Stopped by cop

>stopped by cop
>"license insurance and registration please"
>open glove compartment, hand him my 9mm
>take a look at it, hands it back to me, "you're good to go"

this ever happen to anyone?

Not even to you

its highly illegal to carry a gun that way dude

if im not mistaken if you want to transport a weapon it needs to be in its case and disassembled

Your ass would be swiss cheese right now if you did fuckboi. Try again bitch...this story doesn't amuse us.

>its highly illegal to carry a gun that way dude
>if im not mistaken if you want to transport a weapon it needs to be in its case and disassembled

Maybe if you live in a shitty commie state.

3/10 best I can do troll
2 points for it being in a disassembled sn95

Where the fuck do you live


Even in fucking New York that's not a thing, where the fuck do you live? Do you even own guns?

list every state that allows you to have a locked and loaded handgun in the glovebox while driving around legally

Second this. My state is has to be in a case and the ammo needs to be in a separate compartment of the car

a person is entitled to transport a firearm from any place where he or she may lawfully possess and carry such firearm to any other place where he or she may lawfully possess and carry it, if the firearm is unloaded and locked out of reach. In vehicles without a trunk, the unloaded firearm must be in a locked container other than the glove compartment or console. Ammunition that is either locked out of reach in the trunk or in a locked container other than the glove compartment or console is also covered.

if its within reach its illegal

if its loaded its illegal

if its not locked its illegal

if its in the glove box thats illegal

Illinois for one.
If you have a CCP, that is.

No I'm comfetable with my manhood.

In my state (Minnesota) this is correct, unless you have a CC permit. Then, you can transport it in your car any way you please, as long as it's concealed.

ahem, have you ever heard of a concealed carry permit?

and nah its legal in alot of places to have a loaded firearm in a vehicle within immediate reach.

No because I'm not really into guns.

I once had my car searched and they somehow missed the 1/8th pound (56 oz) of weed single-bagged under the passenger seat. I had already accepted that jail was in my future lol and I didn't even get a ticket. In Alabama that much can net you 15 years in the state pen and a felony record because they assume that's too much for personal use (it isn't).

I live in South Carolina. You are free to keep a loaded pistol in a glove box, don't even need a CWP.

this is really more a topic to bring up on /k/ OP

>1/8th pound (56 oz)

More like 56 grams, not oz.


If I get pulled over, I tell the cop, "I have a pistol in the glove box next to my insurance and registration. You want to get it, or do you want me to get it?"

All four times this has happened, cop was cool with it, thanked me for letting them know, told me to get the papers, looked them over, sent me off with a warning.

>inb4 never happened
Two were for speeding 10 over, one was for brake light out, one was for license plate light out.


>1/8th pound (56 oz)

I cant tell if you're that dense or if you just honestly missed that you said ounce not gram.

Texas, and you don't need a CCW.

good thing you keep your gun in your car

wouldnt want some methed up hill billy cousin fucker to come rob me in my farm pickemup truck

This is why I like to keep my pistol in the center console. Don't have to worry about it when I'm grabbing my papers


jfc that is the most trailer style shit ive seen in a while, a double barrel, seriously? why not get an 870 or some other pump shotgun?
why not chop that bitch down to bare minimum legal length and have it take up less space and work better in a car?

Meh, in my state, South Carolina, most cops are Bubba Good Old Boys who like for Individuals to have guns. When you have a gun, they know you are "one of them". They know Good Guys tell them they're armed, Bad Guys don't.


That is the minimum length. I've got a pump in there too.

>living in communist china

Sure, I can see that in South Carolina. I'm in Northern Virginia so it's less of a thing

>living in a flyover state
>pick related
>its you

>stopped by cop
>"license insurance and registration please"
>open glove compartment, hand him my 9 inch dragon dildo
>take a look at it, hands it back to me, "you're good to go"

>implying I'm even American
>implying my shitty country isn't even more communist
>actually living in a state where you need to pay $5000/m for a 3 room apartment

Ur an idiot mate

Missouri and Kansas for sure

Florida. Fuck yourself commie

>Lives in a state with 0 freedom
>His only retort is to call somebody a flyover state redneck

Wew lad

Sounds like a califaggot law

It has to be. Fuckin libruls

>The state where everything is illegal
>Unless you want to fuck your trans husband in the butt while smoking weed

I'm sure the guy didn't have it all spread out on the floor of his car, with a crisp dollar bill next to it with a sign reading "this is what 56 oz of weed looks like".

At least nobody's fee-fees get hurt

There is a difference between transporting and carrying. In most of the us you just can't have ammo in the same compartment, it needs to be on the other end of the vehicle. But if you have a licence for concealed carry or you live in a state like Vermont then you can. Additionally some states like Texas consider a vehicle to be property in the same way a house is, so legally you can keep and store firearms in a car as long as they are out of sight.

I got arrested with this and I have to go to court for illegal weapon possession.

You guys really have it easy.

that looks far more than a 16 inch barrel 23-26 overall length. not bad though.

Shotguns need to be 18.5". 16" is for rifles

2oz=56g so he obviously meant grams

Pretty sure it's the limit's 18" barrel. The gun is 18.5" but I'm not sure about overall length

What communist hellhole do live in m8?

>In most of the us you just can't have ammo in the same compartment,
>it needs to be on the other end of the vehicle.
BULLSHIT. Total and complete BULLSHIT. That's not what the Federal law says at all.

That's a survival saw, and won't work as well as a shoelace if you want to strangle somebody.

Québec and yes for these kind of things it sucks.

That is what I am going to demonstrate, the cops didnt wanted to hear anything he said it was a "strangler"

Does it make it easier to behead people though?

Wow that's fucked man. No different than a piece of wire

Islamic extremism will not be tolerated.

Louisiana. Suck my dick faggot

They're notoriously shitty, and will break easily if you pull to much tension on them.

Based arizona. If you can own it you can CC it, without permit.

>yes even ar308s with 47 round clips and the shoulder thing that goes up.

Just move to best Canada m8. You can get lever guns and even WASRs there.

>Firearm has to be in a locked case AND trigger-locked
>Need a piece of paper stating where I can take it
>Only allowed to take it to the range, home, or gun store for servicing unless I apply for a transportation pass days in advice

Cuckland is pretty bad.

I said in most states, I never said federal. Are you having a problem friend? That is a requirement in many states

>all those mugshot pics
Huge loss to society


Kek. Fucking baguettes

Missouri you don't even need a permit anymore

Constitional conceal carry

>not informing the officer that you have a carry on you

/k/ here, you'd get shot if it was ever true
Maybe, O'Leary will fix it for ya

Federal trumps State, 100% of the time.

maybe if you live in some liberal shithole.


Assmad Commiefornian detected

He corrected himself a couple posts down you dense fuck

Hillary lost btw

Hahaha holy fuck

Depends on the state my dude. Here in Mass, that is true. It gets even more dicey if you're on a motorcycle

Haha best .webm i've seen.

Texas. As long as youre not drunk driving

A lot of states are like that. You can carry a gun in your car but if you drink and do that the cops get to rape you right then and there.


Georgia, no permit or registration required

Handguns are fine anywhere loaded or un if you have a concealed permit for SD. It is fine unloaded in a closed container that can't be concealed on a person in a glovebox or trunk if you don't.

Yea, I have a similar story with LEO interaction while carrying

Have had no issues and even when carrying in state of California, I was allowed to carry via permit, "one of the early allowed people in cali back in the day"

>list every state that allows you to have a locked and loaded handgun in the glovebox while driving around legally

More and more states are getting rid of the need to have a CCW permit. That's because it is made clear that criminals always CC and don't bother getting a permit. Thus, CCW only stopped people from defending themselves.

As time goes on, more and more states will get rid of the concealed carry permit requirement as criminals clearly don't follow it.

>I got arrested with this and I have to go to court for illegal weapon possession.
That's because you had been detained for something else and that changes the CONTEXT. Let's use a different actual example of legal context. In my area, you can possess and carry a gun and some "lockpick" tools and not be charged even if the police sees you and you show him. But if you are detained as a suspect during a burglary and those lockpick and gun are on you, the CONTEXT changes. At that point, they not only charge you with burglary, but possession of burglary tools (yes, there is a law for that) AND the illegal concealed weapon (your CCW permit doesn't allow you to burgle or mug people). If someone is home even sleeping, that gun now adds yet another felony level of Armed Home Invasion. But obviously, if you had all those items on you and the homeowner invited you in for dinner since he is your brother, all is cool.

The charges are based upon context.

>I got arrested with this
I suspect that legal context had something to do with the arrest.

>You guys really have it easy.
We do, we do. We don't carry a weapon into a fight because if the police show up and detain people, anyone with a weapon will be accused of illegal carry due to context.

>its highly illegal to carry a gun that way dude
No it's not. In CO you can carry a pistol literally any way you choose, unloaded, loaded, on the dash, in the glove box, under the seat, in a triple locked box in the trunk, concealed on your person, the only thing you can't do is brandish it inside the vehicle.

Colorado. You don't even need a CCL to carry it on your person as long as you don't leave the vehicle.

So because federally there is no ban on assault rifles they're legal in all states? I don't think you know how laws work friend

>2nd highest GDP behind California
>Flyover state
Ok man

>"Assault rifles"

That's what they defined them as not me.
That's the category several states banned but are federally legal

>So because federally there is no ban on assault rifles
Yes there is you dumb fuck, you're trying to talk about assault "weapons." Assault rifles area proper term and are nigh illegal in the US.

Nigger no they aren't. But you have to go through major hoops to get a fully automatic rifle

>Nigger no they aren't
Anything made after 1986 is completely and utterly illegal for any civilian to personally own. That's a ban user.
>b-buh muh dealer licenses
Don't count. Your company owns the guns not you and if the ATF thinks for even a second that you're using the license to get the guns for personal use they'll pull it fucking immediately and fine you out the ass.

literally this entire thread

>after 1986
Nice try sneaking that in there for damage control. Who cares when they were made. The FACT is civilians can legally own fully automatic weapons. You can move the goalposts all day, you're wrong if you say otherwise.

Yes, and there are plenty of options as long you have a class 3, not being an FFL like you assumed

Y'all fucking retarded with zero reading comprehension. He never said he had a loaded pistol.

Just that he handed it over. Preferably after clearing the pistol.

>as long you have a class 3,
That's not a thing.

>haha they're not banned citizen
>you can totally own this 60 year old, beat to shit machine gun with 2 million rounds through it
>oh it broke? Too bad citizen, that's one less to go around!
>Oh you want that one that was made ten years ago?
>sorry citizen, the registry is closed you can't have it :^)

A de facto ban is still a ban user.

Me and my best friend were in his truck on some gravel roads in the bottoms next to the Ohio river in ky. We see some guys on four wheelers riding towards us, it wasn't until they got closer that we could make out the Marijuana leaves on their shirts with red (x)s through them. We had half a fifth of jim (both of us under 21), his loaded ar15 with ammunition for days, a dime bag with 2 cigarillos, and fishing poles. The only thing the cops cared about was my dime. I went to jail for possession and paraphernalia and proceeded to get raped in court. You got luuuuucky.