/mggg/ - Monster Girl Games General #70

Vampire Merchant edition

This general is for the discussion of games containing Monster Girls, main game of discussion is Monster Girl Quest, but people are encouraged to introduce new games.

Monster Girl Quest (MGQ): pastebin.com/CGWN0k1u
Monster Girl Island (3D game): monstergirlisland.com/
Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou Online: pastebin.com/xh3u3f0Y
Mobile games with Monster Girls: pastebin.com/NFaxEGib
Zell’s game Forest of Blue Skin: pastebin.com/uSUYw2L9
Quest Failed: frostworks.itch.io/quest-failed

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post cute

Which side do you think has the better girls Veeky Forums? Illias or Alice (6 Ancestors + 3 succubi VS 7 Arcs + 3 Seraphs)?

Alice considering we've barely seen anything from the 7 Arcs

Oh, and the 4 HK on Alice side as well as whoever else I've forgotten as well.

see op

4th for dragon girls shitting on your dick

Finally, new thread


Partial repost from with the second pastebin containing estimations for part 3 monsters. Things get weird after the Hellgondo Tartarus. Or maybe it's just me.

So maybe we don't get the knights after all in part 2 if you fight Granberia still in part 3

Shit, almost forgot! I kinda-sorta cut down the second pastebin. After Monster Lord's Castle (Hell/Hades) is about 200 or so repeats of "Chaos Field" or whatever, with only one curious break in Iliasburg. The profiles end at Gargoyle Girl.

At this point I'm convinced that routes will be a thing in part 2 and beyond. The list seems off. Not very linear. Of course that means in order to 100% everything you'd have to do God knows how many NG+'s.