Let's settle this once and for all.
Were the Normans French?
Let's settle this once and for all.
Were the Normans French?
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It depends who you hate more.
If you hate French people, then Normans were 100% Scandinavian.
If you hate Scandinavian people, then Normans were 100% French.
They were French.
I am saying that as a Scandi
Normans, Franks, Angles, Saxons; they're all just a bunch of honkies to me.
No, Bretons, Gascons, Burgundians are not french why should normans be french, they didn't even speak french!
They were not French. They had a French language, French religion, French culture, French tactics, mostly French ancestry, but they were not French because they won Hastings and the French would not have been capable of that. Lindybeige!
French, with several quirks differentiating them from their contemporary Frenchmen.
If you want a small but good introduction to them you should listen to podbay.fm
5% Scandinavian
95% French
Since there is no such thing as an ethnic group being specifically French, they were French.
France has always been a European melting pot, a mix of different populations ranging from Celts to Nordics.
Normans at the time of William the Conqueror spoke French, married with French nobility, had adopted for centuries French customs, French religion and whatnot...
So they were as French as it gets, only angloboo revisionist will say otherwise.
They just so happened to be French with Scandinavian ancestry.
>Bretons, Gascons, Burgundians are not french
Mais bien sûr monsieur, only Parisians are French.
>they didn't even speak french!
This memelord knows his history.
Hon hon hon, hol up
*Eat garlic*
So, youz be sayin...
*Read "La Chanson de Roland*
Zat oui were...
*Pray to Jesus*
Oui uzed to been...
*Cook frogs*
Oui from ze, mon ami...
*Ride a horse*
Oui wuz vikings et merde ?!
>with several quirks differentiating them from their contemporary Frenchmen.
Like litteraly every type of Frenchmen then, one could argue.
They were their own identity
I'm pretty sure the Normans (until later periods) saw themselves as Normans, rather than French.
Their culture was certainly dominantly French, and given their geographical position, they couldn't help but become intimately engaged in French matters, ensuring that they eventually became an integral part of France.
But at the period people are most interested in them i.e. the 11th century, I think that they still retained sufficient distinctions that they would not be considered French per se (though they were certainly not far of it).
Shit, OP, they went around with a specific name for themselves, I suppose they're not that name.
Yup. People who learn history via Europa Universalis usually think that France was always homogenous and centralized and the HRE was always very decentralized.
That's why Texans are not Americans.
No, they were Nordic descendants from Norway. The franks might have been french, but these guys came from Scandinavia.
Yeah, except a people (or at least the fucking aristocracy) went around talking of "Gens Normanorum" (Norman Race/Tribe/Clan) or "Normanitas."
And they sure were fucking independent. Cunts ran around Europe having military adventures.
If you play euiii Divine wind France will actually start as the most decentralised state, who even got several vassals to show that.
So you support the idea that Immigrants can never become fully assimilated or take extremely long time to do so?
They were a tiny minority, they married with the locals.
>Yeah, except a people (or at least the fucking aristocracy) went around talking of "Gens Normanorum" (Norman Race/Tribe/Clan) or "Normanitas."
Sounds like the mindset of a proud Texan.
The problem here is people missing the fact that French in the 11th century is a vague blanket term.
They still spoke the language, had the same religon and culture, and they also had the same ethnic background. They were part of the Norse population, under King Rollo. What makes a new identity? A name a group of people takes under a different king, or the forementioned traits?
getting all nationalistic pre-nationalism is a freaking meme dude
They spoke Old Norman which is a Latin language and they were Christians
>They still spoke the language, had the same religon and culture, and they also had the same ethnic background.
If you're talking of the 11th century Normans, at that point you're trolling or not reading the thread. In any case, you're ignorant. The very condition the French gave to the settlement of Rollo's men was their conversion.
Yes, I am using the term frenchman = peoples who lived in the kingdom of France. Normans were a queer bunch compared to all medieval Europeans.
>The very condition the French gave to the settlement of Rollo's men was their conversion
But that's wrong
The Franks were not French, if you go by that, but Germans.
The Normans were not like the people that lived in Paris. But neither were the people that lived in Aquitaine. Or other parts of the Kingdom of France.
So you're saying they never converted to Christianity?
No, Rollo converted on his own will.
Depends of the era desu
When they arrived in France, they werent
But by 1066 they spoke perfect French and after seven generations of interbreeding with the locals they had a large French admicture genetically speaking
>perfect french
A single french language didn't exist yet and Norman contained many norse loan words
William the Conquerors charter to London specifically describes the population being English and French, not English and Norman.
He would have done it even if it wasn't a requirement from the French?
His conversion wasn't part of the treaty.
>William the Conquerors charter to London
Can you post an untranslated version? Both for purposes of this discussion and because I find shit like this cool as fuck
>and Norman contained many norse loan words
Very few actually
They were actually black.
Whitey don't want you to know that.
Why do we have this thread every week?
the bongs get triggered on a weekly basis.
look at the
>french kings were cucks thread
Quality shitpost
lad have you seen any threads about England when frogs start posting?
I had an argument with a guy who thought the french invented everything of importance, and that the industrial revolution involved no important inventions
we're just as bad as each-other
Made me laugh, well done
Interestingly often related to seafaring, or so I've read.
At least the French don't expect others to view defeating a bunch of spear chuckers as an accomplishment.
French are originally part of the Germanic barbarian tribes.
Normans are Nords/Vikings (Danish and Scandinavians) who settled in Northern France, mixed their Viking/Nord culture with French/Roman culture, took Christianity, and then raped most of Britain.
They are French in the sense that they took French culture as a baseline to build their Gothic shit from, and got Christianity from the French.
You could say yes, the Normans were French.
The Normans were Nordic, French, and British, all 3 at once.
Were the Hautevilles Italian?
No of course they fucking weren't.
>Not french
No they were Norman
>Not Latin
british empire
french empire
spanish empire
truly patrician is the new contrarian
William the king friendly salutes William the bishop, and Godfrey the portreve, and all the burgesses within London, both French and English. And I declare, that I grant you to be all law-worthy, as you were in the days of king Edward; and I grant that every child shall be his father's heir, after his father's days; and I will not suffer any person to do you wrong. God keep you.
Original untranslated/modernised version on this link
Roman Empire
Second Best:
British Empire
Third Best:
Spanish Empire
>French are originally part of the Germanic barbarian tribes.
Why is it that almost no one in Veeky Forums seems to be able to understand migrations as anything else than replacement of one people by another? These people did not necessarily settle in empty lands or exterminate the natives, they normally intermarried.
Franks were a small minority in Gaul. Scandinavian settlers in Normandy were an even smaller minority. So, no, the French are not originally germanic. They were named after a germanic tribe, which is different.
And the 11th century Normans were not only culturally French, they were mostly descended from native French, with some scandinavian ancestry.
God Tier:
French Empire
Utter Shit Tier:
British Empire
>These people did not necessarily settle in empty lands or exterminate the natives, they normally intermarried.
But that's fucking wrong you retarded dip
The Celts never recovered their pre-Roman population and the Franks (and other) coming from "Germania" settled and raided Gaul.
The Gallic tribes were bred out of existence to the point where a modern Frenchman and a modern German are genetically indistinguishable.
The Franks were never a minority in Gaul in terms of being Germans, their tribe was a minority, but then they assimilated all the other Germanics and the few remaining Celts and half Celts into the tribe and lineage.
France is Germanic through and through.
Very rarely do men pass up the religion of their fathers, even at the brink of death, We see Woden and Donar, and not that cuck lord of Brittany.
Ville is French, not Latin
Whoever told you it was Latin must be a butthurt bong trying to minimize French influence in English
The Latin word is "villa"
Ville is the French variant
>pre-Roman population
Pre-Roman as in unmixed 'pure' Celtic
Too many Celts died or were intermarried with Medios.
I think you are getting it the wrong way.
>none in this discussion source things
>Needing a source to that kind of post
Oh no.
You've been memed all along, French people actually don't exist.
There's no such thing but bretons, angevins, normans, alsaciens, savoyards, bourgignons, lanquedociens, provençaux, etc.
>they didn't speak French
Scraps from the table.
>need everyone and their mother to beat
>the other can only go after primitive islanders and isolated indians
>lasts less than 20 years
>last less then a century
Quality > Quantity
Stay salty, eternal Anglo.
>historians are wrong, my far right theories are the truth
>cuck! cuck! cuck!
Quality posting here.
Remember who kicked you out of mainland Europe for good, got wrecked by a 14 year old girl, and English basically being bastardized French.
Mind if i ask how the French are still Romance despite the population being outbreed and settled by Germanics?
>population being outbreed and settled by Germanics
Except its the other way around. The Franks and Normans were completely assimilated by the Romanized Gaelics.
Better to live a day as a lion than 100 years as a sheep
>less than a century
I know your meming but that's just silly
1607 to 1997 is 390 years
>Nazi Germany
Okay actually that is the greatest empire of all time you win buddy
>kicked out of mainland Europe for good
heh heh heh
Give up. This is a dangerous specimen of snow troll in a stahlhelm. He'll meme you into oblivion.
I don't disagree
Reminds me of that tricksy banterman and master ruseman extraordinaire who insisted that ships were only invented in the Renaissance.
>1607 to 1997
The British Empire was nowhere near a lion though
Just because your French overlords in the middle ages gave you that symbol doesnt mean you're worthy of it
Napoleonic France was a lion
Nazi Germany was a lion
The British Empire was more of a vulture
yeah, sorry about that, forgot about Ireland
1560 - 1997
all /int/ banter aside, nazi germany was a meme not a lion
>1607 to 1997
The real British Empire was built between 1860 and 1890 by conquering backward shitholes in Asia and Africa
Pic related, the British "Empire" before 1815
And the death of the British Empire was the 1960s, not 1997
Seriously what is it with bongs infesting this board with their shitposting?
>muh sun never sets
>muh britannia rules the waves
You empire was literally a meme.
He was talking about the French Empire you eternal autist.
The British Empire was dead in World War I or at best after it. It isn't even recongized until the 19th century or late 18th century at the very best. Also Gibraltar? Ain't shit. Do you have major population centers? No.
A meme.
Is that all you guys got?
heh, just as expected...
>He was talking about the French Empire you eternal autist.
"Nazi Germany was a lion"
>Also Gibraltar? Ain't shit.
>kicked you out of mainland Europe for good
>Gibraltarians overwhelmingly rejected proposals for Spanish sovereignty in a 1967 referendum and again in 2002
keep em coming holiday destinations
>French Empire
>always the bridesmaid never the bride
As much as you would like to think it was easy mode for Britain to conquer brown people, we did all that plus keeping continental Europe in its place e.g. when France got ideas, they got put down, when Germany got ideas, they got put down.
France was capable of neither.
>all this jealousy and butthurt
Keep it coming
france are like niggers thinking they're tough because they managed to kill a few officers before they got arrested
Yeah...About that...
t. eternal anglo
french-english banter is boring desu
>we did all that plus keeping continental Europe in its place e.g. when France got ideas, they got put down, when Germany got ideas, they got put down.
You mean you helped a little other nations to do so
Pretty sure Napoleonic France was mainly defeated by Russia, Imperial Germany by France and Nazi Germany by Russia and the US
Britain was but a footnote in these wars
Wrong, retard.
Wrong, retard.
Wrong, retards
For fuck's sake this has been settled in dozens of threads already, yes they were French.