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Love at Sunset Edition

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First for junkrat

Hey /owg/, is this pro Tracer legit or hacking two seconds in?

What is happening in this picture?

>Hooked a genji
>He dashed behind
>Hook broke
Holy shit please don't leave it like this, both genji and tracer are what roadhog is supposed to be counting but both of those are the only 2 with escape blink abilities like that

I want to kiss those perfect purple lips!

>Biotic Grenade
>Healing boost on allies has been decreased by 50%

>Health increased from 200 to 400
>Armor decreased from 400 to 200
>Fusion Cannons bullet damage decreased from 3 to 2
>Number of bullets per shot has been increased from 8 to 11

>Interdimensional Chain Hook no longer interdimensional
>Targets are now pulled directly in front of Roadhog (rather than straight to him), except in cases where Roadhog drastically rotates
>Hooked targets are now released if they leave Roadhog’s line-of-sight before being pulled
>Line-of-sight checks (which detect if targets should be initially hit by the hook) are now done from Roadhog’s position, rather than the hook’s position

Safe to say combined with this cover and the follow up from Old Soldiers in the recent comic that part two is incoming soon?

I'd say yes.

Forgot Sombra
>Hack: The time it takes to hack a target has been decreased from 1 second to 0.8 seconds

U jokin senpai?

Either lag on the spectator or a quick hack.

Do tournaments allow players to bring their own computers or something? That's pretty stupid.

Any ps4 anons here? I need a partner for duo. Anything diamond or above is fine. Willing to healslut if you can consistently get shit done.

Delete this

Why does Ana's face look exactly like Sombra's, just older? What did they mean by this?



Literally drawn by a nine year old/10

Congratulations, OW community. We now have two dumpster-tier tanks. Are you happy?

Wow, mystery heroes is even shittier with a wider map selection.

Great job bringing it back, Reddit.

I love you, Junkrat!

Roadhog's hook "nerf" is good and all, but it should stop the enemies' momentum to keep it from breaking.

Am I too late for the hog main tears?
How will they handle their skill-less 1-shot kill taking a modicum of skill now?

Just so we're clear, we are talking about Roadhog and DVa, right?

I feel like we should be captioning these faces.

>We're lesbians and there's nothing you can do about it! NOTHING! MWAHAHAHAHA! *thunder clash*

You should also note that the heroes the would land farther than usual when hooked now come within a perfect distance for Hog to kill them in one shot.


How do you gitgud at Mercy?

Winston and D.Va


I play competitive for any longer I'm going to lose my mind.

I can't fucking do it anymore, I can't fucking stand it, losing over and over and over and over and nto knowing what the fuck it is I'm doing wrong. This shit just isn't healthy for me.


Think of a hero.

You may rebalance that hero but be warned that the hero you picked is now right behind you. what do?

Stay behind your team heal the tank or the bravest player if the tank sux you're 50% harder to hit whilst airborne

Either tiny hiccup in recording or absolutely.

It's actually better than it was before.


Literally perfect, no reason to change him.

D.Va's Defense Matrix now has a minimum range.

>I want Doomfist!

>expecting him to be melee primary
>Blizzard will give him a submachine gun

Wow, Blizzard really fixed that hook! Good job, let's give them cookies :^)

>tfw Hanzo's main costume will be the cyberpunk one

I don't mind honestly.


It really feels retarded. If you take away all the things that shut down the spastic gotta go fast damage dealers, it almost doesn't matter how hard you nerf them, they're still gonna do what they do because nothing will stop them.

You picked a very potato headed frame to stop on.

>is this pro Tracer legit

>switching between two targets perfectly in 16.7ms


Oh shit uhh, Fan can now headshot. Combat roll now has i-frames

>We souls now

>Allow her hack to continue forever uninterrupted by damage, but right click must be held the entire time, forcing teammates to kill the hacked hero
>Slightly decrease bullet spread
>Slightly decrease cooldown on translocator and invisibility

>Sombra is now behind me
>Bend over and beg her to be as rough as possible

Gun ramps up in damage
Shield more HP
>What do now that he's behind you
Play vidya and have casual sex

Good thing I mainly play pharah.

But yea that's pretty retarded. I assume the hitbox is still as large as S76 too?

Ah okay.
So just focus on healing/buffing Rein and D.va or whoever needs it?
Who should be the top priority for resurrecting?
The tanks?

Decrease splash damage and increase projectile speed, tire now explodes for half damage when "killed." Add a second trap (placing a new one deletes the oldest one like Symm's turrets).
turn around and smooch the heck out of him

Symmetra has audible footsteps and walks slower while holding down primary fire.

good taste. reinhart of course agrees and pats you on the back; you go to the hospital.

d.va as a gamer is fine with this. she shreds nearby stuff anyway and it offers counterplay.



Decrease RMB cooldown to 2 seconds.
Slightly decrease the reload time.


How did Blizzard fuck up the hook fix so badly? They made it unusable when an enemy is nearby any kind of object but now you can throw enemies off map with it?

> trying to learn new map
> everyone wants to dps
> lose every game in 2 rounds because no heals

People that refuse to play support are cancer. Also, no I'm not switching, I've got 200+ hours on support so fuck yourself

na fuck hog. he can reliably kill from any range. that should be enough without a free one shot every 6 seconds. how anyone can justify such a dirty character is beyond me.

Alright, what's /owg/'s consensus? Will the changes dent the tank meta, or at least make Ana less necessary to have on your team?

>There is a cap on how far 'to the side' you can be pulled, so you can't just hook someone, spin 180, and dump someone off a cliff.

Way to show you didn't even test it blizz

>guys let's just forget aboutthe real problem of the 100% heal deny and just nerf the heal boost instead ahaha
you fooled me for the last time jeff

D.va's mech guns no longer have infinite ammo but her shots deal 15% more damage

I feel like sombrero is still going to be trash

Who the fuck cares you loser. Just pick deeps and have as much fun as you can. Pubs on arcade don't owe you a goddamn thing. If you want a well coordinated and organized group then make one.

good thing shes dead, that spine looks painful

Using hog on pitfall maps just got 100% more fun.

They somewhat fixed the hack, too bad the rest of her kit is garbage

oh shit. It's High Noon

seems impractical since they'll be with teammates too and still have primary fire available. could have niche uses. sombra is very rough with you for not making her OP. she shoots you, takes your computer, and runs awayand you probably like that you sick fuck.

yeah poor guy needs a buffand some hot non-monkey loving

good changes to grenades, but second trap might be a little much. junkrat tastes like sulfur and soot. he probably blows up your house on accident or something

It was good while it lasted, D.Vabros.

>Do tournaments allow players to bring their own computers or something? That's pretty stupid.
It appears they are just playing online for group and won't play LAN til the finals.

>real problem of the 100% heal deny
What's the problem?

give back the 75% minimum knockback to her rockets.
pressing crouch while in the air will make her fall quickly into the ground and slightly damage enemies if she lands on them.
reduce rocket self damage to make rocket jumping less dangerous.

drop my spaghetti because she's looking at me.

Ana's nerf is non-existent. Dva's pretty shit now, and the hook is now slightly less retarded but it got a new party trick

Winston's new Alt Fire

hope you fucking rot once it goes live

Hana Song is an antisocial, virgin, LOSER

>playing Reaper on PTR
>melting the D.va's mecha


Yeah, I thought I'd throw it in there but the trap is probably pushing it.

>junkrat tastes like sulfur and soot
This is fine.

Quick! Name your

>Favorite character design

>Favorite character personality/lore

>Favorite character for fucking around in QP

>Favorite character for comp

>Nerfing DVa's damage
Buff her spread then, my god blizz.

I'm still using her.
I don't care how shit she is.

as a Reaper main I haven't had this much fun since S1

Which would make it all the more fun to rape her.


Who /now maining reinhardt/ here?

>Not level 25 yet

>D.Va is now MonkeyTrouble tier
hana status: kicked off the table

So if we're going back to the 2/2/2 meta, which 2 tanks would you want on your team?

please blizzard ambush symmetra is ridiculous. symmetra cleans your entire house.

lucio is cool with this. he's cool with everything. just a really cool guy in general. yeah.


rocket knockback is good - it rewards skill, makes her a stronger disruptor, and makes it harder to hit in 1v1, while terrible pharahs just knock their targets into cover.

you are of course a cute girl. pharah also drops her sphagetti and both of you just freeze like that for a couple minutes, until you die from the sheer uncomfortableness of the situation.

hopefully it has knockback. miscoded rocket jump punch becomes op until blizzard removes it entirely. Winston hangs around, maybe upgrades your computer or something.


His ult and firestrike are still broken for me.

blizz, just fix it :(

>only friend who plays overwatch is a Roadhog main and super casual
>he probably won't play anymore
I can't believe you've done this

>Symmetra STILL hasn't been nerfed

her gun is OP as fuck and literally M1 to win, fuck anyone who plays her. That range is ridiculous.

I haven't noticed any problems with them.

Had a troll in the last match who's shtick was calling people "normies" for having girlfriends and telling them to get out of his games.


>That range is ridiculous.
It's literally all she has. Learn map awareness and she's irrelevant.

What does swapping D.Va's armor and health do?

Is this really enough to make people who can't play her stop?


His boop now has a further range. When the speed Crossfade is on, it boops slightly (around 15%) further.

Armor makes you take .5 damage instead of full damage, so it really is significant.

Ask her to become my lifting buddy
and over time cuddle buddy

Yeah playing 5 dps and a tank is so much fun when the other team has an actual comp. real fun stuff