How to spot Busriders/Nocars/underage

>He uses horsepower as a metric when torque is the thing that matters

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I worry more about hp/weight ratio and then factor in aftermarket costs as a metric for cars

Uses numbers instead of comparing curve shapes.... faggot.

>he says that torque is the thing that matters and tries to downplay horsepower which is a general measurement of a car's available power


aren't you the same triggered gm fangirl from the other day? lol

>He thinks it doesn't matter how the car feels to drive as long as it runs Meme lap times

>no response
yep, it's you, kek.

Hey OP can I let you in on a secret?

Gears can take the torque from the engine
and multiply it at the wheels
huh, what a fucking concept.

imaging having 20ft/lbs of torque paired with a 1:20 gear ratio? Now you've got 400lb/ft of torque at the wheels.

isn't it neat how that works?

>This is how I justify driving a lawnmower

Have you gotten a job interview yet?

But it's a lawnmower that makes 400lb/ft of torque at the wheels. Your point is invalid.

>he doesn't drive his lawnmower
Archaic push mower?

lmao horsepower is measure of work done stupid faggot
horsepower>torque for performance forever and always

are you ever going to stop asking?

>forever and always
What are you, a gay?

Maybe if you're driving a truck.

>He doesn't drive a truck

>muh torks

I do drive a truck.

>hes a cuck

Perhaps a logical combination of both torque and horsepower would be best for a car?

touch my penor

Are you ever going to stop shitposting?

I'm fairly certain this is wrong.

No. Never. I will never stop. I will shitpost till I die.

God bless. Keep up the fight

Are you impressed with 400fl/lbs?

> horsepower doesn't matter
> the rate at which you can move mass doesn't matter

this is what you said to anyone with an education

>thinks how good a car is can be measured in any objective and absolute way


im begging you to have sex

with who?

>he posts on Veeky Forums

literally anything ya pencil neck geek

why though?