Fighting Games General /fgg/
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holy fuck bison is cancer why are his buttons so much better than mine
SFV is being cancelled, those who bought it will be rewarded $5,000 each as an apology.
ヲシゲ @WOSHIGE_0208 2h2 hours ago
ヲシゲ @WOSHIGE_0208 1h1 hour ago
Translate it weebs
>boot up USF4
>intro gets me hyped as fuck
>go online like I usually do
>I'm ready
>get double perfected by a juri
>lose all motivation to play
>turn off console
Should I get guilty gear or SFV?
On ps4 btw, I'm a pleb at fighting games but I wanna put time into getting good at one. Which one would be easier for me to get the hang of? Is guilty gear revelators online dead or not?
found your problem.
I'm not bothering to buy an unfinished trash heap, user.
They make you pay 60 dollars for Akuma. Fuck off.
>Which one would be easier for me to get the hang of?
>Is guilty gear revelators online dead or not?
Ranked is dead but lobbies are alive
buffy the vampire slayer fighting game WHEN?
Something about being over worked/80+work hours and having consistent suicidal thoughts
SFV is a more worthy investment if you're planning on getting better and fighting people around your rank/skill level consistently, Guilty Gear doesn't have as big or varied a playerbase so you're going to generally go up against people online who have played for a lot longer than you since they're the ones who've stuck around and kept playing.
How come after a jump LK I have to wait a second to do a grab like in this webm?
i dont remember coop cup being this shitty
Because you can't grab while the opponent is in hitstun. This aint ainme.
and people bitched about how SF4 had too much hitstun on jumping normals, that's fuckload of hitstun from a jumping short.
Thanks anons, I'll order it tomorrow
Too bad. It's the same with LP too.
I was hoping since Mika is a grappler type that I could grapple people easier.
Just out of curiosity, would you guys SFV is harder to learn than MKX?
That's not an anime thing, that's a KoF thing
anyone here play skullgirls and is a gay furry
the trick is to make them block the first attack, then command grab
> Street Fighter
> not anime
if you say so user
Name 5 anime games that let you grab an opponent in hitstun
Yeah I figured. I'm trying to learn new confirm combos anyway so that's fine.
Daigo-sama is on with guest, Nemo playing honest Urien. Tune in.
>capcom apologizes for sfv
>Didn't do a thing to show it
What did they mean by this?
fighting climax
cummy blasterz
melty blood
What time is he playing Shadowverse?
how come no one is sponsored by mad catz anymore?
why isnt diago at capcom cup
dissidia fighting game when desu
company is ded
It means Marvel i will be an 8/10 instead a 6.5
I honestly hope they drop that SFxT partner combo extension nonsense and go with more traditional VS assists
i switched to daigo's stream because most of the players they showed would be silver league online
Sweet El, Cute El, Happy El!
Do you think we'll ever get a new REAL Street Fighter that's actually not shit and actually made by Capcom instead of fucking Dimps?
It feels like the Dimps Dark Age will go on forever.
is that guy serious, literally what does he do as the balance designer of a game that only updates once a year with basically no changes beside LOL YOU 1F LESS NOW
weird, i wonder how companies like hori and qanba are still around
Just play Third Strike.
Fuck these faggots that suddenly quit when they body me for 20 games straight in a game I'm not that good at but trying to get good at in fightcade
hori is based in japan so most of their market is in that country
qanba is chinkshit and chinese products always sell
Just because Root Kitter 5 is like it is, doesn't mean I can play Third Strike forever, user.
Sure you can. You know what they say, the third is what counts
Yes you can.
i miss playing an unpopular lowtier
How do I get good if no one will play long sets with me
Where do you you daily challenges in sfv
I'm new to fighting games and I don't know all of the character's lore, but I wanna know
Who the fuck is Akuma and why is he such an asshole? He's got mostly the same moves as Ryu does, but why's he all evil an' shit?
Off-topic but if you have a webm of Akuma's intro from SF4 or SF5 I'd appreciate it
Akuma is Ryu's father
I ranked up to platinum and now I play casuals and I'm always matched up with good players even if I don't win much its probably better than de-ranking and playing golds right? In terms of growing as a player..
Who's stopping you? Nica hasn't moved on.
i remember liking that ova
My vague recollection is that he's Gouken's contemporary; his name in the Japanese version is Gouki. Basically he's just a guy who took his study of martial arts the wrong way. I get the feeling he's supposed to be Ryu's foil, a representation of what Ryu's future will be like if he does nothing but study the assassin's fist and loses his sense of morality in his pursuit of strength.
>Street Fighter
i dont understand how to beat sim as karin
Madcatz stupidly tried to go all in on Rock Band 4 And it blew up in their face
I'd say so. You're playing good competition and because you're doing casuals you're not worrying about anything other than learning. That's a fine way to be.
I get that too when fighting someone really good. Problem is, I also don't tend to play for too long against someone that is even worse than me, cause it just ain't fun. At least I say goodbye and post ggs.
You just need to get lucky to find someone either a little bit better than you are, but not TOO better, or someone at your level. You can learn by fighting someone really good, but you also need to be at a certain level to understand what they are doing.
You can also just try asking better players for tips. They usually reply something unless they really are assholes.
>me when my message alert goes off after beating and running off with their points
that's pretty much the long & short of it
he fought gouken and thought he killed him, and maybe killed the guy who trained both of them too? unless i'm getting mixed up
Is there anywhere I can see all the SFV costumes and their colors?
...Neat. Thanks
been playing guilty gear lately, fuck sfv, gg is way more fun
You're not convincing anyone to play GG when posting this
Speaking of story, I watched
>expexting someone to play you so you level up
you should be greatful for the 20 games
most ppl wpuld flush you in 3
geting demoned is prolly the worst feel in fighting games
Man I miss Gouken, he was so fun to play.
has most
>sfv is lagging on daigo stream
>all the players are from tiny gook island
You can only airthrow in hitstun in melty blood.
>lose your "low tier" OS and people learn the mu
im so sorry user
Replace it with UNIEL then
Can't have a Street Fighter game without max range jumpins giving you a full punish.
If it didn't have that, you'd have to give your opponent an opportunity to antiair and we can't have that.
Would you rather play a character that's unpopular and garbage or that's popular and fun and for cool people.
Losing the Dan option select hurts man.
why does the ibuki team even bother
>fuzz the legs to show they are in motion.
Fuck dis guy
try it on my guile
But if you become a strong player then you won't need it!
>tfw trying to pull off a raging demon
damn, finally finished advanced 1 combo for Sol for a scrub like me
Gouken (ryu/ken's master[heh]) brother, akuma and gouken were trained by the same master as well
are ghosts real
i come to /fgg/ for the grils
what is myspace?
why does 3s get lauded for being the best fighting game in the world when literally every character plays the exact same way?
LTG be like
why does every balrog player walk back full screen and then do a random rush punch
i've got a raging demon you can pull off
I'm still not quite sure how necalli is supposed to be playable without a single normal or command normal that can anti air
*jumps to avoid*
Guess you prematurely demoned then boy.
kys retard
have you tried DP'ing
is that too hard for you
>Not men