How can someone who considers themselves an ethical person justify eating meat?
How can someone who considers themselves an ethical person justify eating meat?
if an animal can kill another animal why can't we?
do you hate dogs too?
Just read what bearded youtube man has to say about it:
If got didn't want us to meat eat, we wouldn't be able to digest it
If god didn't want us to sin, we wouldn't be able to.
God gave us dominion over the animals of the world. They are ours to eat.
Because we are moral agents, animals are not, and our sense of morality isn't based on what animals do.
If God didn't want us to kill blacks, he wouldn't let us get away with it
All "ethical/moral" people are hypocritical. Even vegans have to rely on some level on the exploitation of animals. Moralisms are stupid and can never be 100% absolute.
If you have the might to do something you dont need any other justification.
I don't eat meat. However, it might be justifiable for example in case of some diseases. Cancer patients undergoing chemo are advised to eat meat for example. Other than that, I believe Tolstoy was right.
However, there's also the question of animal breeds or even species that were bred and live solely in domesticated forms as food forms. People switching away from eating form would deprive them from the sense to exist and basically condemn them to extinction.
Plants are also alive.
They have cells, they grow, they eat in their own sense, they drink from their roots, and they provide oxygen for us to breath which wouldn't that make eating them even worse.
Why is it ethical to murder plants for food?
We are made of cells, we grow, we eat, we drink.
Its called nature.
How can someone who finds it moral to eat meat find it inmoral to fuck animals?
I ask myself that every day
They're not conscious.
How do you know that?
Because one is food and the other is rape. We basically own our children like slaves but we can't fuck them
We have no reason to think they're conscious.
What about mechanical impregnation?
[citation needed]
And we have no reason to believe animals have a problem with slaughter.
Jokes on you! I'm not ethical.
Also, we aren't allowed to kill and eat our children.
Animals don't want to die.
How do you know that?
Then why do they kill eachother?
They'll die anyway, who cares.
our teeth did evolve to be flat, which isn't that suitable for eating flesh, that's why we have to cook it.
I'm not a vegeterian/vegan myself but fruit and vegies are something I can eat all the time while meat has to be prepared and seasoned and shit to taste good.
Because the reasons for not doing it either apply to industrial farming only, or turn into vague philosophical masturbation.
And some of these arguments, when followed to their logical endpoint, derive that it's actually MORE humane to farm animals on an industrial scale.
>meat has to be prepared and seasoned and shit to taste good.
>while meat has to be prepared and seasoned and shit to taste good
Modern biology and neuroscience allow us to make the claim for nearly all mammals and birds, as much as we could make the argument for other humans.
Because not wanting to die and wanting to kill are separate emotions?
So will humans. Murder is still unethical.
bullshit. morality is an evolutionary feature for social animals such as ourselves. we just have the most complex ideas about morality. and that complex morality that most people have developed doesn't include a prohibition on eating animals. in order for us to live we must kill some living thing. why do animals have more right to life than plants and fungi?
There is nothing wrong with the death of non-sapient individuals, prove me wrong.
>Murder is still unethical.
No it's not.
Inb4 muh fee fees.
>kill others
>whine about getting slaughtered
>Because I say so
What a well thought out response
Animals are basically niggers. They don't know what they want.
Animals are not moral agents and our morality isn't based on they do, so that is irrelevant.
Trudau used to
Which quotee are you?
all of them
>Steak tartare is a meat dish made from finely chopped or minced raw beef[1][2] or horsemeat.[3] It is often served with onions, capers and seasonings (the latter typically incorporating fresh ground pepper and Worcestershire sauce), sometimes with a raw egg yolk, and often on rye bread.
Did you even read the article before you linked it, dumbass?
the very fact that you have to cook it is preparation, if eating raw meat is your think then go for it bud, but it might get painful
You know this becauase...?
let's get this straight on why murder is "wrong". humans are part of our society, animals are not in most cases. the cow is only part of our society for milk and meat. my dog however I have an emotional bond with and you killing him will make me pissed. you kill the dentist my teeth will rot. I give as little of a shit about the cow's life as I do the tribes still in the Amazon
Most of the animals humans eat are herbivores, so the "animals eat animals" argument is stupid on multiple levels.
It can be justified I'd there is no suffering, that's why I am a major proponent of legitimized livestock.
You can do it to the bread box chickens pre consciousness and they essential are a meat/fern the rest of their "life".
You can't say that this is wrong because the only real argument a fair eating meat is the suffering, as depriving animals of existence would happen if we phase out meat eating entirely.
The world can't support free livestock and they can't support themselves without human intervention.
If mere consciousness is really of value so much that removing their consciousness is morally wrong they we ought to eat meat so that livestock can continue to exist and achieve consciousness.
What year did you drop out of school?
well, pretty much all farm animals are herbivores mate.
I fed my chickens chicken when I had them. They had no issue with this so why should you? You're getting offended on behalf of a demographic that doesn't care. Keep your white liberal savior complex out of this.
Are you retarded ?
Do you feed your children human meat?
>basing your morals on those of a chicken
mate, are you literally retarded?
we have evolved beyond the point of acting like fucking chickens, we operate on reason they operate on instinct. If someone were to feed your dead mom to you would you fucking eat it?
>pretty much all
>dog (for you poor urban Asians)
modern chickens that are not exclusively grain fed also eat pellets that contain animal by product.
Thanks for the lesson farmer John
>Did you even read the article before you linked it, dumbass?
It's raw meat faggot. I ate it raw without anything else and surprise - it was still good. Doesn't mean I would do it again. But neither would I eat raw potato(I would get sick after it - they're plain toxic) or onion(because seriously, I have better things to do than eat raw onion ffs).
Mutton is shit when it's not cooked and spiced well and I'd rather cook square-chopped carrots and serve it with steak rather than eating carrots raw. That's the charm of cuisine. You take 10 things and make one meal out of it.
If you seriously can't eat that soup because there was piece of meat in it then you are plain mentally ill or want to find completely offstream new hip ways of metaphorical self-flaggelation. Kill yourself you piece of shit.
No it causes Neuro degenerative diseases. Do you feed you hemp patch with plant matter compost?
Thy wouldn't like that.
Not all chickens are like that m8. Stop generalizing. It's specist
Free range chickens often eat worms as well.
>Humans = Livestock
This is where the vegetarian argument completely breaks down. There is no way to compare the two as somehow equal in any sense. This is why nobody likes vegans and most think of them as pretentious hypocritical pseudo-intellectuals
>and our sense of morality isn't based on what animals do.
That's wrong.
Morality most certainly has a socio-evolutuonary link hence the relativism between different cultures in different times and places thorughout history. What's 'moral' and just a thousand years ago would not hold up now.
>giving two examples
>one of them being pigs that can't hunt but eat meat because we feed it too them
just because some animals can eat meat that doesn't mean they are natural omnivores/carnivores
We spent 10000 years breeding those motherfuckers to be meat... there are no Cows or Pigs in nature. It would be a disservice to human technology and innovation if I didn't. As for hunting, hundreds of thousands of years of Hominid hunting leading up to the newest hunting rifle, to not do that you're insulting the greatest example in technological progression
dude.. in I am literally arguing against 'le humans = livestock'
are you blind or stupid?
You may be surprised but bears rarely hunt as well. Wild Pigs/Hogs eat worms, lizards, small rodents and carrion if they can find them.
>wild pigs/hogs
>we're talking about farm animals
Why we have a sense of morality and how we define what it means to be moral independent of one another. Our morality is not purely emotional or instinctual. Through reason and knowledge we refine our ideas of "good" and "bad" actions.
user you are literally retarded or trolling.
Pigs eat meat when you feed them meat and eat meat when they're on the wild. They digest it without problems as well.
Where do you see the sign that "they're totally not omnivores"?
I've been hypocritically arguing for veganism the whole time, even though I am not one but I agree with some of the shit they have to say.
But one thing I don't get about their plan is, what the fuck do we do with all the farm animals when we stop having use from them?
>But one thing I don't get about their plan is, what the fuck do we do with all the farm animals when we stop having use from them?
Peace and love brother!!!! MAKE LOVE NOT WAR>>>
and other boomer chants
I don't know why I went on about farm animals desu when it should have all ended at the 'don't base your morals on those of animals u shitfuck' my bad sry.
but still most of the animals we eat the most are herbivores, not that it's even relevant to anything xdD
I get what you're getting at, but don't strawman this hard pls, I know it's Veeky Forums but still
Seeing you guy's terrible arguments is making me think I should be a vegan.
Eat them. Those animals will go extinct.
I could ask the same of someone who doesent eat meat. I enjoy eating meat is the only justification i need to eat it. If eating animals makes you feel bad then its your right to choose not to eat it since it serves your own self intrest. I dont feel bad about it so i see no reason not to eat meat. A vegan is being honest with his emotions and so am i. Though i fail the point of trying to make eating meat spooky. Morality is a spook so please dont contaminate my food with them.
>finely chopped or minced raw beef
that means it is prepared in some way you cretin, and do you know why it is finely chopped or minced? Because you would brake your fucking teeth if it weren't.
Is not killing other humans to eat them also a spook?
le sbook jajajaj
>I enjoy eating meat is the only justification i need to eat it
Would it be the only justification if someone wanted to eat you?
You are right they were herbivores, not that that matters because in the wild they can't survive, aside from pigs which go feral and eat meat. Thanks for your input though mr. urban centre
If you make it some holy rule sure. If eating humans makes you feel bad then there isnt much reason to do so unless youre starving to death or something.
Can I eat a animal that is unconscious then?
Read this
Meat is tasty and I don't like most vegetables. So I eat meat.
Summary of the meat eater argument ITT:
>Some animals hunt other animals for food, therefore it is fine for a human to kill all animals for food, even animals that don't hunt for food.
>We hold animals to the moral standards we hold adult humans to.
Maybe you guys should just admit you find meat tasty and don't care enough about the lives of the animals being taken. At least it wouldn't be a stupid argument.
There are people out there who enjoy killing other humans. Is that a valid justification for them to do it?
Sure. Though people who dont want to get killed are equally valid to stopping him.
Those people are called niggers and they are in jail. What does this have to do with eating meat for enjoyment? That's a false equivalency
Our systems are made to digest animal protein. Also, we developped better brains when it was introduced into our diet, even more so when we started cooking it.
Humans are omnivores plain and simple. If we really were true vegetarians then we'd all get acute renal failure from the proteins in our diet which isn't the case. Also our intestines aren't made for long term fermentation like a herbivores.
>b-but you can have a complete diet without meat!
I don't think it counts as complete if you have to fucking supplement it.
Also fuck tofu.
"Why" we evolved particular characteristics doesn't determine the ethical use of those characteristics. The claim is not that we are "natural" vegetarians, but that it is not right for us to kill other animals (based on some criteria) for food. Evolution has contributed to this belief for many people. Evolution showed us that there is not a fundamental difference between humans and "animals"--that we are animals. It showed us that the structures associated with thinking and a desire to live, be happy, and not be in pain came about well before homo sapiens came to be.
Instead of hunting them and tearing them apart alive, we breed them in specific places and euthanise them quickly and humanely. We just got better at it.
And I'm speaking about developped countries not ass-backward countries like china and shit with their appaling and non-existant animal cruelty laws.
Just because it is more ethical than before doesn't mean it's still ethical. The issue is the very idea of taking the life of sufficiently self-aware creatures for food, unnecessarily.
You're eating my food's food for your own pleasure fuck you
As a meat-eater, I'd really like to see a defense of it here that didn't resort to the appeal to nature fallacy.
A human can be healthy without eating corn or sweet peas. Must be selfish hedonism that we eat those items.
And vegetables aren't somehow? A vast majority of them had to be 'prepared' someway and if cutting them up is too much work then why don't you eschew knives and forks you colossal lazy faggot.
Isn't capsaicin a neurotoxin because pepper plants don't want their seeds to be eaten?
Nothing wants to be eaten, but everything will be in one way or another. It's all based on how much you value the life of the thing being eaten.
It's easier to value animals because they have faces, but plants do a lot to make sure their seeds and the like don't get eaten, the same way wild birds try to protect their eggs.
tl;dr, in this world it's eat AND be eaten. What are you willing to eat until the day you are eaten?
Of course you do, unless you have the might to do it and prevent the negative repercussions of doing it. Then you just have to be able to make yourself okay with it.
I would want it to not be, but if they were able to do it it would be
just pop your tendies in the microwave pham