$XDN is gonna moon
You heard it here first
get in while you can
$XDN is gonna moon
You heard it here first
get in while you can
just buy befor the usa wake up.
i keep hearing that you can mine it along with monero. is it true?
at least make an effort to describe what you are shilling, i have no idea what are you talking about
I have information from their slack group. It's being targeted by whales. It's gonna do a PINK / POT
Don't tell me that I didn't told you
Fucking cryptocurrency I see it shilled all over this board. It's starting to activate my almonds
iam asking you whats XDN is it a crypto? a stock? what are we dealing with here?
ok so another plot to scam neet faggots out of their hard-earned mommy-shekels
its a crypto basically.. i think its being shilled because of monero mining
>didn't tell
alright im getting in
you got in at the right time, friendo
What's the peak price people are thinking here?
tfw not getting in and missing the """gains"""
80-100 sats
I sent BTC to poloniex. it's not showing up
how long does it take?
faggot, all alts are down and won't pump when btc is king
a few hours to a few days at most.
might take multiple hours to a day, I'm serious, blame the bitcoin core fucktards
XDN is still going up, all alt traders will flee to XDN
If you're not buying now your gonna kill yourself
What are the pros of XDN? It looks good but I don't know if it's just another altcoin
dude it's just one guy shilling it because he was dumb enough to invest in it. Dumbass.
got 2 btc worth
i missed zcash and eth not gonna miss this one
Is this how shitcoiners cope?
You can't even understand how bitcoin work and you criticize btc core
Everything else is in the red might as well throw something at this.
When are we selling boys?
big news on monday are incoming
what's that?
How do I buy, new here
>buy bitcoin
>go to poloniex or bittrex
>deposit bitcoin
>buy xdn
How much should I invest in it?
every god damn dollar you can afford bucko
How do you know it's going to go up? Is $10 enough? I don't want to risk too much.
ten fucking dollars? you cant make shit with that bucko
$10?? u gotta be kidding me lmao. if this thing goes up 20% you'll end up with a $2 profit. your choice. its always good to be $2 richer xD
Sorry m8, I only have ~690 bucks in my bank.
being this dumb
i put $50 in. how much profit could I make
easily 100%
Is it too late now?
I'm screencapping this and gonna spam it as XDN climbs.
It has barely even begun.
Why can't you faggots focus on a normal hardworking coin like 1CR and Bela? Coins which keep swingings high and low, cryptos which know their limits and don't pretend to be the next moon shit.
1CR is already a moon by constantly going from 10k to 50k and back. Remember when it went from 10k to 120k? or when the whales pumped it from 2k to 25k?
The only good coin to invest in and mine is BURST. If you dont know about it google it. Thank me later
Doesn't look bad actually.
Gonna split my last btc between burst and xdn.
Mfw its 21 sats now you fucking retarded pieces of shit
Is there a good app/website to get consistent updates so I don't fall out of the loop. I want to buy XDN but I don't want to miss out on when to sell it.
>checks polo it's still at 1000000 satori
You wet mate
have patience u goon
Hey guys, how much did you buy? I just copped a mil. Good dip
it's at 19 now.
I bought $5,000 dollars worth (my entire life savings) and it went from 27 to 19 why tf did you guys recommend this!!!!
dammit so i sold at 19 then bought back in at 25 because it seemed like the pump was about to happen then it fell back to 19 and i sold again now i only have $2600!!
Buy high. Sell low. Classic investing chap.
My patience has paid off time to buy in at 19
Are you legit autistic? Trade only what you can afford to lose. Go take your money and put it in a long term stock with dividends, and reinvest those dividends. I recommend O.
>I bought $5,000 dollars worth (my entire life savings)
Learn to diversify
>dammit so i sold at 19 then bought back in at 25
Lol did you do any research aside from "ITS GONNA FLY"
Fair play to the ice Glades on this slope of shit coin no way in hell is it going to pump anywhere near 80 so the silver and gold will remain in Christmas songs and not in your pocket.
LOLLOLOLOLOLL Oh god this shit is hilarious
lmao he listened to Veeky Forums
Is this coin cucked?
Cucked to 14. See you guys at the top ~35
Y'all gotta stop hosing these poor NEETs. They're trading in all their GBPs for shekels to invest and now they have no shekels or tendies
It's a pump and dump coin, you fucking retard. You bought high, that's your problem. If you buy when the shilling is already happening you're too late, you're supposed to catch these deals early if you want to make profits, you didn't.