Communism Economically

Try refuting Communism you bourgeois scum.

Pro tip:
>you can't

I don't argue with autistic people.

Why are there so many trolls on Veeky Forums lately?

Go back to /b/

This thread should be removed for being off topic shit posting


You mean the proletariat? We will rise and kill all you bourgeois scum. Once we sieze the means of production nothing can stop the Internationale!

/b/? What does /b/ have to do with communist ideals? No /leftypol/ is where I come from. Come visit and lose your bourgeois ways.

Refute capitalism you Marxist scum

When Fidel Castro's kids give me some of the $900,000,000 they inherited from their filthy rich, thieving, murderous kike of a father who robbed the Cuban people. Perhaps then, Communism may develop some credibility -while his rich son takes photos with girls on a boat.

Meanwhile a woman in Cuba was forced to steal medicine to heal her child.


you don't understand. The FDA lies about Cuba. Really Cuba has an amazing medical system and they have secret cures for diseases but we don't hear about it in the US because conspiracy big pharma

I'm actually Cuban and I know first hand that is bullshit. Just because you read an article about blue scorpion poison healing cancer, doesn't mean countless people aren't going through shit. Shortages occur all the time. Not just medicine, food, clean water, power and light come off for hours. Life expectancy is high not because of what they have, but because of what they lack; cars, hamburgers, milk, etc. Forced to walk and take public transit, eat vegetables, live off government rations.

>let's take power away from the government and hand it over to equally incompetent corporations that exist to extract every nickel and dime from every citizen

wtf i love small goverment now



The only country on that list that is still socialist is Venezuela. Which unsurprisingly is a total shithole.

Back to /leftypol/

> Real capitalism hasn't been tried

Said no capitalist ever

> giving power to corporations

Tell me this. Who can declare war, take away your rights, destroy your home, kill you and your family, and throw you out of your country? The government or a multi-billionaire corporation. You fucking commies exaggerate the amount of power a corporation has.

Communism has proven itself to be a viable and sustainable form of society the exact same number of times God has scientifically proven His existence.

Go back to your containment board, you low-T saucer tits retard

>The government or a multi-billionaire corporation.

Not sure why you got all worked up just to agree with me.

Government or multi-billionaire corporation. Choose one.

Daily reminder communism kills.
Why did you come to a capitalist board to shill this shit you nignog

We want the best genes to carry on so we practice free market capitalism with our reproduction. In the wild everything that we do is free market capitalism.

Make whatever economic system you want into law, this is all that matters. This is natural law and we will always revert back to this because it is ingrained in our essence.

Fuck off James you Cuban piece of shit

I hope Maria rakes you over the coals in your divorce

Information problem

Even though I support some of the aspects of political side of communism like suppressing minorities for the sake of ethnical homogenity and fucking over SJWs, I can't for the life of me conjure up arguments of why economically it would makes sense. Any artificial distortions in supply and demand through state regulation just ends up in a scenario like Venezuela.

>be a genetic beta
>be forced to work
>can't even spend money on 8+/10 hookers

communism is a scam

Lmao at your pathetic life, OP. How much do you get paid to shill? $0.30 per post?

Try this mental exercise:

Next time you're at the gas pump, imagine that the person in front of you (whose total is still on the screen) has his balance paid in full by you and that you pay the balance of the person after you. What thoughts go through your head?

"Wow, there's no reason to have a fuel efficient car."
"I guess I should fill up on premium."
"Always a full tank for me!"

Communism is made of people gaming the system and people supporting them. Once you realize you're working for nothing if you're not gaming the system, you become one of the people gaming the system. The system cannot exist if everyone games it.

Also, how do communist yard sales work? Does the government buy your stuff and distribute it?

Er, I mean "The person behind you pays your total."

With all due respect to Frank Herbert, alcohol is the mind killer.
