buffs are great edition
buffs are great edition
I want to dance with Orianna
rare footage of the preseason design meeting
Imagine Nidalee, her stomach filled with a litter of brown daughterus. Her breasts leaking excess milk as she moan sensually when you caress them.
Her attempts to try and indulge her animalistic sexual desires despite her condition, failing at all but blowjobs where her stomach rests on the ground and milk or Anal, where he bloated breasts shake each thrust.
Post 'em. Rate 'em. Hate 'em.
>be an unqualified retard and shit up a videogame adored by legions of autists
>surprised when ruining an autists favorite thing makes them angry
Who did he ruin?
>enemy team has tank Renekton who's like 14/6
>he's mad he couldn't carry his team
>tell him his shitty build is what lost him the game
>he spergs out and I just write "git gud shitter" before leaving
I love this game sometimes.
>Staying with Nidalee AFTER imgrenating her.
Nonsense. Cum (a lot, multiple times) and dump.
That sounds mildly painful rather than hot
Fuck you nigger if really need buffs then youre fucking bad.
I know someone who boosts players till master with only nidalee.
Fuck you and your cancerchamp. You got your shit ad buffs previous patch i remember
so git gud
Baited for this exact response
I like Quinn waifu and everything else too
xth for the second darkin
I feel like I don't play a lot of League
What she saw?
>that smooth shading
Jesus fuck, Riot.
Leagues Pocahontas only sexier ;)
how do i build full ap skarner mid
me doing this
to annie
xth for Camille
>guy has 5 winning streak as adc with good scores
>gets on my team
>feeds his ass off
Nice game lolbaboons
>play support because want to refresh and have some fun
>adc picks urgot
>he does not even have level 4 mastery
Should i be afraid
How the fuck do you beat a good leblanc in lane
You can't shove her in anymore because they gave her waveclear
And she can still just roam and snowball
what went wrong?
Just ban her
I wish people would commission alternate angles of official art like this or Cait's splash to show how ridiculous their pose and clothing are.
I love when syndra ults me as kled and I have like 10 skaarl hp and her ult only does 10 damage
they finally nerfed him
I used to play Quinn when her ult was fun and she was an ADC and not a top laner. I hate her changes.
Me playing Yasuo and getting a 1v5 pentakill
He got put in his place.
Is Wukong jungle viable?
His WR is lowest 25 to 30 minute in.
People in high elo don't fuck around trying to drw the game out.
Can anyone gift me Yorick :(
It there any champion more underrated than Skarner is atm?
bustiest bestest and biggest waifu!
right :3
Got a link to the full picture?
Miss Fortune
Nidalee :3
Illaoi for you
which meme champ will work on bot as """""""support""""""
How do you win lane vs tanks with lots of cc?
I just can't seem to get anything more than one or two kills on them during the laning phase, especially if they have sustain like Mundo or Maokai
Ivern. He's a fun Morgana.
Gangplank or Sion or Brand
>tfw got nudes
did he have a feminine penis?
>buy velkoz
>try him in bot games, go legendary every time without dying
>try him in a real game
>everyone just jumps on him and he dies
Mobility is such bullshit.
>last pick wants yasuo
>"dont ban muh yasuo"
>he gets through
>enemy insta lock first picks yasuo
>carries his team
Would league be more fun if jungler role was removed?
Lets face it, they always ruin everyone's fun
wow you can get multiple kills against ai you've got challenger roots user
>our jungler isnt as good as theirs
>other lanes lose and I can't apply pressure elsewhere because Kha starts shadowing me
Was this just "one of those games" or could I have done something better
I use bots to see if I know how to hti their skills well enough to play them for real.
I'd prefer if they removed adc entirely and we had two junglers per team. Cucks the junglers so they're not op because they're sharing xp, all the lanes would be exciting, and I wouldn't have to deal with 3/18/4 vayne mains.
Where would the fifth player go then?
The people with this is that experience isn't distributed evenly like in Heroes of the Storm. It's shared.
You could have carried harder.
Trash item. Get Luden's instead.
Trash. Void Staff is better in every way.
two supports. queue times doubled.
Why are so many challengers playing Malz support?
don't do this
you play one custom game against your hard counter for 20 minutes to get a feel for your champs csing/abilities and then you go straight against real players.
Playing against bots sets you up for failure.
Because he sucks dick in solo lanes now
>shitpick "first time :DD" zed
>lose up to 60% of games
>learn zed
>win up to 60% of games
What is the problem here?
>two supports
Then what if the playerbase decided they didn't like this and started to go off-meta? Too much would have to change in this meta we've already had for years now.
Gonna have to give me a source to back up your claim there user
Literally every analysis site says Morello -> rylais -> liandries -> void
>item is nerfed
It's still good user.
Lulu is the sweetest! THE SWEETEST!
not sweeter than you
what am i doing wrong on ADC lads
The nidalee splash updates where some top tier stuff
You aren't playing Ziggs
i love you too!
you're playing it lol
>Blood Moon Jax
>Blood Moon Mordekaiser
What this means?
i agree, take the best one :3
>Is Wukong viable?
>enemy has important skill shot
>spawn voidlings to cuck them
I honestly wonder who these people yell at in the offices to get these answers from at times.
'Feral' dragons (like the ones you kill in river) cannot reproduce by normal means. They are magical, they don't have babies.
Shyvana, however, is not a 'feral', and she's not a magical creature, she is a living being who happens to be partly draconic.
In a nutshell? You can knock Shyvana up and have babies with her, just not the elemental dragons.
Full AP Ekko jungle
>rengar uses upgraded W
>use CC on him after
>the CC gets cleansed
>Not banning Rengar
>no edgy half-demon swordsman champion
Explain this, lolbabs.
>not a single support to be found
xth for matching skins
>caring about kda
exactly this
kda players can go fuk themselves for being pussies and playing too safe to the point where they lose the game
late xth for breast metal waifu
>Matching skins
>Both have red
I don't care about KDA, though. Notice how it's in the 3s. I'm first in damage on my team a safe 70% of the time. Not dying a lot doesn't always mean not playing well.
is this a witcher joke?
tip top kek
im the kinda dude that goes ignite top lane and kills both the jungler and their top when they gank on me
Lulu is the cutest! THE CUTEST!
>not having Urf the manatee Warwick
in the thrash it goes.
>playing support
I just started using reddit and they have way better UI and usrebase