League of legends general /lolg/

ice waifu and friends edition

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I want to MATING PRESS Nidalee! :3

What's worth keeping?

Thats it

you keep everything untill something you want pops up and then you dust the shit to unlock it.

post old lolg memes

Just keep everything until you absolutely need to dust/roll it.

TPA Ezreal, fiddle, and naut.

why does the discord circlejerk over tomoka so hard?

Does anyone else feel super possessive of their main to the point where they get irrationally mad if they see anyone else playing him/her

WTF just happened to me? Last week I was 1 win from getting promoted to gold. Literally since that last promo game Ive got nothing but trolls who int, fight each other, play LOLSORANDUMCHAMPINLANEDONTWORRYITSTHENEWMETAXDXDXDXD, etc. Now I'm silver 2....wtf is going on with my life right now? I literally got demoted due to nothing but trolling and bad teammates. Do I have to say an Our Father to get literal normal teammates? Fine then good Lord you win:
Our Father, which art in heaven,
hallowed be thy name;
thy kingdom come;
thy will be done,
in earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive them that trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation;
but deliver us from evil.
Amen. For goodness sake, PLEASE HELP.

sorry yeah that's what i meant. I see way more people having problems with the rank title system than I ever did with the numbers like in s2.

It's more demoralizing than anything because now I have to think about all the grinding I have to do just so I don't have a shit colored border.

>Ekko getting shit on in lane
>presses q on wave under tower
>clears wave
>Does this every wave because what are manacosts

waveclear was a mistake

Who? Also, the Discord just seems to be a circlejerk in general.

shit happens dude stop being a bitch about it

>Some dude commissioned so much art of a crack pairing that it became a fandom meme.
Fuck that is impressively stupid.
I'm going to commission a fuckton of AhriXEkko and see if I can do the same.

borders existed in mmr system as well friendo

the trick is to stop when you lose. the worst is when people keep on losing game after game and they just won't stop for who knows whatever reason. it doesn't matter if it's your fault or JUST CARRY HARDER, just take a break when you lose and come back another day.

Bustiest bestest and biggest waifu!

kinda. i cry a little whenever i see a gp that can't barrel for shit

the guy that threatened to behead supermetroid. it's always the same 10 people talking, and all they do is circlejerk over tomoka. it's hardly a League of Legends discord at all

If WW is a 1 and Graves is a 50 in difficulty how would you rate Vi and K6?

It's not a meme, all of it is comissioned.

The pic you posted is 100% comissioned by him as well.

Thinking of adding Jarvan bur I can tell if those glutes are mostly platemail or actual THICC thighs

Also his ult manliness is on par with Pantheons so thatll help

Nidalee fags are unbearable and deserve to be gassed you too welding

They've started sucking his dick for a while i guess so he comes back only to get memed on harder


kys cuck

what is his problem? or is it just psh nothing personnel?

xth for Camille

Fuck you man. Its literally my trolling allies' fault that I lost. I did everything I was fucking supposed to. How the fuck does this game allow garbage trolls to fucking play ranked?



difficult kit or balance wise?

>another week of boro king
haha thamk rito

fuck no, Ekko belongs with Jinx and Ahri belongs with LeBlanc

vi is prob a 20.

Kits simple but her builds are pricey and hard to work with if she falls behind.

K6 prob 40.

Liss buffs fucking when???? I can't stand feeding on my waifu

Kit difficulty
Thanks user.

>Ahri belongs with LeBlanc
I can get behind this.

Yeah, she feels like trash now wtf.

Why did they nerf her in the first place?

Divers update maybe

There's a little too much and it keeps generating. I'm pretty sure at this point it's a fire burning on it's own. He just started it.

Rude. Ekko it is. How the fuck is it cuckoldry if the girl is a korean fox spirit vampire ex-turbo slut?

If we're going by canon, Ekko belongs with Taliyah. Jinx wants to be Jhin's Harley Quinn.


k6 is maybe a 30. He's not that hard mechanically, you just need to pick your battles and not engage like a retard. Vi is like a 10, all you do is charge in with q and punch shit.

He gets ripped on every day and he sticks around anyway, what kind of fucking cuck is iTomoka? You may as well say he enjoys it by now.

feels bad, she was my first champ and got me in to the game and now shes garb

Nah dude you just don't get autism on this level.
Feel free to search up any picture you see and you see the same name in the descriptions

this is incredibly short-sighted

because you are just as good (on average) as them, even when you take into account their trolling (on average).

But the ice hag loves letting everyone on the rift pound her asshole, Especially trundle, Zack.

>There's a little too much and it keeps generating. I'm pretty sure at this point it's a fire burning on it's own. He just started it.
i wouldn't put it like that
while i've certainly seen people jumping onto ships that were pushed a lot, it's still fairly rare. It's more of an if you commission 15 pictures of x, others might commission 3

back off bub
she's my wife

>tfw nid buffs were confirmed
can't wait, k6 and noct are getting boring

Turn back user

You don't want to plumb these depths

>Get lucky with Camille Top in Normal Draft
>Out-trading Garen and keeping up with farm, though this is a bare minimum
>Our Ashe gets FB on Taliyah support, and our Talon beats Zed, things seem to go well
>Zac ganking hard, Jinx gets fed off of Ashe/Shen
>Get killed by Garen/Zac, which was eventual
>Enemy has 3 dragons, 8 of our turrets and an inhib, even a baron
>Despite all that, our team wins teamfights in 4 kills or aces
>Enemy surrenders 4/0
>Mastery 6 Cammy now

Really fucked up how they gave up on that game. I was prepared for loss there.

Some days it's all about that faith...

>can't barrel for shit
Kek, that's me. I still don't understand how to use that shit, if I try to pull out a combo people will walk back and ignore it, if the enemy is ranged they have to be braindead to get hit.
I honestly think that I never do good or bad with gangpank, I'm just kind of there.

Autistic spic that gets mad at everyone for not carrying him out of gold 3. Nobody really likes him.

>we dont want to put in urf more than 2 times a year because people get bored of it
>5 straight weekends of poro king


You guys are misinformed

It's literally him, all the time

He's been banned from Hentaifoundry over a dozen times

Hating him (and having to deal with the fallout of working with him is an international meme

What's worse than that though, is that he rarely if ever actually pays for his shitty ships

>When you're nervous about a game because your comp is shit but vayne gets a triple kill when their JG tries to level 2 cheese.

Jesus Christ.


Read this

The guy's a trip

isnt he the guy that doesnt pay for finished commissions and shit?

neck yourself, nidalee is only good for being violently raped then abandoned with a litter

It's pretty simple once you figure it out and practice for a bit. The range is something you eventually get used to naturally but the trick to triple barrel is
>put down 2 barrels
>shoot the first one
>as you finish shooting the 1st barrel, immediately put down a 3rd
>you can now triple barrel
It gets easier at level 13 because of the fast barrel decay. Pre-level 13 you have to auto attack barrels for a faster decay which can get a bit annoying.

>queue top and support
>autofilled jungle

this has happened twice this week

the fuck

>tfw peaked at plat 5

kill me already

what sets apart a plat 5 adc from a d1 adc does anyone know

yes. either that or he'll demand refunds or try to fulfill his "art trades" by sending literal scribbles to people.

>got the last bit of orange essence needed for this
>they announce buffs


Please give me a hand with this please
Thank (You)!

they arent you

i don't think so :3

Better at csing
Getting autistic diamond support mains instead of plat midlaners and junglers who never step a foot in bot lane being autofilled support

>when you get 2 items on fiora and cant be killed

its like poetry

Xth for The Grey Lady, indeed

>queue top/support
>get mid
>top hovers Yasuo
>opposing team picks darius
>yasuo says sorry he's going mid
>somebody that isn't me agrees to let him mid
>a novel is typed by someone before draft is dodged, didn't get the chance to read

why can't draft be easy

Is poppy support still broken?

She's so much fun and super cute. :3

maybe if support wasn't such a "god I hope my team is good" role that lives on tablescraps from their adc, people would play it as something other than midlane 2.0 now.

regardless, down with autofill.

How am i suppose to use Ivern's W properly?

>enemy bot lane is ziggs with no flash
>and a shaco with flash heal
>we're shitting on them
>but top is getting dicked somehow
>mid is also feeding
>jg too
>i'm 4/0
>constant 5 mans make me go 6/4
>then their bot lane gets fed as fuck
>games a stomp in their favor
>post game chat I say the game shoulda been free if the other lanes didn't feed
>shaco "but u fed in lane"
>me "only to the 5 man dives"
>shaco: "but that's still feeding in lane"

are all shaco players this autistic?
I pretty much went even in kills and deaths since i always got at least one of them with me

>fuck up point-click abilities
>mind games
>enable knife cat
>hide baron
>hide dragon

Don't think so. She'd just be bad Braum.

He is right though user. :^)

he's got a point, mate. you FED to the bot lane party. just git gud and move on to the next agme

honestly you have a fuck ton of impact as a support, the diff between a good and a bad support is huuuuge. I wanted to main the role but it's so fucking hard to play, I am now and ADCarryBabby.

Poppy is fucking cute!

>Permanently banned for doing the Heimerdinger Vs. AI leveling thing

Weird, figured I'd at least get a warning prior.

oh yea def
I wholly lost the 2v2 :^)

What's funny though is that he was g5 last season and he was trying to shit talk everyone for being bronze and silver. i told him where i peaked (s1 53 LP) and he said "so what im still gold"

what is the heimer vs ai thing. are you just sitting in a bush afk somewhere or something?

>Heimerdinger Vs. AI leveling thing

Best girl.
Best hips.
Best wife.


U kiddin me?
Bot lane right now is decided by the support, who's by all intents a secondary mid laner. Early game ganks and teamfights you have way more impact than the useless adc, who's just there in case that the game reaches 40 minutes.

There's a reasn why nobody wants to play fucking adc now, it completely sucks.

>be jax
>my core item is 3700g
>agianst maokai
>with this money he buys frozen heart and spirit visage
>he can kill me
really shakes me marbles

Is this similar to the bot situation that happens in late hours of ARAM and Treeline?

desu i think you're literally overthinking/venthing over a tiny thing that literally doesn't matter (even in a game where nothing matters). his team stomped yours, and you don't think it was your fault because you rolled him before the party started. nbd next game

also teemo

>enable auto attack
>pink krugs
>place turret behind them
>sit in nearby bush within range of turret
>multiple locations, can do it mid with wolves while defending mid t1 tower

It's doable on any champion with a ranged auto attack, but the most hands-free with Donger.



not really overthinking, more just venting since I'm strangely salty af even though I hardly ever tilt. It's probably because the last few games I played as adc I had 0 impact until like 35 or 40 minutes and what pushed me over the edge to blog like a faggot was the fact that their troll bot lane actually had some kind of impact.

adc fucking sucks.

why is that bannable? They gave turrets that function, right? Unless i'm misunderstanding.

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

Actually, might not have to worry about enabling auto on Heimer, as his turrets do the attacking.

The trick is just to find a position in which your turrets attack the revealed/pinked camp, but leash back before reaching you or the turret.

Got unlucky, I think. Lots of new players unable to pull off a 4v5 and enough reports flagged the account.

Just surprised I got slam-dunk perma'd without a warning or anything. Maybe I got too many Leaverbuster (all in Vs. AI) warnings.

What would you guys like to see in Warwick's new kit? Personally, I'd like his ultimate to be made into a skillshot. Something like,

>Infinite Duress
>After a 1 second windup time, during which he is immune to disables, Warwick leaps forward. If he lands on an enemy champion, he will begin to claw at them, dealing magic damage X times. Each attack applies on-hit effects.

>If no champion is caught, Infinite Duress's cooldown is reduced by X%.

I remember some people complaining about how Warwick's ultimate is unavoidable and also doesn't make sense (something about him instantly teleporting to an enemy). This change would obviate those issues and also give Warwick an emergency escape.

it bypasses the afk leaverbuster warning message. you can afk and do fuck all but the turrets keep you in action

it's not a troll botlane if it works. lots of shit works botlane (or anywhere but jungle).