Barbarians Rising

Anyone saw this? It's a 4 part series about enemies of Rome.

Other urls found in this thread:án_Hinds,

>Hannibal is black

Not sure how to feel about this shit

At least he's not deep black.
Tbh he's not really much darker than any where on the Mediterranean.
Or is it more diwn to the rudi poo features?


The show sucks
>Cheap and inaccurate props
>Briefly skims over historical information
>Constructs a biased narrative with Rome as evil and everyone else as good
>Shows the father of western civilization as evil

I only watched the first couple of episodes. Did they do a episode about the Jeiwsh rebellions yet?


>Tbh he's not really much darker than any where on the Mediterranean.
hol up


>Lorica Segmentata in the 3rd century BC
>Lorica Segmentata in the 5th century AD


This guy is right. They show how Rome "oppress" everyone, and make it from the savages perspective. All the while the Romans kick their asses at almost every turn (please don't bring up the profligate Varus)

>had to google "varus"
now google "pleb"


wait a sec, are they saying that Hannibal was a barbarians? He was not!

I think the point is that he should be semitic or tunisian. Tunisians are african and are fairly light skinned. The view of Hollywood to take all things "african" and make them black is very ignorant.

African =/= Black

They couched Hannibal fight against Rome as a civil rights struggle. The non slave holding carthaginians against the slave holding Romans.

Better than white Anglos with British accents playing Romans.

Shouldn't one look to the Poenician areas along Beirut and Lebanon? Very few Carthaginians outside the city in Africa.

Are you implying an American or an Indian accent would be more suitable?

The uppity posh Brit accent is used because it represents Roman snobbishness.

When it's an American show, an American accent would be better yes. Yet the shows went out of their way to use British actors or use British accents.

>Tbh he's not really much darker than any where on the Mediterranean.

Except he is far darker than anyone on the Mediterranean, similar to when black nationalists claim that the Moors (and by extension all Berbers/North Africans) were black.

There are some Brits (likeán_Hinds, who played Julius Caesar in HBO's Rome) that can pass for being Umbrian/Italian. That is unless you're a WE WUZ who thinks the Romans were nordics/black.

Tunisians are niggers tho
Source : my country is full of them

And actually i'd MUCH rather have a random negro get screen time than a muslim
Muslims shouldnt have leading roles in American cinema that is just wrong, never forget 9/11

Ciarán Hinds isn't British, literally the first line of the article you linked says that.

not sure if B8 or shilling Black user

was exited for it since viking turned out to be top tier, dropped when I found out that they incorporated wewuz-ism into Carthage

Who even bothers with History channel anymore? Ever heard of the Smithsonian channel? Their videos are alright, at least the ones I watched online. They're very lefty though, but I hadn't seen it penetrate into their works yet.

it's only one episode

the rest of the show is kinda shit anyways though

I watch AHC and smithsonian now. Ever since they got rid of H2 the history channel plays nothing but pawn stars.

>Romans wuz gud bois they neva did nuthin wrong
They may have been the product of the time period they lived in, but the invaded peoples that fight back were wholly and totally in the right.

Teutoberg best day of my life

Stop using the Latin alphabet and a language which has a Latin influenced past.

Stop speaking a Germanic language

The preview I saw for it made my blood boil. History as told by people with only the faintest familiarity with real history.

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