Destiny General - /dg/


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its going to be a webm thread.

what a shit thread already

inter look you have his approval.

Tight blue butthole


Well here goes!


it would have been less effort to actually just screencap it desu

>shitterERPing with monstar

daily reminder that inter once asked yellowteacup for the size of his "clitty" on stream

>tfw you confirm icarus and icarus gets shot down

This is more fun though

>not wanting to know how big YTC's clitty is

are you the "sex with yellowteacup" poster?

Any good rolls on Eirene this week?

how about you go fucking look homo

how about you roll over and we find out bby

I can't, I posted in the last thread and it was ignored. Figured a cute boy would be the best way to get attention around here. And looks like it worked.


I'm not sure if I actually made it to /dg/...

T-that's a boy?

If you can't look then why even ask on rolls you will miss? Unless you're being lazy.

There's a guy on /r/destinythegame that checks all the rolls, check the weekly reset thread or something.

also i'm not sure that's a boy

because i can have a friend go online and redeem the package, but i'm not going to bother them unless it's worth it

figured the best place to ask this would be /dg/ since there's always been a few others waiting for certain packages on certain guns with me

you need to think things through a little better user, not trying to be mean or anything, but there's a reason people do things

thank you

I feel bad for your friend, such a shame to be used for others success

You're just fucking with us right, no way that's a guy

It's a boy (female)

Not even close

That's actually a decent thing to do though.
Otherwise you're just wasting someone's time.


I've actually someone do this, it's okay with me. It's just a game. He should just ask his friend to check if he really cares though.

>tfw trap
>in a thread full of trap orbiters
>tfw no one orbits me

Where is that cute anime boy from?


>dragonheart so butthurt he's reporting everyone

will we ever recover?

kys jiro

>tfw you checked your eirene rolls before you left this week because you didn't want to leave it to chance


post qt pics

But I'm not a trap

shut up you


>keeping your trap in check
CUTE!! x33


So whats the verdict on eirene rolls?

son't make me do that one thing...
have to do something right?

you better not

i'm a pure maiden though!

attention whore: the post


sauce? who is that semen demon?

bob pls


literally who

>jiros gf is real
fuck everything sacred this place needs to burn

>jiro's """""""""""gf""""""""""""" is attention whoring in the thread

fuck this thread and fuck you all. i'm going home.

Auvi is my ___friend___

its just a false flag retard

why would you believe a word of this

>tfw no daddy bf

>this raid

>tfw icarus could have saved us

Its not the one he lied about. Its a recent trap he's decided to orbit and like all traps on /dg/ they're as beholden to you as electrons to a francium nucleus.





Kite x33

you're lucky the age of consent in canada is 16 or else she wouldn't be dating you.


anime was a mistake.

>John Selected

Felix from Re:Zero

muh dik


>that's a male

Japan deserves a third, fourth and fifth nuke.


He's the best character from that show honestly.
There is literally nothing wrong with looking like a catgirl.

but there is something wrong with being a mentally ill degenerate who wears women's clothing and thinks HE'S a woman.

day of the rope when? you fags will be pitchfork loaded on the trains again.

>walk into room
>see this

wat do?

Japan has looser standards and laws and more backalley doctors who are actual doctors.
Inner city areas have plenty of traps you wouldn't know are traps and plenty of them are looking to go home with someone just cause that saves them hassle and money ontop of getting sex.
Due to the recent cultural divide between generations plenty also have daddy issues.

daddy issues are best issues c:

>day of the rope
sounds kinky, being tied up is p fun


>sid pulled the raid over and split up the fighting kids

Thanks again guys, appreciate the patience

y'all still gay?
bob still beta orbiting?
dragon still screeching?
dawggy still missing?


>replying to the OP

Best loadout for a PvE Sunsinger Skorri's Memory Tlaloc support set?

Best exotic armor, shotgun or sniper, LMG/Rocket launcher/Sword?

Guys. I only gave 130 coins left. xur better have those coins.
Also turns outthe tattered schematics for voidlord drop ambiently now.

For singer? Breakers or praxic depending on style of play.
The rest is dependent on what burn is happening.

>it feels bad when no doggy dog

I was gone at work all day what did I miss

RIP janitor

>tfw the squad agrees to do VoG
>Y3 Icebreaker squad killing Oracles
>it's a Mongoose and the Gorgons episode

my perfectly angled clip of mongoose """""taking cover"""""" behind a rock is lost to time

Anyone up for the nightfall?

I ain't gotta worry about that, little nigga, because I don't date inferior humans.

this will have to do.


cuckstang still not getting thread's first?

>he doesn't have 2 bitches who would drag my ass out of a housefire and have actively run off bears and snow ninja's
Sad life tqhwyf

