femdead priest or nelf druid.
Played druid on Vanilla Gaming. It was very fun and I loved healing. How does druid healing compare to priest healing? I don't really care about hps or anything.
Also how well will I be able to pvp (heal) in bgs and run away/MC kill people in wpvp?
PS: I only ever levelled druids (got to 40 on nost before they shut it down) , so I have no idea how bad Vietnam etc. is without stealth. Will I be ok?
Thanks in advance for the (You)s.

Do rares always respawn as soon as a server is restarted?

Druids can't out heal priests, but they're more fun to play over all. Priests run out of mana fast in pvp as shadow, if you heal as a priest in pvp you are a vital role but you have to have dedicated protection or you'll die often to warriors/rogues. Druids are gods in pvp.

