How to not be a pseudointellectual?
How to not be a pseudointellectual?
actually read books
take classes
think before you type
learn how to properly construct and respond to arguments
basically know what the fuck you're talking about you fucking newfag cunt
>be actually intelligent
>be educated
>be qualified to speak about a topic
>be well read and informed
>be able to clearly explain and defend your position
>be actively working to further policies regarding your field
Even then the masses will ignore or denigrate you, ideologues will seek to contradict or silence you, and the powers that be will either use you to further their schemes or politically punish you.
Realize the distinction between reading on a subject and reading its wikipedia article/cliffnotes.
Realize that quoting names like Plato when it isn't appropriate to the discussion doesn't magically make you smart.
I don't even know if I'm a pseudointellectual anymore. I read things I find interesting but every now and then I'll pick up a book purely for the status that entails understanding it.
Say only dumb things.
step one leave Veeky Forums and never come back
be exactly like your pic related, the very definition of an antipseud.
You're a pseudointellectual if you use Veeky Forums, but it's not like anything you should really be insulted by because intelligence is pretty relative, the best you can do is keep in mind that your intelligence doesn't make you superior and that there is always more to learn. Keep an open mind while retaining the capacity for critical thought.
dont consider information knowledge or worse intelligence
write concisely, dont use more words than the minimum you need to express an idea
for example:
non-pseud: its hot outside
pseud: the current condition of the external aether relative to my dwelling is quite scorching
>You're a pseudointellectual if you use Veeky Forums
true intellectuals don't even poop right?
Just don't leap to conclusions.
If you're not sure about something, look it up. There is nothing wrong with being an auto-didact, but you have to accept you aren't on the same "wavelength" as the academics and need to carefully explain your ideas and root them in common knowledge as opposed to just blabbling away willy nilly and creating your own obscure vocabulary.
>nobody saying having strong ethics
You can be intelligent and well read and spoken and still be a pseudo intellectual if you don't have ethics. In fact these things can help you be even more of an impostor and a hack (see every Jewish intellectual ever).
>dedicates time and effort to actually learning
>does so out of genuine interest in the subject
>understands that they always have far more to learn
>"learning" generally consists of skim-reading a wikipedia articler
>does so in an attempt to impress other people and inflate their own ego (may also pretend to enjoy things considered "intellectual" by laymen such as wine and classical music for this reason)
>genuinely believes that they are an infallible authority on absolutely everything
Just dont be lazy. Most wannabe philosopher college students only ever come to the conclusion that everything is "Just a social construct". Thats complete and utter bullshit. Just remember to think for yourself.
Ethics doesn't have anything to do with it dipshit. Especially when studying history. Even being a "proper intelletual" doesn't fucking matter. Would you rather win, or be correct? Would you rather have ethics or power? They don't usually go together. Being morally or intellectually "right" doesn't give you any kind of tactical advantage.
t. Schlomo
Be modest in your pretensions.
Read alot, be willing to respect others opinions and let them truly speak before judging, be humble and work hard at understanding things.
>They don't usually go together.
t. nietzsche pseud
true intellectualism is being a hack
pseudo-intellectuals are the type who try to supplement their inferior intelligence by poring over books and listening to long lectures
don't over-compensate
be a hack
Go on the Veeky Forums archive, search Constantine, and do the opposite of them.
So being a pseudointellectual is not about what you do but rather how you do it?
Nice try fbi take your psy ops away from a great man who actually went against the grain of consuming trash made from the bones of a dying planet. All it takes is ten minutes newfag. Smoke it and tug on his wrist and tell him what you saw. Then you can explain to me how the universe is somehow not growing more complex, and then you can cry about how much you hate hermetic lore. Or perhaps you'll get real and actiallly come to terms with why you felt so threatened by a hawaiian shaman
>Don't brag about IQ on the internet
>Don't get baited by jaded faggots trying to make others feel as miserable as them
>Don't engage in mindless arguments that lead to nowhere
>Study multiple disciplines
>Exercise your curiosity
>Don't act like you understand the world
>For the love of God, please know your shit before you engage in conversation regarding said shit
tl;dr don't act like an edgy 16 year old fedora tipper on the internet who thinks he has the world all figured out
This is a good one.
One of the best ways to spot a wannabe.