He can't keep getting away with this
Haggard Garage destroying 240SX now
>destroying shit
If you hammer shit, its still shit.
Nothing of value was lost
They recently scrapped a w108, have started ruining three s13s, killed an s14, have rendered useless a half dozen miatas, at least two e36s, 2g DSM, etc etc
Yesterday they were bragging about how their friend at pep boys is going to pass the black 240 on inspection when it doesn't have a horn, wipers, bumpers, blinkers, etc
Showed him on camera
I hope they all sleep in their rusty turbo diesel van overnight and gas themselves
Pile of shit
>s chassis
Better off scrap metal.
Over rated
Pic related applies to all bmw
No one likes dsms
i hate the fucking retard that keeps laughing
who the fuck are these faggots?
>7:15 onward
Is a literal retard being cameraman?
No joke he has to have down syndrome
he is speaking pure gibberish during that blinker segment.
euthanize retarded people
they buy a rough 240sx
they improve it
they register it
they modify it
and you still fucking bitch
seriously its like you want them to be you and make the the choices that you would personally make
I'm with OP on this one.
If manual blinkers is a serious choice that you would make, you need to be put down.
>do that (incomprehensible) thing
>burn out?
>no, the skrrrrrr!
>oh oh okay
What the fuck?
god I love you whiney children who call everything ruined
who cares about a bunch of garbage
My Portuguese coworker who speaks no English sounds like this when he gets happy or excited about something. I just hear him roaming the halls echoing his giggles and mumbling of Portuguese through the halls.
That thing was already fucked before it was in their hands. If it wasn't that's one thing but that's a piece of shit
i think that's autism actually.
>le all old cars are garbage meme
Nah. He is pretty normal. Just a language barrier. To be fair he is actually happy and laughing about something going on. Its not like he's just roaming around giggling
>he wants me to do the skrrrrrrrrrr
objective fact not a meme
they havent messed with a single good car
Those particular old cars are garbage though.
Aside from a miata for autox fun maybe
Nope they are all straight garbage. On the other hand if they had clean ones I would say otherwise. All the cars they specialize in are complete shit by the time they get them and so they make it more shift because draft team huggurd". They have cams clean one...but that is even a shit model anyways.
do you RIGHT NOW know how to wire up a relay to make the blinkers blink automaticly
do you RIGHT NOW have all the wire parts and skill to do this before it gets dark outside
this is a quick fix for a drift car
It takes a Google search to find 240SX specific photo tutorials. Anybody can do this.
These guys are idiots.
Oh look its the thread for salty poorfags who think some clapped out stock silvia is anything other than a total piece of fucking trash.
Are you too brain dead to do some basic ass wiring? HUUR DUUR CAR IS TOTALLY RUINED. Fucking kill yourselves, busriders.
Haggard go on git
The car was already shit, they're making it better desu.
Oh look it's daddy's money: the post
"I cannot appreciate any car worth below x dollars" fuck off. Or you're just a contrarian dickrider. Whatever it is kill yourself
are they just retarded or do they honestly not know that they could add a blinker relay for like 5 dollars and splice 2 wires?
Not only are they honestly that stupid, but from the looks of it so are many people who post on Veeky Forums
>Oh look it's daddy's money: the post
Oh look its full on retard, the post. I stopped reading there because its clear you are salty busriding poorfag who has zero idea about anything.
A stock s13 could cost 40k, they are still fucking trash.
By what measurement? Because other people own them and you want to bust balls?
>By what measurement?
Objective measurement of everything.
Floppy wet noodle chassis full of rust, weak ass engine, brakes made of chalk... Cracked dash :^)
Absolute turd car unless you start dumping thousands into it.
>these cars are trash because of road salt and sun damage
>rusty chassis
buy a car from arizona, texas, anywhere it doesn't snow regularly, and this isn't a problem. or find one that's been garaged, they exist
>weak ass engine
not every car needs to be a drag car, and if you want a reliable 200-250whp (in a sub 3000 pound car by the way), it's a straightforward engine swap that'll cost you around $3000 all in. Otherwise you're running 160 at the crank and it's still a very fun car to drive
>brakes made of chalk
run Hawk pads or upgrade to Z32 brakes for around $500 all in
>cracked dash
common issue but you can do a dash swap in about 4 hours if you've never tried before, an uncracked dash will run you a couple hundred
you're basically saying that any car over 20 years old is trash, it's just a ridiculous sentiment, user. I know you want some rage but you're just coming across as an outsider