Fiat 124 spyder

Thoughts on these? I am thinking about getting one

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It's literally a Miata with a body kit from the least-reliable automaker in the world. Get the genuine article instead.

>It's literally a Miata with a body kit and an entirely different smaller displacement turbo engine

Larger mx-5 with a turbo, alot more comfortable than the Miata but with some of the problems carried over by Fiat's inginuity

If you want to hear tractor sounds at 18PSI, get the 500 Abarth, if you want it to power the correct set of wheels, dole out for the 124.

>problems carried over by Fiat

I was hoping the mazda would buffer the shitty fiatness

I love the look, and the handling is supposed to be tight

Miata but better and not owned by faggots.

>500 Abarth
heard those are fun too

my pic is apparently really bad, I hadn't opened it since i took it quickly

No they aren't.

They are just sad copies of real 'cars of the people' just like the new VW Beetle.

A fucking fashion statement for faggot hipsters.

They can be, wait another year for the bottom to really fall out on the resale value and pick one up cheap.