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Remember how Warrior was once a control class edition

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1st for netdecks to trigger the whiny scrubs in HSG

Anyone outea

Real previous thread.

Sorry for the fuckup.

If I was him I would actually try and keep the game alive because it's my source of easy income and defending Team Shit seems like a great way of losing it by having the game die.

he didnt say that, what he did was say reddit is so shitty that it is ok for team5 to be bad developers, not make updates or videos about what they are doing

and he is only saying this because he got btfo on reddit and called out by other site owners

No one cares

>rank 18

get some real friends so you dont have to blogpost here

this is not an insult it is advice

>not playing netrunner for free online


>one line of text about the game under discussion

Are you really this butthurt?

I'm actually rank 16, as I haven't even started playing ladder yet, and it's not like it even a fucking accomplishment you faggot, no one cares, literally 15 year olds get rank 5 with net decking shaman

>not even triple Rag can stop midrange shaman

Truly, the most patrician class

>literally 15 year olds

Not too many lol, most scrubs can't break rank 10.


Is this your first time at rank 5 or something? Why are you so proud of net decking the best deck and getting to rank 5 with it? Literally no one cares

I'm multiple time legend and hit rank 5 with ease within a week of a season dropping every single time (don't usually bother going much further because no rewards). I just like to post stuff to trigger babbies like you.

I assure you crying about it on hsg is the answer

How am I triggered? Like I don't care at all about you, I'm sure you think you're really cool and great, but quite frankly posting your rank in an attempt to upset people is the most autistic thing I have ever heard. Good for you bud, we're all very proud.

You responded like 4 times and seem mad about my rankposting. You get rank 5 five days into the season and get back to me, scrub.


Play russian roulette with that luck

When I need spell totem, I roll something else. When it's not necessary, I roll it.

>listening to the radio in the background
>suddenly I hear Dreadsteed.


>tfw (that face when) to inteligent to play arena

>too intelligent to x
>plays hearthstone
Choose one (1).

arena is the most interesting thing you can do without having a huge collection

sure you can craft a competitive deck and try to climb the ladder but you'll probably be able to afford only pirate warrior or some other dull shit

>just in midrange shaman
too slow

Stop playing Wild.
Stop playing aggro decks.
Stop crafting TGT cards of epic and legendary quality.
Stop picking Mage in arena.
Stop time, za warudo.

It's faster than hero powering 17 times

Reminder that pirate warrior is the most honest deck in the game

i didnt hero power 17 times in one game and the game is often decided before turn 6

Reminder that the only true face deck is Rexxar's, fucking impostor

>he didn't play back when hunters had only one deck face deck

>implying face hunter wasn't my first playable ladder deck

>log on
>pirate warrior
>midrange shaman
>log off

feels good blizz made a meta that killed the game for me

>Memerange shaman

HS is too simplistic and primitive mechanically to don't have 2 viable decks top per class every expansion rotation.

I packed him last week so I've stuck him in my deck. He doesn't help me much.

Is WIIIIIIIIIIIINDS playable right now? I dusted him a while ago and wonder if I should regret it, memes aside obviously

I'd imagine. He rarely makes it i into control shaman decks (as bad as they are), let alone midrange

>he doesn't enjoy the interesting and diverse and truly skill testing meta of Legacy MTG, cause he is either too poor or stupid. Or maybe you're just generally retarded and enjoy shaman stone

>Stays 10 hours a day in front of a computer in his moms basement and brags about hitting rank 5 in 5 days
Enjoy being worthless for the rest of your life kek


I'm too poor.

Lmao fucking poor fags disgust me, I'll bet you don't even have a plays etc of fow

Hold the fuck up. You are a rich fag and you play computer card games, of all things? Are you autistic by any chance, or are you living in a gilded basement?

>plays etc of fow

So I assume it seems to be the right way to just play ranked for a few weeks and get quest gold to get a good amount of classic card packs and then continue going arena, since the rewards there are the newest cards?

Unless you are a really good player you're gonna lose value at arena. You need 4 wins average at the very least

We P2W now bois

I've stated this before I own a business and make like 400k a year but I'm severely autistic and this is my only social interaction, my therapist says it's good for me to talk on here

I'm curious how does pirate warrior play around secret hunter and explosive trap. I was playing a thrown together deck for quest completion sub rank 20 and the shitters at this rank don't know how to recover from turn 2 explosive trap

>trade all sub 2 health minions but 1
>whack face
>refill board

That's what I was also thinking. I'm not very experienced with the addition of lack of cards, arena gold would probably be wasted

I guess at this rank they only know how to rope and hit face

When will they give hunters better spells and low cost weapons? It's just a travesty that I can no longer hunt people down

Kill command and quick shot are dirty

If I have pretty much every common in classic while still missing the large majority of rares and up should I still just invest in MSoG

Control shaman isn't actually a bad deck anymore. It's not tier 1 like aggro or mid, but it's a solid laddering choice against the common aggressive decks. I prefer the non-jade N'Zoth version running ancestral spirit and earth elemental, it just feels so good

>spending thousands to play legacy

Good one.

Yeah, but you look at the other classes like mage and druid that use damage spells for removal and damage and they have at least one useful aoe (unleash is way too conditional). They could at least synergize in a way to make spell hunter viable, or print a misdirection secret or some other indirect health deterent so they can play a card over 6 mana ever. Either way they will remain in the dumpster until next expansion


>play boring decks
>complain about being bored

>I need to only play this super serious meta deck because TempoStormâ„¢ DataReaperâ„¢ says its the best even if it is boring!
>Still only get to rank 10, if at all

>there exists a mode where everyone plays crazy decks, there are tons of fun and weird netdecks if you aren't creative
>everyone who doesn't play the mode complains about it


Not sure which of the above baffles me more

thoughts on yu-gi-oh? seems like a better card game

>not playing summoning stone yogg token druid

it's trash

>not completing the swashbuckler DQ through peddler + bloodsail corsair

Plus every single class is viable in wild, except maybe druid

If you thought hearthstone was a coinflip simulator...

Hey, but if you are into winning/losing in one or two turns based on starting draw then go for it

>grind to rank 5 yesterday
>need 15 more wins for golden pala
>don't want to ruin my rank
>click wild, build secret pala
>pic related

I feel absolutely disgusting. Wild was a mistake.

Nah mate my best wild deck is a zoo druid with curator+finja

Winstreaked from 20 to 12 with it

rank 12 is not viable

Think about the power creep in Hearthstone. Then imagine the new spell and monster cards every single set are tribal, and only work with other new cards so you have to buy all of them. Then imagine that every set change they ban out the most important card to the old decks that still stood a chance against the new archetype. That's basically competitive yu-gi-oh.

Playing with friends with older decks of your preference is fun as anything though, and you can always make them for cheap because they release "structure decks" of an archetype when it's no longer relevant containing all the key cards outside of tradionally OP spells/traps and combo minions.

this isnt a real card silly

Does feno's menagerie deck actually work there? That's amazing, why the fuck am I grinding standard to rank 5 again?

I winstreaked from 20 to 12, as in I didn't lose until rank 12.

I climbed to 8 soon after, but I ran out of time and didn't really play after that

There was a small streamer playing a similar deck at high wild legend, like top 100

I finally did it. I was the Cow King


considering wild has about 200 legend players top 100 is not high. I got 100 wild legend with n'zoth hunter, wild is a fucking joke

so I guess you are right, anything is viable in wild because nobody bothers playing real decks there

But N'Zoth hunter is actually good in wild?

Hoper you're packing double Flare

Shaman is one of the most broken fucking classes I have ever seen. The quality of cards is absolutely unbelievable

>playing memolock
>shaman turn 1 spirit claws
>turn two failed spell totem roll
>turn two peddler + jouster
>turn three failed spell totem roll
>turn 4 failed spell totem roll
>turn 4 kakazus, trade + face
>turn 5 failed spell totem roll
>turn 5 summon demon +5 health, trade + face
>turn 6 bruiser, trade + face
>turn 6 spell totem + portal + lightning storm + spirit claws clears my entire board
>turn 7 emperor
>gets hexed
>turn 8 mountain giant + shambler
>hexed then loads the board with 0 cost 5/5's
>only managed to get through by MC tech trade + hellfire for lethal

I can't even imagine what I would look like if he had succeeded in those spell totem rolls.

Yeah, it runs haunted creepers, boom, loatheb, and murk-eye. Since it is pretty tempo zoo-ey, it is favored against secret pally which is a large % of high ranks

>Nobody bothers playing real deck there
Exactly my point
Wild is FUN

you guys will never be happy


Just came back to the game after about a year off. Getting my ass handed to me by specialized decks every match in public and ranked. Don't have the dust to craft cards for a deck. How can I catch up without spending money?

>it's totally normal to almost lose against someone who only uses their hero power until turn 6

hearthstone apologists are the worst

I've never seen this general be so dead.

Truly there is no escaping varg posters

I don't normally go to reddit, but I check the HS subreddit periodically. It blows my mind how triggered these plebbitors get. The complaints about the game are almost always legitimate and often provide feasible solutions to make the game not trash like it currently is. Then you have retards saying how you shouldn't be negative and how terrible it is. Bunch of fucking cucks, especially for taking that prick Reynad seriously in any capacity.

dont die

Isn't that what Renolock does most of the game?

t. renolock player


Why is reno mage called ronald?

You don't come here often enough then

I just stick with the daily quests and get classic packs

>for 3 years green jesus was the quirky, "honorable" shit class
>now every post on every site is just bitching about him

metzen's legacy

I've been hanging out in Cunnyverse general, so maybe my idea of activity is a bit skewed. That and my post about this shit Tavern Brawl a couple days ago got ignored.

He's a pedoverse player, he comes here all the time to shitpost

Here is a fun moment from playing this fun deck

probably because it's a clown fiesta deck

Everyone should try N'Zoth control Shaman, it's such a blast to play (and works). I hope they craft more high mana control shaman cards so aggro can truly start to die out at the rotation.


>Play against reno priest
>He used sw:p early so I know he can't deal with my doomsayer.
>frost nova + doomsayer his big board
Nevermind fucking drakonid operative to discover my polymorph fuck youuuuuuu

Inspired by your posts I crafted Dr. Boom