/dg/ drifting general

first edition

>sick skids

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I rather driver a crossover



So who else actually does it and/or has a missile?

op here

good shit. still have a KA in it? where do you go to slide?

yeah stock dual cam. Just parking lots and backroads so far, the car doesn't look like that pic very much anymore. I'll be at all the 2017 events in englishtown. Are you ?

yeah that's me.

>stock dual cam
is it adequate? or are you constantly having to clutch kick it

>parking lots and back roads
I fear this the most about coming back to the states. Having access to tracks has spoiled me

>another fucking general
Fuck you. It'll just become a tripfag circlejerk like all the others.

o shit, you're expat. the power is good enough but I'll be doing pistons then boost of some sort before too long to reach third gear. tell me about your car/cars if you have any more

o shit is this one of them skid car threads

i used to drive a white hatch and sometimes post in /scg/ but i wrecked that lmao

I've seen yall around Veeky Forums before. Hows shit?


the one i drive now is a 90. sr with a 2871r

shit is going well

How do you drift?

Flux Capacitor


and eurobeat

I'm thinking about buying a salvage E36 M3 or 240sx to go to drifting events, problem is I have no way to take them to the track. My daily can't tow and I wouldn't want to use my daily on the track and wreck it. What's my best option? Don't really want to register and insurance a drift car honestly.

there are a couple ways but the easiest is to wake up at like 5am and drive to the event in the car, camp, and pray you don't blow it up, or you could rent a uhaul trailer/truck combo and sleep in the truck

>sleep in the truck

I like the way you think man, thanks. I'll probably do the drive at 5am idea, a couple of events here in my state so it'll work out, I think.

where are you located dawg?


i wanna start drifting should i trade my beat 06' accord for something that i can drift or just wait and buy a 240?

Wait and buy a 240 yo, Daily Driving a 240sx is hell on earth.
>Pic related, my Daily Driver

I kinda wanna drift my v8 volvo but it's auto and a t56 costs like 2k, what do?

Drift it anyway


reminder your daily driven stock piece of shit s13 is not a missile.

>I decide what is and isn't a missile