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Panda is for rape

I like Tauren females in the World of Warcraft

Trimming all armor sets!

>demonology is rank 2 in Nighthold sims
>warcucks STILL complain


That moment when you realize that people migrated back to Horde for PVP

Eat a fucking dick you EMFH shitters

>go to bathroom
>hear dungeon pop
>get back and click enter
>"you were removed from the que"
yeah fuck you blizz i clicked it

Reply to last thread:

People are always gunna be selfish assholes.
Time to make friends ingame instead of relying on faggot casuals.
This has happened to me multiple times.
>start a new realm with coworkers
>plan out tank heals dps and raid nights
>get new guild started
>people never play when they say they will
>falls apart in two weeks flat

Pretty typical

>it's another Kirin Tor emissary episode

who 3 quests here

>Running weekly SOO mythic for mount
>Join group that's in mid-run
>Port there and run raid
>say "brb quick" in raid chat to get a drink
>come back in 3 minutes
>Say "Back" in raid chat, no response from anyone
>See that the group is on the giant dinosaur, so just wait for group at the Klaxxi bosses
>Someone writes in raid chat "Kick user, he's been AFK for 15 min"
>Leader kicks me instantly after that
>Whisper leader that I'm not AFK at all and to reinvite me back
>get no reply, ported out, lockout wasted this week

What is it with people in this game? Why do people in this game have such a serious issue communicating with others?

What's the point of doing world quests right now anyway?

I'm 880 and all my reps are exalted


>random BG
Hahaha strange gesture strange gesture strange gesture no team coordination your team gets no healers you lose
Not worth the 300 fucking honor, nope.

already got 2 m8

just got the 40% success rate on

Alright so I haven't raided much every, but I've been doing Mythic Progression and im curious as to how "hard" these bosses are compared to some older ones.

Mythic Nythendra-Elerethe & Xavius are obviously easy as fuck.

>Mythic Illgynoth
>Mythic Cenarius
>Mythic Odyn
>Mythic Guarm
>Mythic Helya

>trying to do vault of the fucking wards fucking sequence
>after 20 fucking minutes find a group
>make one fucking mistake
>cant fucking reset
fuck this game fuck all of you fuck blizzard


Every single class as a hero meant specifically for short missions.

Find whoever has mission duration -20%, then equip +30% AND +40% success chance boosts to missions < 4 hours.

That's enough to bring an mission under 4 hours to 100%, even if you fail to counter the "Reduces Success Chance" characters.

please explain how I'm a "Dumbass", then

Artifact power.

>He WQs for AP instead of M+ all day.

Fucking casuals I swear.

exactly, not 4

>being able to m+ all day
>having friends
you're the casual, normie faggot.

>People in this game right now that are fucking 880 with zero clue of Mechanics or how to do anything

Mythic+ was a mistake

Mechanic fight, take your time and do everything right and you'll get it down
Dps race to 35% before 3rd wave of forces, interrupt sister, clear brambles, make sure dragon tank doesn't die.

I have no clue about M ToV since my guild disbanded before attempts.

I want to defeat Queen Azshara!

I do both, 20 minutes of getting 1 mil ap vs a 10 minute maw which gives 200k.

Where precisely did Legion go wrong?

During brainstorming when they thought order halls and artefacts were a good idea

ahh thanks


Say what you want about AP and Legendaries.

I firmly believe class design is the worst part about Legion.

artifact knowledge, legendaries, impossibility to roll a new character or even spec
also putting so many cool spells in pvp talents, jesus

>Garrisons were a hit, right? Yeah, they were. Toss them in there too but make them """unique""".

friends why do some of us play very complicated and annoying classes like feral and spriest when we could just play an autistic 3 button class like warrior


>artifact knowledge
>He doesn't know

Meant how hard are they compared to older Heroic/Mythic bosses

We are 2/3M and I dont know if I want to struggle through Mythic progression in NIghthold with the same tards that couldn't do P3 of Mythic Odyn correctly

know what? The books about to come out?
They should have been there since release.

There are no complicated classes in this game unless you consider putting shapes in holes complicated I guess

>Timegating from order halls
>Artifact weapons, then making cosmetics for those weapons locked behind bullshit
>No interesting or useful reputations
>All the zones apart from suramar were shit
>Artifact knowledge
>"Catchup system"
>Ability pruning
>The illidan storyline

spriest is by FAR the best dps in raids though
feral should receive buffs to dps so that you're rewarded in the same way
not that they're very hard but definitely more than most classes

how do I get a selfie camera?

>no upgraded aran on my ele
>no drape of shame on my heals

draenor garrison missions

>PvPers bitch hard enough.
>Blizzard: LOL okay nowe we hand out more titles ^^



whats the item that does 30% reduction or increase success??

I believe anything with "Energy Potion" is a success change increase.

I'm still waiting to get the legendary potion that's +50%.

>PVEer bitch hard enough
>Blizzard: LOL okay nowe we hand out more kills ^^


>leveling mage
>doing quest for arcane artifact
>do it as fire
>reach end of quest where you go to the nexus
>die constantly
>thank god mob health doesn't refill when you die here
>keep dying
>all armor broken
>reach last enemy
>can't beat him
>his health refills unlike every other mob
>no way to win
>quit and hearth out
>try again as frost and beat it no problem

Am I retarded?

It was bugged and Blizzard fixed it to hand out as many titles as they should've the first time.

Stay salty scrub. You'll never get that title or mount.

probably lol :)

Post yours.

Top fucking kek.

I was titled for Legion Season 1.



wait im looking at my champions and not a single one of them has anything related to short missions being more successful

To be fair ToV was probably slightly overtuned, and fucking hell for melee heavy comps. Odyn and Guarm (to a lesser extent) are absolute fucking buzzsaws to melee

>Have to move literally every 10s because the Spears spawn under be clumps of people
>Hymdall is absolute aids to dps as melee due to Horn of Valor
>If you get a Runebear on you as melee you have to run from the boss to your rune, then to your 2nd rune, then back to the boss
>Have to stop DPS entirely for Radiant Smite on P3 because Odyn will never be near you due to Stormforged Spear

Ret Paladin is just unfun on the fight. Even if I ignore mechanics its so fucking hard to get a full 35s Crusade

Do you have any that REDUCE mission duration (e.g. "Reduces the duration of missions by -20%")?


>literally the only waifu material this entire expansion


nope not a single one they all just have a bunch of troop affixes not a single one reduces time

>"their wings are clipped"
>falcosaurs don't even have wings
dumbass bitch

Iknow a firend firends firend who sang that, shes Irish, she sings in pubs etc, amazing voice

That's not Liadrin

user you have to level them before that unlocks.

Why does blizzard hate destro warlocks?


Based ion killing it with 7.1.5 the patch that saves Legion.

I'm a bit annoyed there's no Boat Day though.

Im looking to get into wow
ive never played it before
is it even worth it ? pls help a newbie

>not having all maxed leveled max rank followers

u do know once u do that u get better missions, righ?

>want to get the welfare 28 slot bag from treasure goblins
>spent 2 hours watching retards:
>engage the goblin before people get there so he just escape portals away
>fail to interrupt the goblin escape portal even when there's a massive amount of people there
>and not even counting the times where the goblin randomly disappears (not despawn, just straight up disappear)
>all sprinkled with minigamelords wasting time by turning on the pvp

>>engage the goblin before people get there so he just escape portals away

Not PVPers fault you are a fucking retard

Play a melee class.


It's that simple!

There is a free trial version.
-no time limit
-play any race
-play any class except the hero classes (Death knight and demon hunter)
-level 20 limit
-try a few PvE instances and PvP battlegrounds
-ability to do literally hundreds of quests

tl;dr get a trial account and fucking try it for yourself.

>i'm a fucking retard because some drooling downie engaged the goblin and failed to interrupt his escape portal before i can get there to interrupt it myself
wow... really triggered neural activity...


>really triggered neural activity...

kill yourself back to /pol/ you memespamming shit

Im not him im just saying. if he doesn't see the option chances are he hasn't unlocked it.

follow your own advice, buddy, i'm not the one shitposting

why do I consume and not create?

I have been asking myself, why I dont create something but I consume other products like WoW?

I need to get into the heads of characters, good story that matters everyone can draw something , but the idea thats behind them matters the most

I ve been trying to create a character one character part of a story, but I realized the character im not talking about my toon huns , but animation a cartoon, im not an animator or cartoonist, but creating this character I need more than just few cool looking individuals in a cartoon but a story, I have the plot but evey character has a individual characteristic backstory and stuff

What's /wowg/ up to ?:3

I'm drinking tea and watching Fargo while fishing for the 500 Darkmoon Faire fish mount :>

animation creation is long processa, animating just a face that have expressions takes alot of time, and one individual doing that takes alot of time, ofc if its like adobe animation style drawing its fast, but animating one character their voices and the plot is crazy work, there are tens of animators behind MLP episode, you need good story too, all the writers....

how do I grow as an graphic designer, do I want to.. leave deisgn field.. I tried I failed depression that followed was hard, still suffering, I am creating mostly what people tell me, or follow styles things that work, I am like an cheese factory worker, but in an glass building, fake smiles, If I want to study... business? How to make as a graphics artists, its hard to be original, so much information, only few make it, enjoy tours all over the world and just giving lectures workshops... whats stopping is myself my individiual, maybe something would unplug me, happyness I cant reach there, only temporary happy spikes followed by crashing down

Also drinking tea and fishing for that mount. What kinda tea are you drinking, my dude?

poets and painters its poverty profession... Leonard Cohen as a poet started to sing because he didnt make ends meal, I crate disposable art, everything I create is forgotten soon, advertisements that everyone dispise even myself, I have to do that, selling industrial products to luxurious properties, even as a good designer how will I make it, I know I need to create, create and create... end for us all is the same you know, matters how we spend it?

>No mention of the token/battlenet balance thingie.

English Breakfast tea, trick is to make it boiling hot so you can't taste how bad it is : >

328 fish so far, hbu

>actually believing that

kop tek

>turning on PvP

Found the carebear faggot.

>Blizzard still silent as a grave about goblin/worgen model updates

Wasnt this promised way back in wod?

>pandaria timewalking
Rehashed content.
Rehashed content.
>brawlers guild
Done in a week. Concept is rehashed content.
Whatever happened to a game company providing NEW patches that DON'T RECYCLE PAST PATCHES? You know, something people would enjoy, rather then the same repetitive stuff thrown around again and again?

why do I do the things I do?

Are there any addons I can use for keeping track of players I want to kill on sight?

I started manically drawing a few months ago. I realised I sucked so I stopped. The whole create vs consume thing is bs. creating doesn't bring anything but sadness, i wrote a detailed fictional story that's been described as a smash between fate/stay, claymore and darksouls. creating just brings sadness at what could have been.

I don't think I've ever had English breakfast tea. Is it really that bad?

I'm at 203. Is it better to run around looking for pools or just park it in one place and fish in open water?

What site can I look at for warlock theorycraft?

