That's not even the main problem. The map has more than 4 guards, all of which have pagers. Guards get alerted if they see the lab door open. They all path right beside the lab door.
Would it be THAT hard to have 4 path around it and the rest path everywhere else and have the heist make sense? Right now, you're announcing the inventor / his investors / the world that the guy that finances the masked suit men (which everyone knows he does) is behind it, revealing his corruption. Surely he won't get his friends put him into powerful political positions, as they would then reveal themselves as corrupt, too.
Landon Mitchell
Hunter Evans
Ryder Parker
Why is the driving so bad, when the engine the game uses was built for racing games?
Kayden Hall
>Boat escape for Scarface Mansion >accidentally drop a bag in the water >nobody notices >finish without anybody knowing that I did
Joseph Sanchez
He was 2015's favorite. Now it's Bodhi that everyone is after.
Logan Perry
PAYDAY 2: Scarface Character Pack: RWYPF-0YJLJ-PWVZT PAYDAY 2: Scarface Character Pack: 25CHW-L5RIK-AAXQW PAYDAY 2: Scarface Character Pack: 8X9PL-6WFKD-BN9KF
Nolan Collins
>8X9PL-6WFKD-BN9KF Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god! I actually got one in time. Wtf I love Ashley now.
Kayden Stewart
It's not Ash though
Robert Young
It is, just shitters stopped fake posting codes so trip not needed.
Hunter Adams
> Doing Hoxton Breakout for the daily. > Fly through Day 1 no problem. > Go to start Day 2. > Game crashes to desktop. > I was host. RIP in Peace
Blake Anderson
>Not jacket
Blake Campbell
dedgame dedthred
Aiden Bennett
Xavier Roberts
Why is Thanatos best sniper Krinkov best secondary Coof Off most lucrative job Grinder best perk deck Dallas best character
Elijah Robinson
Actual /pdg/-tan character pack, complete with black thighhighs, tight hotpants, and a fast-based perk deck when.
It's so fun though. That and Grinder perk deck makes you effectively immortal.
Unfortunately it's not viable for Mayhem+ so it's really only a for-fun build.
Nicholas Sanchez
>bullseye basic for anything but suits >transporter ace for anything but ICTVs or anarchists >lock and load basic >body expertise without surefire ace Might as well use Bloodthirst instead of Pumping Iron Do you really need The Professional with Body Expertise? Para is fine, but you'd be better off using an assault rifle with China Puff as a secondary. Build incomplete, need perk deck, weapons, deployables, and armor. You're missing tangible defense skills. Armor or dodge. Going all out in sentries is kind of overkill, you don't really need ammo bags or Fully Loaded Ace with sentries because they're so flipping cheap now. I would argue Eco Sentry Ace or Sentry Targetting Ace are used as point dumps.
Andrew Adams
>Para is fine, but you'd be better off using an assault rifle with China Puff as a secondary. I don't have the DLC for the china puff LnL basic lets me run forever and effectively gives me 50 dodge at all times
Transporter ace lets me have 2 extra points to use but I could ace Bullseye instead of carrying scavenger and forced friendship
Gist of the build is to go sanic and spray down enemies whilst being self sufficient with health and ammo pickups
Jack Torres
>incomplete oops Ammo bags were just point dumps for Fully Loaded. My idea was to use sentries for map control and a constant source of regen. When putting down as many sentries as you can, they get expensive fast. Eco Sentry and Sentry Targeting are therefore both necessary not just for ammo economy but sentries have trouble taking care of bulldozers and can very, very quickly end up destroyed if you don't check up on them regularly.
I'd say it's definitely a niche but I enjoy it none the less.
Payday 2 and Left 4 Dead 2 crossover DLC Featuring Ellis heister, The Sacrifice champaign converted into a heist, M60 LMG, and Fire/Explosive/AP bullets deployable
Jose White
why nick is not a heister yet?
Chase Collins
Because if he gets added, then Rust loses his defining characteristic of being a super swearing white guy.
Isaac Bell
>there will never be a metro crossover >there will never be a fully automatic belt fed LMG shotgun
Benjamin Walker
>not Coach or Louis heister
We need a second black guy
Thomas Cruz
ghostbuster 2016 crossover thb we need a black girl
Hunter Brown
If we do get a black girl, it better be a chocolate arabian bellydancer.
Ian Lee
Over 9000 hours in
Jacob Lopez
To confirm, if I have Stockholm Syndrome Basic, and I rev a saw in the air, I don't need to shout at people?
Jose Scott
Why you dont test it out by yourself
Kevin Roberts
Where da codes
Grayson Hernandez
Jacket or nothing
Jace Cruz
First for Scarface character pack
Charles Thomas
>you in here for some marijuana? marijuana? >man this is some bullshit >marijuana is not a drug >I used to suck dick for codes
Dylan Lee
I got dees cheeseburgers man
Angel Cruz
Gayday 2
Luis Peterson
>2017, >hating on grenade launchers
Christopher Williams
Jaxson Collins
You got any Scarface codes man.
Kevin Williams
you mean these?
Jack Peterson
Any scarface character codes man? PLEASE MAN!???
Ethan Peterson
Welcome to Gayday 2 where you suck dicks for DLC codes
Joshua Howard
308 ARs give me a boner but im not willing to pay any money for a crossover character.
Caleb James
Connor Evans
I love it
Adrian Sanchez
I don't want any cheeseburgers
Jaxson Scott
Easton Fisher
Jeremiah Green
Cooper Rogers
James Cooper
Parker Smith
Christopher Phillips
Nathan Baker
>this build
Just go back to overkill difficulty already
Jose Anderson
Mason Collins
Owen Stewart
Samuel Martin
Carter Jackson
Landon Reyes
Jayden Williams
I would try to quote Bodhi, but he is a such forgettable character
Alexander Turner
Thanks Buddy
Julian Turner
I wish LBV shitters would fuck off with their meme armor. Suit and ICTV are the only thing worth using.
>but muh 91 armor and no dodge >muh 200 armor with anarchist but no dodge or health
Christian Reed
ICTV with Anarchist > LBV > suit OD set ups don't matter, nobody plays OD for fun
Brayden Lopez
best shotgun?
Nathan Garcia
Jayden Diaz
Breaker 12G with Armor Penetrating rounds, accuracy upgrades, shotgun skills and Frenzy
Easton Peterson
Wolf and Hoxton benefits masks when ?
Anthony Hall
it's not about total armor bruh. They run LWBV for the faster regen to abuse armor regen mechanics >2s immunity on armor break, 15s cooldown >armor regen on damage dealt, 1.5s cooldown >armor regen (constant) every 3s with LWBV >armor regen on headshot, 2s cooldown w/Bullseye none of the cooldowns are synched which means the absolute value of armor is less important than having a constant armor gate. If they're still going down, then yeah, they're shitters
Anthony Johnson
>he doesn't have Criminal Intent as his main menu song
Robert Thomas
Give me 2 reasons to use the Rattlesnake, R93, Nagant, or Platypus when the semi-auto Lebensuccer, the highly concealable Desertfox, and the actual millions of damage Thanatos exist?
Michael Allen
>safehouse raid DW >carrying 2 retards >go outside cause they're stealing bags >go back to one of the retards >get downed >he just stands there >bot comes near me >starts helping me up >another retard joins >bot disappears >they dont even bother helping me up for 15 seconds cool
Jayden Young
judge is surprisingly good as a primary
Jonathan Long
>he doesn't have every menu theme on random
Xavier Peterson
they're a relic of the more fun past.
Christian Hall
Don't worry, you wallet will sure feel it.
Isaiah Reyes
it's more like muh 200+ armor with anarchist and iirc a small amount of dodge along with near suit mobility
William King
>playing goat heist for the first time on mayhem >spend around half an hour with multiple downed, and in jail >finally get all 15 goats >crash after getting my xp for day one >I was host
Jordan Nguyen
what I never understood was ictv anarchist over armorer
Bentley Davis
Anarchist's armour regen is way faster than Armorer's, and doesn't stop because you took damage.