/bbg/ ─ Bloodborne General

Burned and abandoned by men: >A google doc with basic information. If you're new to Bloodborne and /bbg/ READ THIS FIRST BEFORE ASKING QUESTIONS

>Patch 1.09 Info

>Accessing the DLC
Note: If the eye isn't showing up, go to: Settings > Playstation Network/Account Management > Restore Licenses

>Co-Op & PvP
Official PvP Chalice: hizzngr3 (Pthumeru Root)
/bbg/ Fight Club:
Pthumeru - n6rc9jh8
Loran - jjpkdcgd
Isz - 9v8qndas
(every Saturday 6pm EST, general rules:imgur.com/1RjNbF4)

>Resources Pastebin - Planners, Calculators, Spreadsheets, Stats Info, Where to go next in BB, Guide Scans & Wikis

>Chalice Pastebin - General Info, Glyphs for Gems, Best Gems Setups, Multiplayer & Speedrunning

>Media Pastebin - OSTs, Concept Art & Screenshots

>Beasthood & Claws Info

>Wheel, Fight Club, Arc 101 & other Misc. Info

>Bloodborne Damage Calculations and Formulas

Other urls found in this thread:


tanslate it, weebs

first for plain doll

Advice on where to put remaining points?

>tfw no cane sword that has you wielding both the scabbard and the sword in tricked mode
>tfw you would be content if they never made a BB2 and just kept adding weapons to BB through DLC

>he lacks the insight to see the english subtitle

Help me i cannot beat Ludwig

Where you ringing?

What's the FRC everybody keeps talking about and how do I get one?


What would be the better cosplay, Yahar'gul Defector, Crowhunter, or Tomb Prospector? I want to start a new hunter soon, against my better judgement.

How the fuck do I beat defiled Amy.
I have been stuck for the past 1 hour

>Get down to 20% HP
>Get one shotted

I had to put down my controller and breathe for awhile.

Prospector, because they have the best weapon variety

>get the rayuko on my skill build
>use it for like 10 minutes then go back to BoM because the rolling attack is fucking glorious

I'm doing Tomb Prospector.

FRC stands for Fetid, Rotted, and Cursed. They're chalice rites applied to Depth 5 chalices like Ihyll, Lower Loran, and Great Isz.
You need to get the FRC materials and the chalice roots of any of the above to make an FRC.

so does anyone want to help me with lower pth undead giant? password is giant

im omw

Lemme check If I have that Chalice created.





I've been wanting to use the Beast Claw again soon, and the Prospector would be perfect for it, but with the Yahar'gul Hunters seemingly made of old Spark Hunters and Powder Kegs, it seems that they would also have some variety.

Still trying to kill amygdala absolute madman?

I'm not getting anything.

It's probably my connection sucking balls.
Thanks anyways.

>not invading mensis and running aorund taking the elevators etc to fuck with the hosts

Does anyone want to help out with defiled chalice floor 2? This fucking dog is pissing me off, you knock him down and then he just immediately one-shots everyone anyway.

what level are you? cause im getting downscaled a bit

what are the least bad curses? i have some that are -hps which are unusable, and a couple of weapon durability down. Do you just want - damage vs Beasts/Kin and swap them out for bosses of that description?

ah fuck sorry whoever helping me with undead giant, got abit greedy there with my hits. reringing if you want to try again

Brand new FRC Isz

glyph is 9ux5376a

I'll be ringing with password: Ayy Lmao if anyone wants to join.


Ringing again.

I don't know whether the user posted it for nefarious reasons or not, but either way it's a nice dungeon. Layer 1 is shit but 2 and 3 are fucking huge and have some nice loot and enemies.

If you're looking to go spelunking in Isz I recommend it.

Ringing my bell

>looking for iosefka sliders
>find an imgur album
>it's made by a /bbg/er

i love you guys


Didn't expect that to hit so hard, ringing.

kek, i died too. ringing


weird wonder why it was dialing my hp back so much then, either way thanks for letting me come!

Stamina Down > Kin Down > Beast Down > WPN Durability Down > - HP
ATK Down goes to the trash


also ill ring for him now if you wanna come to mine too

If you wanna continue I'm gonna ring at the fishing hamlet second lamp shortly.




Thanks, you guys :^)

fuck sake, had be against the wall. i hate this boss, i can do most but ive always struggled on this one for some reason

How's the Whirligig at 25 str? Currently using it as my fire weapon on my arc character and I enjoy, but it's pretty slow compared to the cleaver on big groups of enemies

>Behold! A paleblood Sky

What did they mean by thid

>beat Orphan of Kos on my very first try
feels fucking good man
didn't use BBP or a single parry either

So what was hosting the nightmare? The orphan?

Also i thought Old Ones were supposed to lose their child, and didn't Byrgenwerth take Kos' umbilcal cord away? How did it survive? Or is this some 'it's dead in the real world but alive in its own dream' bullshit?

Look up at the sky

Do you guys think there's still stuff we haven't discovered yet in the game? Besides Guidance 3 and exploits.

"It's a mystery hehe" - Hidemama Takkazakki

>a giant retarded horse with a butt hole on its neck
Man, what the fuck?

I did too don't worry.
I'm using it at base requirements and it works.

its modern art, it reflects society ;^)

So, I looked at the chalice stuff in the PP buy I'm still lost. If I just want some decent gems what do I HAVE to do?

Anyone care to join me at Marty? Pass is bbg ringing at the fog

OP, not PP. Damn autocorrect.

thankyou so much for the help

Who shot Ludwig in the eye after the fight? I thought he was gonna be a quest giver after his head survived.


No problem, if you need help with Rom just ask.

i probably will because im shit atm, il give it a try solo just to see how it goes first then if im struggling il ask

Is Saif any good for a skill build?

Read the OP harder

If it helps I found Chalice Rom easier than main game Rom.

Probably some really minor things like certain enemies being able to heal or whatever, but unfortunately I think we've more or less scraped the game clean at this point.

it's a super good weapon

>is a skill weapon any good on a skill build
I wonder . . .

broken, in fact

HMS/LHB? William Wallace from Bravehart and go full Scotsman with Claymore and Greatsword

Str with Arc gems? He-Man

Arc with a Str meme? David Hasslehoff I don't know, I just like the idea that the Hoff could shoot lasers from his eyes, and knew more than just about our plane of existence WHATS WRONG WITH ZE CLASSICS? HAVE YOU HEARD NIGHTROCKER

Harder Dungeons with better shit. Bout' twice as hard as the maingame.

Str=Save up some cannon shots for the end
Skl=Burial Bladd
Both=Go to his tail, he jumps, roll away twice when he jumps, roll back when he lands for ONE hit. Greed gets you killed. Rinse and repeat.

Not invading, opening all the doors, activating all lifts then leaving yourself because you dont want the exoerience tainted by a gank spank

The Paleblood is the baby crying. The ritual towards the blood moon is trying to summon it to form a new nightmare/ to get the Mensis scholars out of the Nightmare of Mensis. Paleblood sky=The ritual ie behold this fucking ritual we doing, complete with cages and a boss you may not know about yet

Orphan is very much dead. Gehrman, Maria an pals accidentally killed it when checking out dead Kos (or some say Kosm). Dead child great one creates a portal/way into the nightmare dimension and a new layer to the nightmare dimension. And that bullshit about the dream is the reason you respawn in 'The Hunters Dream'. OoK basically died in the real world, but died when the ritual unknowingly took place, and it continued a half existence of pure pain in the nightmare. The unknown ritual is 'The bottomless curse from the bottomless sea' in the cutscene after killing its shadow.

are there any early fire gems apart from the one you get from hotdogs and a crescent one at that near near cathedral ward?

Are you dumb
Did you think it was a strength weapon with that moveset?

>eileen hunting beasts
this fanart belongs in the trash

thank you ****guy

Your welcome

it's old, from the alpha days I think

What are the best BLT gems that the bloodlickers can drop?

{Repost after old thread died}

1.End to where you are happy
2.Pump rest in Arc for some tools (Mostly for Beast Roar if you can)
3.Extra Vit or Skl

Yes thats Simone.

League guy is nice in game but a closet foodie for Beast-He is in the Forbidden woods Windmill shortcut-near to the lamp

Jap hunter is for killing for fashionable gear. Also his mumblings is confirmation for the main theory/reason why the DLC exists

Brador used to assassinate/kill the first cleric beasts of the church when they were babby sized, imitating them in his armour to keep the peace. However as they grew, he couldn't hide it any more and had to go public. At that point, he kinda had a headstart on all the other hunters when it came to killing beasts/people before they became beasts (think Amelia pre-battle) so he went blood addled early (Combined with the fact his weapon is based on blood, no surprise) and killed himself in the waking/real world. He is speculated to have been the first real hunter in the nightmare and spent most of his time alone until he locked himself into a cell, alone for all eternity


3 in End, 1 in Vit and 1 in Skl

Master Willem was right. Evolution without courage will be the ruin of our race.

Still ringing at NG++ Lighthouse hut. I wanna fuck shit up together.


Post sliders

>Eileen will never be your grandma

So... Is it worth the trouble to become Thor?

Like to go pure arcane, slapping elemental gems onto my hammer as soon as I can, getting a lightning one as fast as I can to attach to it, running around with a Bolt/hammer, Tonitrus, and Tiny Tonitrus?

I've never tried an Arcane build before, but I've heard good things.

>like certain enemies being able to heal

>oneshot every boss in the dlc playing blind
>level 90 without having entered a single chalice dungeon

i think i've played souls games too much, i wish i could forget

>He is speculated to have been the first real hunter in the nightmare and spent most of his time alone until he locked himself into a cell, alone for all eternity
Nice fan fiction

> killed by Piggo

How embarrassing.

Anyway, layer 1 report.

> Bone Ash Hunter in pre lamp bonus room. No enemies on the way and backstabable, could be good for farming
> Deep See in pre lamp Chest
> Guarded by a Red Aura Shotgun Watcher. Not sure if they drop good BLT gems
> fuck all interesting in main room except a Caibhurst hunter
> Ritual Blood in pre boss bonus room

Onto layer 2 once we kill the pig.

guidance 3 doesn't exist



bloodborne needs more dlc

>go right of amelia
>fight thundercunt
>guncunt is a spamming fuck
>get bored of roll-slash-roll-slash under his fucking hailstorm of bullshit so just hide behind a tree until he comes close and whack him
>fight two executioners
>boss looking room
>nothing happens so go over to the door
>suddenly fucking manhandled by giant invisible fucking squid monster and explode into stardust
I don't even know what I expected

You just need to behold the divine

Thats about as bad the beastly scourge gets. Remeber how Amelia transformed all at once? Same happened to Gehrmans childhood friend, Ludwig

You can get ones that are good enough if you kill the Winter Lanterns/Frenzy Eyeball Ladies for the newcomer. Find them in the Nightmare. If you progress the chalice dungeons in order, you can also get good enough gems. The guide is for once you beat all the chalice's [spolier] Except Hintertombs. Hintertombs was fucked over when you could buy the final prize from the Insight shop, so now it's near worthless [/spoiler]

He still is right?

Near broken with the charge in R1, GTFO L1, charge back in L1 etcetc

Like 28% or something. Better off with grinding out a BSB, better drop rate for better gems for le Chikage build

Fuck this pig

That "no you can backstab me" attack comes out way to quick.

>oneshot every boss in the dlc
>level 90 without chalice gems
That's literally impossible, Ludwig has 16,000 health on NG

>Same happened to Gehrmans childhood friend, Ludwig
What happened when I was alway? What did lorefags come up with now?

Any BSB from the chalices?

he probably just means in one try but got the words wrong due to being a retard